TES V: Skyrim - Discussion Thread

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Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

I'm pretty new to the whole RPG genre and I have to say this game has blown me away.!I used to be an FPS player but just because of Skyrim I'm gonna start trying out RPGs from now on.They've paid attention to the tiniest details in the most complex storyline I've ever seen.I've just been forcing other people to play the game so that I can go on talking about it endlessly.I've just reached level 20 and i think i haven't gone through much of the main storyline but I'm truly impressed.

All the NPCs feel like they are really living their own lives.They work hard all day ,They go to sleep,they go get drunk,they take rest,they sit and chat with each other,it's amazing.

Did anyone notice delphine had actually visited Whiterun to collect the dragonstone when you give it to the wizard.F***!...Now that's something people would probably never pay attention to but still they've taken care of it

I strongly recommend this to other people who don't usually play RPG games...this is definitely something you don't want to miss out on. :D
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

nuke'em said:
Did anyone notice delphine had actually visited Whiterun to collect the dragonstone when you give it to the wizard.F***!...Now that's something people would probably never pay attention to but still they've taken care of it

Its she who discovered/or told the wizard ( sorry cant remember his name....too many strange/weird names ...i stopped paying attention to the names :P) about it ...so it almost belongs to her right?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

A very satisfying Skyrim day! :D

Been venturing in a lot of side quests plus the usual clearing of forts as and when they appear. And thanks to that burnt my finger with Mzinchaleft :@

That location is part of the main quest. After finding it while wandering around, went on clearing the place. After an hour I reach a gate that seems to have no chain or lever to activate it. I kept looking around to finally find something that was odd - that was the only gate in the entire ruin that did not have its "torch" unlit - all gates in Mzinchaleft have a torch in a cage on either side of it and they're lit. Backtracked all the way and checked if it was a bug - not so. Think that gate activates only when you go there on the mission!

And my first encounter with a Dwarven Centurion! Bastid rap*d me twice in under 10 seconds in the Shimmering Caves. Wondered on a way to kill him since he was too strong a melee combatant and he brushed my companion aside very easily as well and focused all his might on me! :@

An idea creeped in and tried it for the heck of it - backtracked to a portion where I had killed 3 Chaurus (a stubborn creature!), used my Power to reanimate dead and make them fight for me (this needs to be activated via a Stone that you find) and made those 3 my allies! Walked back to the room where the Centurion was along with a Falmer Commander, froze the Commander with the Ice Shout enabling my companion and the Chaurus to dispatch him easily and once that was done the Chaurus went on to attack the Centurion - them being very stubborn creatures kept him busy till I got some 10 shots (arrows) off that reduced the Centurion's health to just 3 more shot's level of health - 3 more seconds later - He was so very dead :ohyeah:
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread


wow awesome skyrim screens collection...


anyway to download whole flickr album at once w/o creating a account
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Close to 40 hours of game play and still haven't touched the main story :O

BTW what frame rates you guys get on PC everything maxed out?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

^^2560x1600, 4xAA and 16xAF, all distances maxed or close to maxed (don't like grass) I get 55fps with CF active on 2x6970. It was bugger-all to start with, but Radeon Pro and the Oblivion profile fixed it.

Was doing lots of sidequests but started getting bored so started the main story in earnest. Now am back to letting the game idle while I cook (not the game stuff but for real).

BTW it's interesting that Skyrim has no onions. So we know where dragon breath came from.
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

kestrel5915 said:
Close to 40 hours of game play and still haven't touched the main story :O

BTW what frame rates you guys get on PC everything maxed out?
It is possible to entirely omit the main story line and still put in hours of gameplay in TES :D That is what makes it special!
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Killed a group of two giants and a mammoth who attacked me at level 5 :D
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

cranky said:
BTW it's interesting that Skyrim has no onions. So we know where dragon breath came from.

