Team Fortress 2 : SNIPER Update!

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ubergeek said:
@spin doctor : i think you didnt understand me correclty , i know how to back up steam games but i want to back up my UPDATED game ,so that if i restore my backup i dont have to wait for the updates to be downloaded get it?

@stalker: are you serious does it work ?

yep thats wat i did when moved from vista to win7
ubergeek said:
@spin doctor : i think you didnt understand me correclty , i know how to back up steam games but i want to back up my UPDATED game ,so that if i restore my backup i dont have to wait for the updates to be downloaded get it?

well when you backup the game using the utility, you get the most recent/current version of the full game. when you restore it, it will install that version. now if there were patches for the game in between, do you expect your backed up copy on your dvds or backup hard drive to magically get patched up by themselves? of course you'll have to download any updates that released after your backup.
spindoctor said:
well when you backup the game using the utility, you get the most recent/current version of the full game. when you restore it, it will install that version. now if there were patches for the game in between, do you expect your backed up copy on your dvds or backup hard drive to magically get patched up by themselves? of course you'll have to download any updates that released after your backup.

dude i dont want wait for them to get downloaded via internet cause it takes ages to download with my crappy net connection :P

ill try wat stalky suggsted :hap2:

itll be nice if valve implemented this.i mean backing up the most recent updated version of the game.
dude i totally misunderstood ur point yeah ur rite :P .and also one more thing.once i backed up a fully updated version of tf2 you know the tf2 had alll the socut,heavy,medic i restored the game after reinstalling my os from backuups but then once again it started downloading the same update again :@ and it too me like 10hrs to dl the whole thing :( .if there were any intermediate patches issued by valve during that period it would have only taken not more than halfan hour to update ,get it.

ill try wat stalky suggsted :hap2:

itll be nice if valve implemented this.i mean backing up the most recent updated version of the game.

sorry for the OT hope the op doesnt mind :ashamed:
Just use the same folder ffs.

copy paste entire steam folder. It will automatically add itself as a service on win7 or vista.

My single folder of steam has survived 4 OS installs. It never acted up on me and i hve other games as well such as l4d etc.
You can just copy your entire Steam folder if you have the space. I don't think I've ever reinstalled Steam; just copied the folder. On a clean OS install, it just asks you for your password. That's it.

Cant get anymore EPIC then this very creative with the spy ad i love valve

itll be awesome if they make an hl announcement this E3


Watever Happened to the source mod for half life 1 :S
pr0ing said:
I think there won't be a sniper update. only the spy update. all the sniper unlocks were just made up.

YOU HIGH ? :ashamed:

PS : Whatever happened to that JAR of PEE ?? Was that April fools ? :S
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