Team Fortress 2 - F2P?

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Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Add to the list none of the Indian servers have replay support :(

But due to some miracle my ping has lowered a lot this month and I'm getting <100 ping to Malaysian and Singapore servers, which opens up a lot of possibilities, not just for TF2 :D.

I'm on BSNL. Anybody else experience this sudden ping decrease?


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Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Replays be damned. Just give us a vanilla server (2FORT should not be even in the map pool) with some class restrictions.
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

All of us should enquire vs-gaming about starting a tf2 server... They have extremely good pings, nobody in India gets 65+ ping there AFAIK.

Btw vikram, awesome pings dude! But, I don't think they'll last :P. I get 90-100 when I ping that... Is it Starhub's IP?

EDIT: What exactly is Vanilla TF2? Playing with stock gameplay settings and items? Like no direct hit on soldier? I'm cool with stock gameplay settings, but only default items is sad.
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Siddhesh222 said:
Btw vikram, awesome pings dude! But, I don't think they'll last :P. I get 90-100 when I ping that... Is it Starhub's IP?

Ah crap! When I'm all happy abt my ping everybody's telling me it won't last :(. I think it is Starhub. I just chose one of the Malaysian servers from
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Actually played the game after a long time yesterday! Been spending too much time on trading servers lately. Surprised myself by having a bit of a good run playing spy on dustbowl. I'm discovering the power of the dead ringer now. I had enforcer, big earner and dead ringer equipped and once got 4 back stab kills within a few seconds!
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Chaos and Deekay from Interflux tell me they might switch hosts to Hypernia next month and then we shall finally have good vanilla servers.
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

Blux guys maybe floating a clan and setting up a match server soon. Any guys interested here in maybe forming a clan or just interested in playing some 6v6 matches? Don't worry everybody's a noob now so you wont get your bum handed to you.

Also if you wanna form a TE clan or whatever please don't form it just so that you can tag up and say cool things like this
and then only pub or not play at all.

A basic intro to 6v6 is that usually 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demo and 1 medic are played so you should know or at least be interested to play these classes. Other classes are rarely used. Also note 2fort, dustbowl and degrootkeep are not played (Forsooth I say, that medieval chart is not battled upon).
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

A little video I found on private idling, where you can idle on your own server with bots. Here the server is always full with your bots and they die very frequently from the auto damage at spawn point. So you get items a lot faster. I got three new items from only two hours of idling :D

Note that you need to download a map called achievement_idle and put it your maps folder (google it).

Also it helps to alt-tab out during the idle process. Then TF2 will still be running and you will still be idling but there is a lot less load on your graphics card. So you can leave it on the whole night without worrying about power consumption :).
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

I'm not sure but Item drops get reset every Thursday so if you idle around this time you're likely to get items quickly. Also I think you can only get a certain amount of items in a week so no point idling after you cross your limit (I get around 3-4 items a week).
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

baccilus said:
Has anyone else got a huge 2,458MB update on TF2?
i got a 1.4GB update..was out of gaming for a while due to exams.Hope to start playing again soon.
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

anybody got a 9GB update?
also..if restore a old backup..will i lose my achievements?
Re: Team Fortress 2 - Free to Play ?

I was idling the whole night... and now I open TF2, It gives a sad error message about losing connection to the VAC servers or something :/.Fail.
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