TF2 : Meet the Spy

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Day 6 : Ambassador [ Motherly Love PERSONIFIED !! ]


+ Same Ammo count
+ Range of a Sniper Gun
- Greater Time to recharge between SHOTS
I dont know where this came from , but this turned up YESTERDAY on the steam forums! People already knew what the unlock was going to be,


within 24 hours, the Ambassador,


So by all likelyhood we are getting this tomorrow :D

really awesome spy video and the best one yet. Next, i want some new types of maps (similar to arena maps with greenery etc...). Nobody plays arena so we need better looking maps for payload and CTP modes.
montylee said:
really awesome spy video and the best one yet. Next, i want some new types of maps (similar to arena maps with greenery etc...). Nobody plays arena so we need better looking maps for payload and CTP modes.

Though PL and CP maps are more sought after, but arena maps have their own place and are a nice change from the regular CP maps. And, though the SG arena servers are empty most of the time, the Europe ones are full most of the time. :)
ya maybe, but i still don't think arena maps are as popular as other maps. What i want is to have arena like graphics (better scenary) in other types of maps.
Didnt I say it already, that the sniper is in a treat?

So now we have the "Jarate"


Its gonna be so much fun, throwing about piss at everyone else. :P
too many spies and snipers playing and the new weapons are random drops .... argh , its frustrating playing as a heavy now
Stupid system of random drops. I got the sandman once again. One of my friends has been playing since morning and has still not got anything :P

BTW, the payload race map is the best! The last stage where both the carts start racing up is too good. Hoodoo is pretty good too. Yet to play the arena maps though.

PS: Experienced the arrows. Got one in my stomach and one in my leg. Damn funny. But they are very very effective in short range. The Ambassador's pretty good too. The bottle of piss is seriously ewwwww.. It drips and you look all yellow.. yuccckkk!
Lol, I have two Blutsaugers and two Nataschas. However, I also have the Huntsman, really wow at short range :D, I think we are looking at a soldier companion with the huntsman. The only low is the health of the sniper, Taking out soldiers, heavys is a breeze with this stuff. With scouts, its certain death.
I can't connect. all the SG servers are giving me some "server has enforced consistency ....." crap. same thing had happened for a day during the scout update. hopefully I'll get to play it on sunday.
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