The best game you have played this year

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Spore and Mass Effect....(though i hav played mass effect on ma frnds comp only coz it seems too blant without its eye candy..)
it has to be the DMC-4....only a brocken controller stopped me from playing it!:D

then i thought lets Goo play world of goo!
Grid and Crysis WH (none mentioned this game surprisingly)

COD4 was my last year's best game...
the witcher enhanced ed. hands down the best game i've played in a very very long time.

god of war on the psp i suppose counts as well.
look @ my Siggy.. You'll know my First Favorite...

Devil May Cry:4.. very nice graphics.. Probably 2nd Favorite...
I had a huge backlog of games to play this year, so I've played quite a few 2007 games this year as well.. The thread title should be "best games you've played this year", since most people surely have more than 1 favourite. My picks, in order:

1. The Witcher - Enhanced Edition (10/10)
2. Mass Effect (10/10)
3. Half Life 2 - Episode 2 (10/10)
4. STALKER - Shadow of Chernobyl (9/10)
5. Call of Duty 4 (I played it this year only) (9/10)
6. Crysis Warhead (9/10)
7. Devil May Cry 4 (8/10)
8. Assassin's Creed (7/10)
9. Half Life 2 - Episode 1 (7/10)
10. Rainbow Six - Vegas 2 (7/10)
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