TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

dinjo said:
How does this enchanting work? Where do I have to go?

just get to any arcane enchanter and disenchant any magical items that you have.Easy to level up and can make lots of money.I am selling 10g daggers for 2400g using banish enchantment.
Started the game yesterday and the opening sequence reminded me of The Witcher 2! Reached Riverwood and paused it for the moment. Modeled my character based on Khal Drogo, the warlord of the Dothraki nomads from Game of Thrones. Looks like this:


This weekend is SET! :D
kvikram said:
The Mace of Molag Bal is a nice weapon, but it took all the evil in me to bring myself to kill someone while they were shouting "Don't kill me". :( I wish there had been a different option. :(

There is, while the enemy is kneeling down do a pickpocket and steal :p
^^ He defiled Molag Bal !! No one defied Molag Bal and lives. The Champion of Molag Bal has spoken.

krugur said:
Yep. It depends a lot on your alchemy and smithing and enchanting skills. there is a youtube video showing now to get weapons upgraded to ~500 dmg

Fooking awesome! But I don't have the patience for 100 Enchantment and Alchemy.
Gannu said:
Started the game yesterday and the opening sequence reminded me of The Witcher 2! Reached Riverwood and paused it for the moment. Modeled my character based on Khal Drogo, the warlord of the Dothraki nomads from Game of Thrones

This weekend is SET! :D

Err, I too created a badass High Elf but soon realized that there's no real use of the whole exercise since one most probably will be using a helmet or a mask.

And also since I play in first person mode so no use of armor matching for me as well.

PS: 170 hours into the game now, level 55, still hungry for more :)
This is one of those rare videos where I literally laughed until my stomach ached! :rofl:

Behold "Skyrim in Halo Reach" :lol:

Bluffmaster said:
That has actually been my biggest gripe with Skyrim. Most RPG games these days tend to experiment with some kind of morality system. Infact, Bethesda's own Fallout series has a morality system in place which makes the choices you make in the game matter. With no such system in Skyrim, it makes giving your character some personality a bit difficult. Example being, I would help a fellow NPC and then just sneak into his house and rob him blind not because I enjoy doing it but because its rewarding and the only rational choice.

There should have been a karma system like fallout and specific perks should have been assigned to both evil and good characters. That would have made things way more interesting.

I dislike the flat morality choices those games offer us, Fallout -- Karma, STAR WARS -- The Force [Light OR Dark].

In fact I like Skyrim in a way it all falls into place even the Witcher series in that sense, the entire factor that both options are right and none is actually wrong until you commit an act and realize its impact on the story, I really disliked getting into muck-ups with the daedra lords but encounters with Sheogorath and Hircine were really well thought out with a real life feel to them. There are perks for pursuing these sub-threads as you get various staffs, weapons and enchanted objects to use which you would've missed out if you would not have triggered the quest OR passed them over.
Had a bloody good weekend and played the game for close to 13+ hours (put in some 10+ hours yesterday!). Holy mother of lord - Those was precisely my feelings a couple of hours into the game. :D

This also marks my foray into The Elder Scrolls series and I am mighty impressed. Unlike the other RPG titles I have played by far, there are a gazillion things to do in the game and plenty of exploration to be done. I start off with some side quest, end up doing totally something else and completes the fetch quest for some random mission which would eventually turn up later! This has happened twice now. I was tasked with retrieving the Golden Claw inside some cave, ended up doing that and collecting some fragment as well.

In a similar instance, a lady wanted me to get a mammoth tusk so she could start some new business. Went outside and noticed a bunch of mammoths being herded by 3 giants. The rockstar that I am, I went head-on with my character equipped with some lame Iron greatsword. One stomp from the giant, my guy was sent flying high - DEAD! This was at Level 3 or something. Later lured those guys towards some rock and with a partner, defeated them. They seem to only guard some chest and gunny sacks filled with mammoth cheese (WTF?). :|

However few things have left my disappointed. No consequences based on morality - irrespective of what we choose, it does no effect at all. The character is MUTE! I do not know why Bethesda went this way (was the Fallout series also similar in this aspect?) but simply choosing the dialogue option results in the NPC instantly responding. I loved how this was portrayed in the Mass Effect or The Witcher or Deus Ex series. The protagonist spoke with varied expressions (OK - Adam Jensen is an exception!). Another sore point was the combat - no parry or roll? And just one attack with a heavy attack? Bethesda could have definitely improved combat by a notch. This was brilliantly executed in The Witcher 2 although it may have been a bit hard for a beginner and takes a steep learning curve initially. But once got used to, Geralt has already mastered most of the moves to take down an opponent.

