The Android 7.0 Name Guesser Thread

We all love Android, and i dont think there are many persons who aren't bitten by Android bug.

So here comes the name convection till date of Android.

Android 1.0 >> No name

Android 2.1> Eclair

Android 2.2> Froyo

Android 2.3> Gingerbread

Android 2.3.x (tablet version) > Honeycomb

Android 4.0> Ice Cream Sandwich

Android 5.0 (Confirmed)> Jelly Bean

Android 6.0(Rumored)> Key Lime Pie.

So its almost confirmed that Android 7.0 name will start with letter "L"

My suggestion: "Android 7.0 Laddoo", what's your take

Guess any good name for it, just hope google crawlers crawl this page and take name from this thread and it goes official
Who cares :/ useless thread anyway. Anyways, Android Lollypop it would be. And for you it would be LOL-TROLL
In the seriousness of the thread, and ignoring the troll, Android versions were as follows

v1.0 Astro

1.1 Bender

1.5 Cupcake

1.6 Donut

L will be lollypop.

Btw... The android tablet version.. Or Honeycomb was 3.x and not 2.3.x as stated in OP

Yes, but it was derived from the same line.
#vivek.krishnan I second your opinion. No doubt it will be.

Lollypop instantly popped in my mind thinking of new Android version.