TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Remember checking this last week and wondering how the f is the PC version costlier than the console ones :@

And even worse - MW3 costs 2.5k for the PC version! I mean, what the f*ck! :@

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

ubergeek said:
anyways ill be getting it for free :P

Yeah a bunch of close relatives decided to gift me a lot of titles this month! Awesome isn't it? :D
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

i mean come on seriously with this ever rising economy who would want to spend 3k on a game which doesnt even have a online component :P

Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Gannu said:
Haha QC, in case you didn't get that phrase, it's a meme! :P

My Body Is Ready | Know Your Meme

look at his posts HIS BODY IS READY.he is leading the race.He has beaten the reviewers too he has finished so many games so fast never seen him finishing the titles so fast.Next you will hear sadly but yes he has finished uc3 also.

Dinjo just kindding.:D

anyways i take it you rushed through skyrim and also skipped most of its side missions as going by its predecessor it should have been a long one.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Err.. I meant i have the game with me now not completed
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

One big improvement over Oblivion is the game shows the health of the enemy you're fighting. Will be a great relief from hitting enemies not knowing when they will die. That was horrible. :facepalm:

I've decided to be a magic kind of guy. Swords kind of bore me. :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

I pre-ordered my copy from play-asia for 44$= 2200Rs with free shipping to India. :D
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

What is the recommended GPU for playing this game in Full HD with all the eyecandy atleast above medium? Will my 3870x2 suffice. My GPU upgrade is still waiting for the release of 7xxx series.

Are there any reviews out for this game?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

....Pre-loading it on steam as of now. 5.71Gb it is ....dunno if thats just the pre-load of the full game.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^^ yeah thats what even I have read, guess the compression is really good, 4Gb+ itself is for videos and textures...there are physx dll as well in the folders :) and and not much more..

heard there is a day 1 patch as well, dunno...Hope it unlocks tonite, else tomorrow...no hurry for this one :)

You played it already Gannu...any impressions....?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

The recommended requirement for the game is a free space of 6GB, so that file size seems about right.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Infected said:
You played it already Gannu...any impressions....?

Nah man. Will probably attempt it around the month end once I am done with the titles releasing this month - NFS: The Run, Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Serious Sam 3 : BFE and maybe (just maybe) Saints Row : The Third. When I attempt some RPG title, I really do not want to be disturbed with some other crap. :P

Should be done with MW3 tonight or tomorrow evening the latest. Will continue Renegade Ops until then.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Cant wait for this, half the reason for my new comp.
I'm not touching this before I complete mw3 and ac revelations not sure whether I would play saints row 3 though I'm getting it now.

Wanted to play this game with free mind
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