The Definitive iPhone Thread

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@shaibalik Cydia is an icon on one of your screens.

@naveen58 Have you setup the wifi from settings on your iphone ?

And have you paired your bluetooth headset with the phone ?

I just got my hands on a 3GS 32 GIG any must have apps that you guys would suggest? I've got the usual cydia/rock and backgrounder.
ProSwitcher from Cydia (for multi tasking)

facebook from app store (if you fb)

twitterific / echofon (if you twitter)

There's many more ! Can't remember now and wife's busy playin Luxor on the phone :p
Just got GTA: Chinatown Wars. It's addictive! I also got LockInfo as well as yxFlash (Video Player). The iPhone is a lot of fun to play around with :)
Guys, I have a query on ipod Touch

When It goes into album art coverflow mode, it sorts based on artist name and not based on album name.

Is there any way to change this? Also, if the album has different artist names for tracks, each track is listed as separate entry in albums list means same album is listed multiple times.
^^Try iBluetooth from Cydia. Doesnt work always/with many phones, but may work for you..Give it a shot!!
after jailbreaking, you will be able to load apps that are not licensed into appstore and opens the flood gates for many interesting themes/wallpapers, games, free apps from developers who doesn't want to pay apple registration fee. Dig this thread and you will find necessary links to jailbreaking solutions.

it won't void warranty. in case you face issue, restore firmware from itunes will load apple default firmware
Just got Push notifications working on my iPhone..Its working for the first time and I am so excited..Works flawlessly :-)
Pat said:
Just got Push notifications working on my iPhone..Its working for the first time and I am so excited..Works flawlessly :-)

Why so late ? Didn't work before or you didn't try ? It's been working great since quite some time !
^^It doesnt work on hacktivated/unlocked phones for most of the people. Even with all the Pushfixes and the likes in Cydia.
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