TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

I have C2D 2.4 with GTS 250 I'm really not aware of GPU coming out so cant really benchmark my GPU here
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

9PM can't come soon enough....

As for performance looks like will be maxing this one too :)

Sad to hear that Crossfire ain't working yet for this, m sure though soon enough it will...

Also note those who play it with vSync off, can use “iPresentinterval=0” else it will lock the max frames at 60.

...though the game seems to scale well, if you look towards the bench mark, it is very CPU limited even at 1080p.

This game clearly relies on CPU power, and you need a Sandy Bridge-based Core i3 at 3 GHz or a Phenom II at 3.5 GHz to provide a minimum 30 FPS.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Such a big world, only 6 gb? :S

Ah well, less "downloading" for me. :D
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

...Its not about how many Gb's a game is but rather its about whats in those Gb's. ;)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Great way to steal in Skyrim...

EDIT: Sorry for spamming this thread with comedy videos, but after you watch the above video, watch this one:

Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Damn stuck on a puzzle already :P

Although I absolutely hate the controls in PC, have dumbed it down for consoles. Why doesn't plain simple mouse click work? Have to keep scrolling...
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Its great to see how well this game has been optimized for the PC. Loving the game so far, I recommend playing this with a 360 controller, its much more natural.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Aces170 said:
Why doesn't plain simple mouse click work? Have to keep scrolling...

Why don't you get yourself the X360 controller? Third-person perspective titles like these are a whole lot easier to play with a controller. It also retails for cheap these days. Many seem to have got one for under 1k INR recently.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Why don't you get yourself the X360 controller? Third-person perspective titles like these are a whole lot easier to play with a controller. It also retails for cheap these days. Many seem to have got one for under 1k INR recently.

Have a couple of those, but I like to play this on 1st person perspective. But its plain simple this GUI was a hasty port from consoles, Oblivion or Morrowind did not have these limitations. Keyboard shortcuts and mouse would be the best combo in this scenario.

Don't even get me start on the favorites :( why can't I slot the favorites for quick equip?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Started the game. One hour into the game, it's been a mixed bag. Everything looks better, combat animations are fluid, spells look spectacular and NPC dialogues are much more natural.

However, there are some sore points. Big ones. First are the controls. How on Earth Bethesda can be so damn lazy?? It's just a blatant copy of console controls. I know 360 is lead platform (for whatever reasons), but come on !! How difficult can it be to implement A SIMPLE FOOKING MOUSE CLICK !!! Second is the sound. Everything is low. Very low. Dialogues are barely audible, and the ambient soundtrack is non existent. There's a fix for on board audio, but I have a sound card, and I would like to use it. What a bummer. My respect for Bethesda just went down two notches.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

The game does work with Crossfire, I can confirm this. One 6970 with max detail, 4xAA and 16xAF gives me 24-30fps, and two yield 40-55fps.

Agree about the controls being lazily implemented, without any thought at all. Pretty ridiculous - Oblivion had far better control scheme. Takes four to five keypresses to switch between weapons.

Last gripe - you (at least I) cannot cast while carrying a weapon and a shield, have to go into the menu, switch one hand to a spell, and cast it, then go back into the menu, switch back to a weapon, and melee.

Kind of weird. I think I'll not be playing this one too long.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^^ You guys install the patch, mouse clicking is visibly improved.

Cranky: Yep I had the same gripe, but an easier way out is assigning favorites. Although I know its a lot of button clicking. Why couldn't they let us bind keys to favorites. Assigning an Xbox controller presets, to an RPG with a pretty robust inventory structure is dumb. Keyboard + mouse is married to this genre more then even FPS games.

All said an done, I loved the game, loved the sounds, and ambient themes. And its a massive world to explore and play through. And its Elder Scrolls :)
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