TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Cranky: Give it some time, the way I see it. You are finding it difficult to switch between magic and melee attacks, and since you level up using abilities, you cannot control it as you like it.

Regarding stealth, I dont use it at all, but yep I do run away from enemies quite often :) Sadly I haven't played much of Oblivion to comment. However I did play a lot of Morrowwind, and trust me it's much easier here. In Morrowind in the earlier levels I found it a task to kill sewer rats. I love the game for this, it would be a bummer if I could kill everyone I fought with. To give an example I faced my second dragon when I was on level 5, it caught me in the open when I was exploring places. I cannot kill it alone, and I cannot run. But I see a couple of mammoths and giants some distance, I run and try to keep them between the dragon and me. To my amazement the dragon's attack catches the mammoths and the giants, and they start attacking the dragon killing it with ease. I am dumbstruck at the opportunities the game provides :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Gannu said:
^As for the side quests, other than leveling up and /or getting specific upgrades, is there any other advantage of attempting them? This was the same with Witcher 2 as well. They could be skipped without affecting the storyline in anyway.
Some sidequests have you learning the dragon shout words/abilities. They shouldn't be missed (although shouts are mostly useless in combat given their horrible recharge times, but just for the kicks ;)). Talking of Witcher 2, sidequests were 10% of the total stuff (compared to 90% here - the main quest is just one of the many sidequests as it seems) - small & simple just like sidequests are supposed to be - the storyline was riveting , and everything was done for a purpose. I liked that approach - Witcher 2 is much closer to an ideal RPG for me. Witcher 2 was meant for mature people - decisions that affect outcome, moral choices, serious talk etc. Obviously it had flaws and wasn't on the grand scale of Skyrim, but still much more enjoyable - like watching a thriller where you are the director of the plot.
Aces170 said:
The side quest are pretty engaging, infact like Fallout 3. I engage in a lot of side quest :)
If by engaging you mean tediously stretched then yes. Fallout 3 had me roaming sewers and DC Underground, this one has caves and ruins. But atleast Fallout 3 combat was much more fun (again I'm biased towards guns/plasma rifles :p)

The story is very engaging, infact Bethesda games have always got an engaging background story-line.
I'd like to differ on this. Bethesda's games generally DONT have a strong storyline - they triumph on the expanse and variety on their in-game content. They can provide hundreds of hours of gameplay - much like a MMORPG but with no actual story to follow through - just unconnected quests.
cranky said:
I'm not much of a stealthy player and prefer shooting enemies in the head with a bow or using a high-power spell from a distance, or using my sword or mace up close. Managed to this properly in Oblivion at very high difficulty settings, but the levelling system here has me puzzled. It seems stealth is the only way to save yourself heartache (or heartstop), coupled with running away. Not a great way to build skills.

Combat isnt great but so is the AI - its really easy to kill even the most powerful foes by taking advantage of the terrain/environment. Even the dragons are stupid - they often fight the the NPC creatures than taking on you.

Because I can't specialise without gaining levels very quickly, my character ends up very unbalanced. So I am of the opposite view on levelling as compared to you. In Oblivion I could precisely control my levelling and beat super-strong characters at low levels using a small bouquet of highly specialised skill sets (which, if minor skills, didn't result in a level gain).

IMO, One major improvement over Oblivion has been the leveling up and the skill system. Even the constellations UI is great.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

....looks like a lot of you are liking the game...nice to hear...as for me, I am not even gonna start playing this till next month....going away for 2 weeks so no PC gaming for me. :*(
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Even the dragons are stupid - they often fight the the NPC creatures than taking on you.

so shouldn't it be that way.. now u don't want the dragon as well as giants gang r**e u.. do u?? :P
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Infected said:
as for me, I am not even gonna start playing this till next month....going away for 2 weeks so no PC gaming for me. :*(

LOL no worries man, I'll be starting the game by December so you are not the lone Dovahkiin in Skyirm! :P

Stay away from the thread as much as you can until then.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

kauzy said:
so shouldn't it be that way.. now u don't want the dragon as well as giants gang r**e u.. do u?? :P
nah , its more natural that way - was commenting on OP's idea of the difficulty beating enemies. on second thought that would be fun .. imagine 2 mammoths , a giant , a pack of wolves chasing you and then a dragon pops up ...... just head into some ruins and jump between the cliffs , then pwn them all with Flames / Frostbite in crossfire mode as they helplessly try to reach you but can't :rofl: and that would gain like 10 levels in destruction magic as well
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

IMO, One major improvement over Oblivion has been the leveling up and the skill system.

Well IMO it's a downgrade to a more simplistic system which (surprisingly) is more difficult to understand. It also may be because I was getting whipped at the first few runs of Oblivion, and was determined to learn and master the levelling system which I did. And since I have that understanding, relearning for its successor is a little difficult. I was expecting a child, what I got was a genetic disaster.

So my first half an hour in Oblivion was typically spent shaping my character to take on the rest of the 200+ hours I would eventually invest in the game. Here it seems to not be possible without quickly becoming a character that can easily be defeated. Maybe it's early days yet.

Combat isnt great but so is the AI - its really easy to kill even the most powerful foes by taking advantage of the terrain/environment. Even the dragons are stupid - they often fight the the NPC creatures than taking on you.

