The book I am reading currently

It is weird that people only mention what books they are picking up and which one just been finished off, but no words regarding how the finished story seemed like or leaving an overall rating for the completed books.
It is weird that people only mention what books they are picking up and which one just been finished off, but no words regarding how the finished story seemed like or leaving an overall rating for the completed books.
I try to provide some rating of the finished books (something similar to the movie watched thread).
But yeah, an one-liner glimpse of the story would be great to have while looking for recommendation.
The Devotion Of Suspect X : 3.7/5
- Keigo Higashino

Thanks to @avi for the recommendation.

The story was nice, gripping in good parts. Few loose ends, but overall i am def not disappointed to have spent time over it.
Will be now waiting for the same author's book: 'Midsummer's Equation' to be translated to English.

Any more such 'exotic' book recommendations anyone?
Restarted the Wheel of Time series. Here is it's checklist -

00. New Spring (Prequel)
01. The Eye of the World
02. The Great Hunt (currently reading....)
03. The Dragon Reborn
04. The Shadow Rising
05. The Fires of Heaven
06. Lord of Chaos
07. A Crown of Swords
08. The Path of Daggers
09. Winter's Heart
10. Crossroads of Twilight
11. Knife of Dreams
12. The Gathering Storm
13. Towers of Midnight
14. A Memory of Light
Read "Be careful what you wish for" - Archer. Well, another cliffhanger. Rated 3.5/5

Read another one over the weekend. I had to read that, as the author is husaband of my wife's ex-roommate. :)
And I am never going to read any 'college' romance/love story again. 0/5
[I am not going to mention the book title here. Google bot might crawl here and show my rating in search results, I'm not sure. :p ;)]
Restarted the Wheel of Time series. Here is it's checklist -

00. New Spring (Prequel)
01. The Eye of the World
02. The Great Hunt
03. The Dragon Reborn (currently reading...)
04. The Shadow Rising
05. The Fires of Heaven
06. Lord of Chaos
07. A Crown of Swords
08. The Path of Daggers
09. Winter's Heart
10. Crossroads of Twilight
11. Knife of Dreams
12. The Gathering Storm
13. Towers of Midnight
14. A Memory of Light
Finished - To Kill a Mockingbird - will rate 4/5
I liked the book, but I missed the fun in reading the ascented conversations.

A brief history of time
If you liked that, you might try Hyperspace (by Michio Kaku).

Restarted the Wheel of Time series. Here is it's checklist -
Since you've 'restarted' I shouldn't ask, still asking, since I have no idea about this series - how's this compared to other fantasy series?
Since you've 'restarted' I shouldn't ask, still asking, since I have no idea about this series - how's this compared to other fantasy series?

IMO if you've read one fantasy series, you've read them all. With similar ideas and names popping up all over it becomes somewhat boring to go through a full series. Sure you might feel that the elements are the same and the basic plot line of Good V/s Evil is superfluous at best.

That being said, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is one of a kind. What makes it different from the rest is its take on magic/powers/abilities. The world imagined by Robert Jordan is complicated, detailed, and highly immersing. Layer upon layer of intrigue and suspense keep making you read further. Some might say the story is way too dragged out, and some part of it is, but it all ties in very nicely by the end.

You can see that I haven't given out any spoilers because I hope you read the series and enjoy it for what it is, and appreciate the time and effort that has gone into finishing the books. I personally have sentimental reasons to re-read the series, that
a) My mother was a big fan of the series and she died before the last three books were released. She introduced me to reading and this series in particular.
b) I started the series when I was 14 and have painstakingly waited for every book that came out, but I gave up reading after the 10th book as the release schedule was erratic and I had college to finish.
c) Robert Jordan died in 2008 and left all the material with Brandon Sanderson to finish the series, who in his own right is a master of fantasy.

This whole series is unfinished business in my mind and this time I intend to finish it once and for all.
Completed Secret Service. Its not that great but not bad either. Typical story of street kid gets picked up and becomes a spy and defeats the villain at the end. It's a small series comic, has 30 page 6 comics. I finished the whole thing quickly. Looking forward to watch the movie.

  • Animal Firm - George Owell - one word 'masterpiece'
  • Bankerupt - tried another Indian author. Story was quite okay, but narration isn't gripping. Rated 2.5/5.
Small update

Restarted the Wheel of Time series. Here is it's checklist -

00. New Spring (Prequel)
01. The Eye of the World
02. The Great Hunt
03. The Dragon Reborn
04. The Shadow Rising
05. The Fires of Heaven
06. Lord of Chaos
07. A Crown of Swords
08. The Path of Daggers
09. Winter's Heart
10. Crossroads of Twilight
11. Knife of Dreams (currently reading...)
12. The Gathering Storm
13. Towers of Midnight
14. A Memory of Light