TechEnclave Download Manager - get it now!!

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updates.. see first post for new version.

all members are requested to upgrade. we will soon mirror it elsewhee also.

Members if you want to help please upload to multiple places and link here. the first post will be updated.

Uh... some thing weird has happened... there are like zillion copies of the post i just made.

will a mod pl delete them??


hey safin....what abt the dload managers...described by blade_runner.i mean leechget freshdloader etc.arent they good?? or shud i use the TE download manager. i mean which one is better??
wow this download manager is a lot more cooler than Flashget it works great but it seems he cannot break the power of IDM in terms of downloading...........
I haven't used this download manager yet,but Iv been using FDM all along,and Im very happy with it.So what exactly is the difference between this download manager and FDM..?
Agree with deathdemon, apart from the nice skin & name on the top, perhaps a little customisation it doesn't seem to add any new value. Not saying it's wrong or anything. I'm all for it AFA FDL gets supported. It's a great Download manager but has its faults from time-to-time.
IceFusion said:
cooool....will download right away :)

rapidshare :S ...cant u post another link for site like filefront or smthing...rapidshare sux
use's free proxy service to access rapidshare ... then its better then ff and all ..
I have been using FDM lite version for few weeks until i came across a very good and fastest - Internet Download Manager. Its Awesome, reliable & its rocks.

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