The awesome moment when your internet speed reaches 50mbps..

He's already downloaded 154 GB in one night. Why do you think your speedtest screenshot is going to disappoint him? :|

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I'm now downloading 1080p documentaries which I don't know if I'm even going to watch :p

Could this be called Download addiction ?
Nah, not exactly addiction but a rather feeble way of me justifying the 3.2k I pay for my stupid internet connection each month. :(

Do you also take everything in sight onto your plate at a buffet table ?

Or perhaps you will mature up and realise the folly of what you are doing ?

And what exactly do you pay 3.2 for ?

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Nah, not exactly addiction but a rather feeble way of me justifying the 3.2k I pay for my stupid internet connection each month. :(

Do you also take everything in sight onto your plate at a buffet table ?

Or perhaps you will mature up and realise the folly of what you are doing ?

And what exactly do you pay 3.2 for ?
Do you also take everything in sight onto your plate at a buffet table ?

Or perhaps you will mature up and realise the folly of what you are doing ?

And what exactly do you pay 3.2 for ?

Of course, what else is a buffet for? That's why it's separate from A la carte. Not taking everything in sight would be disrespecting the place where you are having the buffet.

That being said, I will reflect upon my deeds and "realize the folly " of what I'm doing.

But if you would be so kind and let me know the folly in downloading documentaries?

Or are you against the whole downloading-from-internet stuff? Or do you want to offer me advice on how to spend my money wisely?

The 3.2k I pay is for my 1.5 Mbps UL connection that 4 people in my family use day in and out. Before you tell me that I should have gone for something else or a lower priced plan, the only other options were a 1 Mbps UL connection for 2.8k or a 768 Kbps UL connection for 1.7k. So, it was a family decision and one that we painfully accepted. There is no other provider allowed in my society. Do you have something to suggest that I could have done here? I would be more than happy to save money. I was paying 1k for 1Mbps day/1.5 Mbps night plan before moving here. You can't understand how frustrated I am. But some costs I have to bear, I save in other places.
@Sei: I almost share the same plight man. I have to shell out 2.4k every month for my 2 MBPS (30GB FUP) and post FUP 1MBPS unlimited connection every month on the connection I have at home. :(
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Sei: I almost share the same plight man. I have to shell out 2.4k every month for my 2 MBPS (30GB FUP) and post FUP 1MBPS unlimited connection every month on the connection I have at home. :(

OMG! Same boat/ship/raft here too. 1.2k for 12 mbps with 25GB FUP and 1mbps unlimited, post FUP. Completely ran out of stuff a few months ago. Just keep the PC on and connected. I used to burn everything to DVD's but I've stopped that also now
OMG! Same boat/ship/raft here too. 1.2k for 12 mbps with 25GB FUP and 1mbps unlimited, post FUP. Completely ran out of stuff a few months ago. Just keep the PC on and connected. I used to burn everything to DVD's but I've stopped that also now

You broadband ??
I am planning to migrate to this plan after my current one ends or may be before that.
Sei: I almost share the same plight man. I have to shell out 2.4k every month for my 2 MBPS (30GB FUP) and post FUP 1MBPS unlimited connection every month on the connection I have at home. :(

That's what I am saying. I was not ready to go with 768 Kbps which itself was exhorbitant at Rs 1400 p/m. The 1Mbps plan is only Rs 300 cheaper than what I am paying right now. So this made the most sense for me.
Long gone those days when Kolkata used to be the unluckiest of all in BB speed , just see what alliance and meghbala is doing . Proud :hail:
Unfortunately both of them aren't there in my locality in Kolkata. So I'm currently with Airtel.

Meghbela is Airtel. Before Airtel BB became widely available, they changed their name to mechbela and provided their connection via cablewallahs.