Looks like you have kept yourself busyThe Martian - 5/5. Read this before watching the movie. This is such a refreshing book to read. Focuses on the positive side of human nature. Really really enjoyed it..
David Weber - On Basilisk Station - 4/5.
Stephen Hunter - Point of impact - 4/5. "Shooter" movie is based on this book. Book is much better, of course.
Trevanian - Shibumi - 4/5.
Jason Hough - The Darwin Elevator - 3.5/5.
Jeff Edwards - Sea Of Shadows - 4/5,
Jeff Edwards - The Seventh Angel - 4/5,
Jeff Edwards - Sword OF Shiva - 4/5 (Its about USN interfering(as usual) in a war between India and China),
James H Cobb - Sea Strike - 4/5,
Nelson Demille - Plum Island and the Lions's Game - 3.5/5,
John Ringo - Ghost - 3.5/5,
Eric Thomson - No Honour in Death - 4/5 (Excellent Sci-fi),
Matthew Reilly - Great Zoo Of Chine - 4/5 (Love all of his books esp. Shane Schofield),
James Rollins - Order of The Sanguines series(3 books) - 3.5/5,
Blake Russell - Jet - 3.5/5.
Read these and lots more i cant remember in the past few months.