Team Fortress 2 : SNIPER Update!

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I think one more unlockable for Spy remains.

I want a fiber wire cable to strangle all Snipers sporting the Razorback :D.
It would take longer to kill with it and the victim would make loud choking sounds, but on the flipside you don't automatically uncloak.
saumilsingh said:
I think one more unlockable for Spy remains.

I want a fiber wire cable to strangle all Snipers sporting the Razorback :D.
It would take longer to kill with it and the victim would make loud choking sounds, but on the flipside you don't automatically uncloak.

LOL nice thinking on the flip side. . would be cool.

But i think VALVE has one enuff for you man. . they have already given you a map, simmer down now :tongue:

The UPDATE HAS BEEN DATED for a 21st MAY release. That is a Thursday, so i speculate the game to gor for a heavy discount along with a free weekend when it does.:hap2:

But it doesnt end here, you remember how VALVE surprised everyone with the SPY update instead of the SNIPER one on DAY 4, well on the site in the news feed where all the updates are listed ( from where i GOT the date of Release) " NO SNIPER UPDATE IS MENTIONED" instead a "SPY UPDATE" has been mentioned.:no: :no:

Can valve be playing games all along ? The spy update does seem to be more inline with the previous styles of updates and that makes it more authentic. Also the sniper update doesn't mention anything about "JARAD" so that mite be fallacy too.:huh: :huh:

ONLY The coming days will unroll the TRUTH . But I SMELL FOUL PLAY IN THIS [ Loud scary music playing in background] :S :S :S
NO SNIPER UPDATE IS MENTIONED" instead a "SPY UPDATE" has been mentioned.

Though I don't think that Valve would mention unlockables for the sniper if they weren't going to give it to us, there is a bleak chance it might happen. But, Valve has already said that this is going to be the biggest update of them all, so maybe they plan to give unlockables for both the classes together. *touching wood, fingers crossed*
SharekhaN said:



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