For a guy of your age, I whole-heartedly respect your sense of humor! No kidding. :D

@Freaky: How far have you progressed on the main storyline? I think you'll beat me to completion before I begin the game sometime next month early, yeah? :P
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Gannu since when did you start playing RPGs? I thought you dont play them :P
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

So what classes are we playing? I am a poor Breton with dual destruction spells and heavy armor :P And bows as backup. Can't seem to make up my mind !!
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Killed many dragons.. Yet no shout activated.. What wron m I doing?? :(
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Vasishta.Sushant said:
Somebody post the PS3 version impressions as well...

The guy has clearly laid it out in the last page - http://www.techenclave.com/gaming/e...-discussion-thread-180601-15.html#post1970971
ram_dante said:
Gannu since when did you start playing RPGs? I thought you dont play them :P

Eh? Were you living under a rock or something? :P

Completed Witcher 2 early this year, all the 3 titles of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. franchise (not realising they partly belonged to the RPG genre!), Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 plus all the plot-related DLCs (eagerly awaiting Mass Effect 3 next March which easily qualifies as my most anticipated game next year!), Borderlands, DeathSpank, DeathSpank: Thongs of Virtue, The Baconing, Bastion, Deus Ex (probably the first RPG title I had attempted!) and the more recent Deus Ex: Human Revolutions plus the DLC. Heck, I am playing another TP fantasy RPG - LOTR: War in the North at the moment.

But haven't played the old classics such as Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate series. Not perhaps the best time to revisit those either. Will be starting the Dragon Age series next month after I am done with Skyrim. :D
Gannu said:
For a guy of your age, I whole-heartedly respect your sense of humor! No kidding. :D

@Freaky: How far have you progressed on the main storyline? I think you'll beat me to completion before I begin the game sometime next month early, yeah? :P
I'm gonna take this real slow coz am fu**in enjoying it! :D I complete one main quest and move on to multiple side quests and lot of exploration. I've just met the Greybeards and have yet to go after the Horn of Jurgen Windcaller. As you may have noticed from my earlier post, ended up wasting time in Mzinchaleft on one of my misadventures :P

Problem is that half the time I mark a quest and keep running towards it and all of a sudden a mine or fort comes in between and before I know it, am in - very impulsive or rather compulsive explorer :rofl: And that's exactly how Mzinchaleft happened :P

Was thinking of omitting the bounty on bandit leaders missions that I get when on one of them, I found very useful stuff and a treasure map for a chest which had lot more goodies! That's Skyrim for you :ohyeah:

Have completed the mission to retrieve the Azura Star and that of the Dawnbreaker given by Meridian - the 2nd mission is of particular importance since it made me rich by almost 1k gold (being an Imperial helped) :P

kauzy said:
Killed many dragons.. Yet no shout activated.. What wron m I doing?? :(

You need to unlock the shout - on the PC version, R is the key to unlock shouts on default binding. And it does show at the bottom left once you go to the Shouts menu and select a locked power to press a particular key to unlock :P

Sent from my MAtrix using T'talk Pro
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Today spent almost an hour or two making iron daggers.So now i'm smithing level 100 and i finally have my legendary dragon armor :D...but i think the daedric armor looks a lot cooler so i'm trying to stock up on ebony ingots

i'm trying to take it slow since i'm sure i'll completely lose my interest when i finish the main storyline.how long is the main storyline anyway?
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Vasishta.Sushant said:
Somebody post the PS3 version impressions as well...

And to add to that earlier post, those dreaded frame rate issues have finally cropped up as my save file has increased to over 6mb.

Its not anything game breaking till now at least.

Hope they release a patch soon as they usually do.

Also I think the controls are better on consoles than PC.

Meanwhile, playing as a High Elf, reached level 20 but yet to see a dragon other than the first one.

Its absolutely huge!
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Killed a group of two giants and a mammoth who attacked me at level 5

Seriously how, am Level 12, and giants are yet able to kill me in 1 shot. Magic + armor rating of 120....
Re: The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim - Discussion Thread

Aces170 said:
Seriously how, am Level 12, and giants are yet able to kill me in 1 shot. Magic + armor rating of 120....

Keep running away from them and shoot arrows :P
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