Linux Text Editor?

Hmm, there are several good ones, but my favourite graphical text editor is NEdit. For commandline, nothing can beat vi ;)

EDIT - there is another very good one - nano.
along with ur opinion, plz do add list of features which makes u feel they r better than others. plz. do mention how tro use each feature(if difficult to use)
mayank said:
along with ur opinion, plz do add list of features which makes u feel they r better than others. plz. do mention how tro use each feature(if difficult to use)

real hardcore nix geeks will always use vi editor bcoz they like to do challenging stuff on thier nix box. I find vi easy to use but u may not bcoz it is command line editor.

so noobies use kwrite,nedit and all such silly graphical editors. :tongue: