TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

I am loving the game so far. Goodbye Battlefield 3. :ohyeah: I am 9 hours into this game and have reached only level 8. I am playing with a 360 controller therefore I did not face any issues with controls like the ones playing with a Keyboard/mouse are facing. I seriously do not get why people do not use controllers for RPGs like these, to play nonstop for so many hours with a straight back using a keyboard/mouse combo is not only tiring but also bad for your health/back.

I do have a gripe with the game. After having spent more than 70 hours on Bethesda's fallout 3, the gameplay mechanics for skyrim feel very similar to Fallout 3. I guess this was made on the fallout 3 engine so the similarities are understandable but to me it still feels like I am playing the same game. They should have taken a cue from Bioware on how to evolve the RPG genre. Elder Scrolls has an awesome universe and it would have helped skyrim a lot if it was a little cinematic like Mass Effect. The fact that their are almost no cutscenes or that your character doesn't utter a word is getting really old even by RPG standards.

Here is a little tip if like me after playing for a few hours, you want to change your character's appearance or race. Changing the Race is not recommended though as it messes up your stats.

1. Open console using ~ key.

2. Type showracemenu and hit enter.

jc36lect3r said:
Second is the sound. Everything is low. Very low. Dialogues are barely audible, and the ambient soundtrack is non existent. There's a fix for on board audio, but I have a sound card, and I would like to use it. What a bummer. My respect for Bethesda just went down two notches.

I have a same issue. What is the fix for Onboard audio?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

jc36lect3r said:
Started the game. One hour into the game, it's been a mixed bag. Everything looks better, combat animations are fluid, spells look spectacular and NPC dialogues are much more natural.

However, there are some sore points. Big ones. First are the controls. How on Earth Bethesda can be so damn lazy?? It's just a blatant copy of console controls.

Is the story continued or we have a new story as skyrim is located somewhat adjacent to cyrodill.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread


Where can I buy the game? Is it available in the stores like Croma, Planet M etc? I want to buy it in Delhi.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Bluffmaster said:
I have a same issue. What is the fix for Onboard audio?

Here you go :

1. Go to 'Playback devices' in Windows. (right-click the Volume icon next to Window's clock.)

2. Select your default audio device and click the 'Properties' button.

3. Go into the 'Enhancements' tab and check "Loudness Equalization".

4. Press 'OK' and 'OK'.

So basically this "enhancement" makes so that Windows automatically boost low volume sounds and lower loud sounds.

Taken from Sound stutterring and low volume on PC - The Nexus Forums

For me, I changed the sound to 24bit Studio Quality and then cranked up the volume, and it's much better now.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Started with Skyrim

Plan to play it daily for 1.5 hrs through my study leave and exams(almost 1.5 months)..

hope the daily 1.5 hrs doesnt get extended... :P

damn this game is highly engrossing...:clap:
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

jc36lect3r said:
However, there are some sore points. Big ones. First are the controls. How on Earth Bethesda can be so damn lazy?? It's just a blatant copy of console controls. I know 360 is lead platform (for whatever reasons), but come on !!

Wow. That is really sad. :( I thought Bethesda was a PC-friendly developer, porting their PC releases to consoles. :(
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

hope the daily 1.5 hrs doesnt get extended...

Best of luck with that :) I think a better utilization is to take 1 full day break, while slogging the other 6 days. I always found a 1/2 hr walk outdoors to be the most refreshing to study break. Damn I miss college days.

Guys dont let the controls be a big issue, the game is beautiful. The gameplay though would seem irritating at first, wont be an hindrance after a couple of hours (wont take long to reach there).
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Ok i played for around 5 hrs last night.
The game feels epic but i had to attach the x360 controller since the menus and controls suck. Quest menu is now accessed by pressing ESC :S, and there are tons of other options here and there each with its own window. Also i don't like the new map and miss the older style from Oblivion. I still haven't had the WOW feeling yet like when i got out of the sewers in Oblivion back in 2k6. Also the animations are still clunky and ambient sound can be barely heard (This was my best experience in Oblivion). I will try that audio fix like someone mentioned.
Atleast you aren't forced to stare into a plasticky face while conversing with NPC's this time around and so far the variety in voices has not been a problem.
The game feels vast and that's what matters since games nowadays barely go beyond 15hrs. I hope some of these issues are ironed out by Bethesda or the modding community just like the last game. Sad to see another console centralized game. I am playing it in third person with a controller, definitely not the way i expected to play this.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

The game feels vast and that's what matters since games nowadays barely go beyond 15hrs. I hope some of these issues are ironed out by Bethesda or the modding community just like the last game. Sad to see another console centralized game. I am playing it in third person with a controller, definitely not the way i expected to play this.

Exactly, its not the way Elder scrolls games are meant to be played. First person views with fast switch between spells and melee combat is the way I prefer.