Yes, this is what I meant by having to run away. My point is the game character should be able to be molded by the player, and I should be able to take a developmental path where I can choose to stand and fight or choose another, where I have to run and hide or take help from NPCs/beasts/whatever else. As of now, it forces a limited set of options no matter what path you have developed the character on. Again, maybe because I have played very little yet (I am on level 8 with nary a dragon in sight) I have not encountered all the possibilities.

Any RPG should fundamentally offer you a few choices, this one narrows it down unacceptably. Even a ten-year old Deus Ex 1 offers more choices. Even its predecessor, Oblivion offers more. Frankly, I have far less RPG experience than most of you here (the above two are the only things I've played apart from the first Batman title that classify as RPG/FPS) so maybe these are newbie gripes, but there it is anyway.

It seems to me (and this is probably true) that the developers chose development time and deployment time rather than starting with immersion and strategy.

I do agree the AI is a little stupid, in many ways, and has too much bloodlust, which also affects their behaviour. This is one of the many symptoms of poor development.

I hope that if I play this game a few more times I may grow to like it. The trouble is finding the will to play it again.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

LOL no worries man, I'll be starting the game by December so you are not the lone Dovahkiin in Skyirm!

Stay away from the thread as much as you can until then.

True....stay away from the spoilers :)
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Apparently more people are playing Skyrim than MW3. On Steam.

Skyrim Beating Out Modern Warfare 3 On Steam - News - www.GameInformer.com

Off topic : COD has now truly become a console exclusive. They are giving it to PC just as an afterthought. I doubt it will last.

On topic : I for one did not like the levelling system of Oblivion. Hated having to grind a minor skill to get the desired results. But this seems overly simplified, which will attract noobs but disappoint the pros. That's the way it will always be.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

To add to the above post. ^^^

Skyrim Sales Exceed 3.4 Million Units in Two Days

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim sells over 3.4 million copies at retail (not including digital sales) in its first 2 days on sale.
Up over 600% on Oblivion's modest 490k staggered opening across PS3 and X360, Skyrim will manage to outsell Oblivion as a whole in a matter of weeks. 59% of units were sold on the X360 (over 2 million copies) and 27% on the PS3, with 14% on PC.
2.5 million of the total sold in Americas, with the remaining 950,000 units in EMEAA.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has managed to beat out Gears of War 3 and Fifa Soccer 12 for first week sales, and is on par with Battlfield 3, but with only 2 days sales it's selling at a faster rate. Only Modern Warfare 3 will be ahead of Skyrim, which, for an RPG, is incredible.

SOURCE : Skyrim Sales Exceed 3.4 Million Units in Two Days - VGChartz
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

WTF cool trick gonna try this now.....

Started playing couple of days back. Didn't fall short of expectations :P On Level 7 and have encountered 2 dragons - one in the main story quest and another while wandering :P Good that I had a companion with me on the 2nd occasion. Have chosen the Imperial race and get lots of gold - considered to be an advantage with this race. Not sure if it's the same with others! Annoying thing is the lack of a place to store your excess baggage and the fact that cleaning up a dragon easily adds close to 100 to your weight carried scale :@ Hope things will change when I purchase a property in Whiterun :P

The sheer number of options in what you do is staggering though. One thing to take note of in the game from what I've read is the Dynamic leveling system. You never know when your enemy is head and shoulders ahead of you in the difficulty scale :P

And the Shouts are not useless! The first one I learnt was the one that knocks enemies back (forgot the name) and it was effective in stunning couple of warlords that I faced. And a 15 ~ 30 second recharge time for a special power is nothing if you follow RPGs closely!

And I play it in 3rd person - I don't like creatures shit***g on my face and the 3rd person mode is what let's me play :P Had a shot with the XBox controller and threw it away in 15 mins - consoles are not for me :lol:

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

The scale of the game is breathtaking. I have no idea how long it will take to finish this one. I love wondering on foot and discovering stuff. But the places that have opened up through quest line is like in corners of the map, gave me a slight idea of the scale of the map. At level 7 now, and haven't seen any tough enemies yet ( except maybe for a mammoth i "tired" to solo and a bandit leader at some fort : a few potions + restoration spell and he was easy to dispatch). The only hard part i found till now is carrying stuff. 2 enemies killed and i find myself filled and walking; Makes it pretty hard to get out of those camps back onto the horse for fast travel. So many books. Money is pretty hard to come by, especially when you are trying to buy a house. 1 dragon and 1 shout till now and enjoying every moment of it.

Found a party on the road, they were cribbing they were late for a wedding and how good the present they choose was. Small things like that make it pretty fun to be exploring. ( I could have killed them and stole their stuff, but am a good guy so left them).

I tried the above trick on stealing. It works. But you cannot sell stolen good to all traders. Must find one that will take it. Finally had to drop all the items i stole coz inventory was becoming crowded. Stole from one, dropped the item at another trader and it shows again as Steal than take.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Anyone have an idea if the PC version will release in India soon? I'm sorely tempted to buy it on Steam and may just spend the $$$ is the India release is far away.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Nope i dont think it will get released here :@

also this game is very engrossing,the world is richly detailed ,i completely stopped playing BF3 now :(

Sky rim is tooo addictive
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Vasishta.Sushant said:
Is anyone playing on the PS3 ??? I am inclined towards buying the PS3 version.

I have ordered the PS3 version, hope to get it today.
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