That one forum I was looking for.

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I have been active in tech industry with selling/buying, recommending PC builds, learning and what not. And just recently started to drift away in other areas of my life, and now i found this forum. I could've avoided (or atleast reduced) the scammers and lowballers had i known this community before.

Glad to be here and I'm enjoying it. I could learn even more here. This is like the team-bhp of technology.

While creating these forums isn't a hard part, I'm really thankful to those who are maintaining it. You're doing a good job
Which is okay apart from the classified part of these forums. You can't set the ruls here. Maybe discord is still okay but others are good for just F2F deals which are also risky.
most of the activities shifted on discord/telegram/FB/IG
WhatsApp too ;)
15 to 20 years ago, there were no tools to socialize or gather link minded people together in one place, most of users survived on 56 kbps modems. (those were days)
I noticed a topic on TE as well with some kind of 56 kbps modern warning (accessing lot of data)

After news groups, Bulletin Board systems = forums came into existence, they ruled more then 30% of web data at some point of time (which were moderated for spam and right content)

Today everyone wants access to information at finger tips (but the model of forum software, restricts same comparatively.)
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had i known this community before

Felt the same when I started taking part in discussions. Earlier, the only other people I had encountered in this hobby in this country were those who had a narrow or close minded worldview and that turned me away from seeking out places like this for many, many years. I just didn't want to interact with people who's default response is limited to "no need" or "money waste" or "cheap and best" or a blank stare.

TE is pretty awesome, older TE was way more so when the forum was very active — I keep discovering older threads with invaluable snippets of knowledge and shared experiences to learn from.

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Felt the same when I started taking part in discussions. Earlier, the only other people I had encountered in this hobby in this country were those who had a narrow or close minded worldview and that turned me away from seeking out places like this for many, many years. I just didn't want to interact with people who's default response is limited to "no need" or "money waste" or "cheap and best" or a blank stare.

TE is pretty awesome, older TE was way more so when the forum was very active — I keep discovering older threads with invaluable snippets of knowledge and shared experiences to learn from.

Well honestly can't really blame anyone, India has been a developing country and focused more on essentials and things like gaming was considered "vella panti"
But, things are changing. Parents are understanding that there is a world outside doctors, lawyers & engineers and are allowing kids to pursue other areas.

older TE was way more so when the forum was very active
Wdym mean, TE was more active before? :shifty:
If yes then what happened now?
I have been active in tech industry with selling/buying, recommending PC builds, learning and what not. And just recently started to drift away in other areas of my life, and now i found this forum.
Same here, one can't really stay in PC building forever though, I moved to embedded electronics & low level coding, which I find much more entertaining than PC building now.

It was great till it lasted. One certainly outgrows it at some point or loose interest.

But I am still passionate about it, I look into it from time to time just not as much as before.
I'm assuming they all grew up, found jobs, got married, had kids. Some of them still pop up every now and then

One of them. Your guess is correct.
It shows that i joined in 2009. But i am not sure. There was a major upgrades to forum where we have to reset password. Maybe its beyond that.

I used to have my own forums during earlier times. Had to shut due to non maintenance.
Have good experience in handling phpbb, ipb forums
I used to have my own forums during earlier times. Had to shut due to non maintenance.
Have good experience in handling phpbb, ipb forums

I had blogs, mostly photoblogs, but also snarky text ones — one even reached the front page of digg — but I could never figure out forums. I was a happy twenty something with movable type and later, textpattern. Tried tumblr, got into a disagreement with Marco Arment over url structure, left tumblr. The internet felt bigger back then, social media has made everything small.

Not a single person that I knew back then is online now outside of facebook or linkedin.
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I'm assuming they all grew up, found jobs, got married, had kids. Some of them still pop up every now and then.
Are you saying I am old now :tearsofjoy: Joined 10yrs back. There was a time when a member said that if I am online then he can't get hands on a good deal because I am already there, Not anymore but that proves I am getting old (dam!!! what did I just confessed.....)
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