The Comic Book Thread

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Rise from the dead !
Finished reading Attack on Titan: Colossal Ed 1. Simply superb, right from the B&W art to the gripping story. Read in 3 days (>900 pages). Couldn't keep it down !
Let's try to bump this. Will try to remember and post latest orders and currently reading comics.

Am currently reading Starman. Halfway through and it has been amazing. Great art and lots of Golden Age DC references.



These just arrived today too.

Still reading Starman. Plan to finish reading it this week.

Also bought these to better organise some of my single issues. Single issues are such a pain to read.

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Finished reading this today. Dial H for Hero. Series complete at 16 issues. Written by China Mieville (yes, the same Sci-Fi writer) and has some great art. Very interesting premised too. Regular guy uses a phone booth to call for help and ends up dialing random superheroes.


About to start on this long series now.


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