Audio the creative inspire


hey guys any ofusng the creative inspire m 4500 pls suggest about how it is and how is its perforance when compared with other models
like atp 3
altec lansing speakers tend to be good for music

Logitech speakers tend to be good for gaming

creative speakers tend to be good for , er, nothing :bleh:
there are some times creative speakers which have their merits. for ex, the inspire 2.1 is among the best you can get at 2k , but i would rather you invest the extra and get the ATP3.

surround speakers.... I dont usually recommend any of them
rijojohn said:
hey guys any ofusng the creative inspire m 4500 pls suggest about how it is and how is its perforance when compared with other models
like atp 3

The ATP3 is out of production.. Get its successor, the VS4121.

And btw AL India strangely doesn't list the MX5021.. WTH??? :S
greenhorn said:
there are some times creative speakers which have their merits. for ex, the inspire 2.1 is among the best you can get at 2k , but i would rather you invest the extra and get the ATP3.

surround speakers.... I dont usually recommend any of them

Totally agree..

Heard the Gigaworks and the Megaworks.. Both're absolutely stunning...

The Z5500 may beat the Megaworks in terms of connectivity though..