So this is my present stats when I crashed yesterday - 11:53 hours spent, Level 13+, 3 dragons slayed, 3 shouts unlocked and learned! How I wish i could skip my work now. :'(
With a two handed weapon or one handed weapon and shield, right click to parry. There is no roll, although you can unlock a rolling power attack while crouching by investing points in one handed. Parrying with a shield will also let you shield bash, which is awesome.

You will get used to the mute character, voiced protagonists are not that great anyways, the only one I liked was Shepherd.
I'm glad there there is no morality in the game. It makes it a lot more free flowing. See, the problem with the morality system in most games is that it games only reward players to go full good and act like an angel or go full bad and become the most unforgiving ass on the planet. In real life, most people are shades of grey and Skyrim reflects that very well. There are consequences to some of your actions while there are no consequences to other actions. It's random and feels real. Until games can come up with a better morality compass system I think the Skyrim method is the way to go.

Also, that leads in to choosing sides in the civil war. The Empire is a bureaucratic organisation that was going to behead you just because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Plus, the cowed down to the Thalmor. On the other hand the Stormcloaks are racist and have a megalomanical leader who might not have the people's best interests in hand. (You find more information about Ulfric if you do the main quests)

Which side did you guys choose?
jc36lect3r said:
With a two handed weapon or one handed weapon and shield, right click to parry.

I don't prefer using a shield somehow. I am more comfortable with a two-handed weapon such as the greatsword or the axe. Somehow the sword is much faster than the axe and swings with ease. However, I am using the X360 controller and playing the game on the third-person mode. Not sure what is the button to parry. Need to check once I reach home.

I am not sure if this qualifies as a part of the main quest but I joined the Companions yesterday and got my character transformed into a:

frikking WEREWOLF! :O

Not sure if this will affect the gameplay later.

Bluffmaster said:
1. Kill dragons and sell their bones.

Where do we sell the dragon bones and scales? No merchant/trader seem to accept them for monies. :(

Any specific guy who's interested in stuff like these and mammoth tusks?
^It does not effect the story in any way although you will not get the sleeping bonus anymore. There is a cure in a later quest too but using that cure would cure you permanently and you will never be able to transform again.

I share your views about the game, even I was left awestruck a couple of hours into the game. The world of Skyrim is just mesmerizing. And yes, I too wish there was some kind of a morality system. Having a morality system in place does not limit your gameplay in any way, if any thing it gives a context to all that you intend to do. The omission of morality system was surprising because Bethesda had perfected it in New Vegas where most of your actions were not black and white but rather grey.
Gannu said:
I don't prefer using a shield somehow. I am more comfortable with a two-handed weapon such as the greatsword or the axe. Somehow the sword is much faster than the axe and swings with ease. However, I am using the X360 controller and playing the game on the third-person mode. Not sure what is the button to parry. Need to check once I reach home.

I am not sure if this qualifies as a part of the main quest but I joined the Companions yesterday and got my character transformed into a:

frikking WEREWOLF! :O

Not sure if this will affect the gameplay later.

Where do we sell the dragon bones and scales? No merchant/trader seem to accept them for monies. :(

Any specific guy who's interested in stuff like these and mammoth tusks?
Did you try the General store in Whiterun? Forgot the name. Or the alchemist Store?

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Freaky said:
Did you try the General store in Whiterun? Forgot the name. Or the alchemist Store?

Sent from The Note using T'talk Pro

In Whiterun, I've been to a couple of stores (don't recall the names) but none of them seem to accept them. At least it doesn't show in the list during trades. Need to check somewhere else. And I thought slaying dragons were hard but it is a lot more simpler than facing giants or mammoths. For dragons, all I do is consume a fire resistance potion and patiently wait for the dragon to land, then hack-and-slash it to glory. It can't do jack! :eek:hyeah:

Aweomse high-res map here - http://myona.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/skyrim-map-hd.jpg