The Black 360 is coming ...

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Insanely Awesome!!

We've confirmed with trusted sources that the black Xbox 360 is indeed coming (the image above is of the original 360 dev kit, FYI), and will be dubbed the Xbox 360 Elite. Here's what you need to know about it:

* The Elite will be limited quantities only; that may be as much or as little as a couple hundred thousand.
* The case, controller, and Live headset will all be black. It will have all new packaging.
* Elite will cost $479, and will be a 3rd SKU; it will be sold alongside Premium and Core packs.
* Eventually Elite hardware (in white plastics) will take the role of the Xbox Premium. That is to say, after the Elite is launched and sold out, future Xbox Premiums will have 120GB / HDMI.
* We do not yet know exactly when 120GB / HDMI will become the standard for Premium, but it is loosely estimated to be late summer or fall.
* Elite models run cooler than normal 360s, but they are not yet confirmed to have 65nm chips.
* Prices may remain the same with the 120GB / HDMI hardware upgrade in the Premium Xbox, but we may still see a price cut on the line when 65nm chips start shipping.
* The HD DVD drive will not be internal or bundled -- Microsoft never did or nor does not currently have plans to put an HD DVD drive in the 360.
* There are no current plans to integrate WiFi into the Elite or future Premiums (although that can always change).

Xbox 360 Elite: new, black limited edition Xbox with HDMI and 120GB drive - Engadget
knw this is the wrng thread for it..

bt jst wanted to knw something.. is it worth buying the 360 with a normal flat tv i mean does it really look bad on it??

or do u absolutely require a hd tv to enjoy the graphics
Elite models run cooler than normal 360s
Thankgod!! hopefully this model won't have as high a kaput rate as the old one and i will finally be able to buy a modded xbox without any fear.:ohyeah: :ohyeah:
satanofgamers said:
knw this is the wrng thread for it..
bt jst wanted to knw something.. is it worth buying the 360 with a normal flat tv i mean does it really look bad on it??
or do u absolutely require a hd tv to enjoy the graphics

Its not bad at all. X360 will look like souped up Xbox games on crack (that means, the best your normal TV can do).

But you'll need an HDTV to realize the full potential of X360's graphics awesomeness. Like having two monitors, one can do 1600 reso at max the other 1028 at max. You'll need to a monitor with the 1600 reso to realize the full potential of the game, but it won't be bad at all on 1024 either.
Params7 said:
Its not bad at all. X360 will look like souped up Xbox games on crack (that means, the best your normal TV can do).

But you'll need an HDTV to realize the full potential of X360's graphics awesomeness. Like having two monitors, one can do 1600 reso at max the other 1028 at max. You'll need to a monitor with the 1600 reso to realize the full potential of the game, but it won't be bad at all on 1024 either.

He is right. It would be a sort of a waste to plug a PS3/X360 into a SD set. Personally having seen an Xbox 360 run on a 29 inch SD CRT and a 17 computer moniter I would recomment the moniter.
Truth. If you have an LCD monitor for your PC and there's no reason you shouldn't, then you can just hook it up to your monitor through VGA.
looks too good

looks like the old Xbox 360 owners will have lots of complaints about this. Am i right in saying this.

will like to hear from guys who already own Xbox360.
That is definitely possible. This is interesting though. With around 10 million X360's already sold. Even with HDMI and 1080P support, I doubt developers will consider 1080P a necessity in any and all future games.
Are people assuming every x360 game ever made will now be magically displayed in 1080P with this thing? Has a single developer mentioned that they will be supporting 1080P in the near future. For the most part, the new x360 seems to aiming the HD-DVD combo owners and no one else.
I think that the new 120GB model is mostly aimed at the American audiences who are getting HD content to download. 120 GB makes a lot of sense if you are going to download a full HD movie.

About displaying in 1080P I would be very surprised if we see a lot of games that do that, PS3 or Xbox 360 as I seem to remember a lot of developers saying that the trade off (picture quality vs on screen content) is not worth it. Anyone would rather have a game at a solid 30FPS without any tearing at 1080i than a game that sttuters at 1080p.
That is so true. Why is everyone so impatient? We can save 1080P for next gen. Right now, 1080P will only eat resources out of every other area that is actually useful, gamewise. Something that will be far more noticeable than the loss of that extra bit of resolution.
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