Thankfully I dont have the sound issue, which is prevalent here. BTW as I said earlier, do install the latest patch, mouse response is much better now (in conversations you can click options instead of scrolling now).
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

I am done with enough hours for the month I guess - still level 17 only :( , and as many pending quests. But I can't say the game is exactly how I wanted it to be:

- the graphics are very good - I play at 4xAA w/ FXAA and everything on HIGH, and I am loving the sceneries and blizzards - this is much more beautiful than Oblivion or Fallout 3 with no bugged performance

- the melee combat is mediocre , the special kills are not in sync and happen without added effects leading me to believe they were a last minute addition. Spells are better . I feel Fallout 3 was superior in this department (maybe because there was mostly ranged combat and maybe because of VATS)

- pc release is an unpolished console port. UI shows that. But everything works so once you get used to it, it feels alright.

- this game is made with god-knows-how-many quests that have no connection and no proper story behind them - somebody will assign you some silly quest of finding something on the other part of the world and you go running deep inside some never-ending cave to retrieve an object and then again and again ... very much like all TES games.

dunno how long before i get bored (happened with oblivion, borderlands and all other games with infinite number of quests that go nowhere). i guess i'll just go after the main quest and kill the dragons :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^As for the side quests, other than leveling up and /or getting specific upgrades, is there any other advantage of attempting them? This was the same with Witcher 2 as well. They could be skipped without affecting the storyline in anyway.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Yes, The Loooooooooooooooooot! :D Storyline is not why you play RPGs, atleast not Bethesda RPGs. Hunting for loot is what makes the RPG genre so engaging.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

yes.. loot is the main thing u do side quests.. awesome weapons.. armor n what not.. :P

still on level 4.. damn..
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^As for the side quests, other than leveling up and /or getting specific upgrades, is there any other advantage of attempting them? This was the same with Witcher 2 as well. They could be skipped without affecting the storyline in anyway.

The side quest are pretty engaging, infact like Fallout 3. I engage in a lot of side quest :)

The story is very engaging, infact Bethesda games have always got an engaging background story-line. Although this is not your typical hardcore RPG (I cant choose attributes while leveling up) but instead has a nice leveling up based on your usage. Hence if you pick a lot of locks your skill improves :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

kauzy said:
yes.. loot is the main thing u do side quests.. awesome weapons.. armor n what not.. :P

Looting is one but can't be completing every other side quest just for the sake of improving the armor or weapons. Don't have all the time you know! :P

Reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. :ashamed:
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Gannu said:
Looting is one but can't be completing every other side quest just for the sake of improving the armor or weapons. Don't have all the time you know! :P

Reminds me of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series. :ashamed:

lol.. let alone the loot.. i m on "location finding" spree.. if only i had the "explorer perk" like fallout :P
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Where can I find the physical retail package for PC? Has it been launched in India?

I know the PS3 version has been launched....but no news on the PC. Cant wait to get my hands on it :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

@Aces: I stopped playing Skyrim.

Don't get me wrong - the world is super fantastic, the lighting is absolutely top notch, and it looks like a lot of effort went into the cosmetic part of the game. Unfortunately it seems to me that's the only bit they got right. Immersion is great until you actually have to play the dam game.

The combat system sucks. I'm not much of a stealthy player and prefer shooting enemies in the head with a bow or using a high-power spell from a distance, or using my sword or mace up close. Managed to this properly in Oblivion at very high difficulty settings, but the levelling system here has me puzzled. It seems stealth is the only way to save yourself heartache (or heartstop), coupled with running away. Not a great way to build skills.

Because I can't specialise without gaining levels very quickly, my character ends up very unbalanced. So I am of the opposite view on levelling as compared to you. In Oblivion I could precisely control my levelling and beat super-strong characters at low levels using a small bouquet of highly specialised skill sets (which, if minor skills, didn't result in a level gain). Here since I am levelling every twenty minutes, I end up with enemies far stronger than me (bears and Spriggans!) just because I've had to pick three locks in succession, gaining two levels as a result with no increase in combat skills. Have to run across the landscape to take help from other humans, or die trying.

So my relationship with Oblivion was bordering on obsession (I may have played through at least twenty times, with at least three 14hour+ sessions), this one is a casual relationship at best, at least for now. Skyrim seems like a console port once again, and a worse one than many. When playing an RPG I usually remember where I am in the plot and what I have to do next. Instead, I play this game for an hour, then tire of it and switch back to Deus Ex or Oblivion or (shudder!!) NFS.

Time to sell my 6970s and go back to my 4870x2, I upgraded only for this game. IMO, not worth it.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Third person view IS the way to play this game. I know many Elder scroll fans prefer the first person view but I just can't seem to get the hang of it. I was forced to play in first person in Fallout 3 because the third person animation was just plain horrible but skyrim seems to have nailed the third person animation this time. Your character no longer floats in air and the different armors and weapons look really cool in third person view. I am actually glad that they consolized the game, its much more easier to play and engaging for me this way. As I said, my only gripe is that it still feels like I am playing Fallout 3 because of the same engine, otherwise it has been a fantastic experience for me. This should last me atleast 50 hours, I am already 15 hours in and have much to explore.
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