Linux The elementary OS thread


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The next upcoming version 8 is in development based on the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS though there's no fixed release timeline it should be out soon.

I just happened to send in a small code contribution (been doing this for ages now) for the upcoming v8 release, see

Does anyone else here use elementary OS?
Been using it since 0.3 beta (freya?), nice clean look and decently fast. Gave up on it after purchasing my current laptop, as they did not support wayland, and while wayland has its quirks, the experience is better if you're used to certain features on other OSs (browser trackpad gestures, screen tearing being some that were a deal breaker for me). Moved to ubuntu and it's been a generally smooth ride since (except for the inoperative fp sensor, but Linux in general has really bad fp support). I hear they're moving to wayland with 8, maybe I'll give it a spin then. Attached is an old photo of setting up elementary on the laptop.


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I have been wanting to give it a try for a while now, how stable is it compared to Ubuntu or Mint? Do you daily drive it?

It has been very stable for me over the years but then I always purchase hardware conservatively like no nvidia gpus etc.

I've been daily driving the current v7.1 on my ThinkPad and it's smooth.

Even though I'm excited for the next v8 release I'm concerned about the big shifts to Wayland (X11 session still available) and move from gtk3 to gtk4 etc for stuff like running Zoom app, there's currently some hidpi scaling issues with Chrome and VScode but the OS is still in development.

Typically the next point release v8.1 should be better anyway.
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I'm a fan of elementary OS and concerned this 8.0 release may have been rushed and have a bunch of bugs which will take time to resolve.

I mean, I anyways run the "daily" edition (meaning it gets latest development bits from latest git code) on multiple computers and I handle the bugs mostly - but exercise caution, especially if you're considering daily-driving this.
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I extensively used Elementary for almost 2 years - the company I worked for allowed devs to use any linux distro so gave Elementary a try.

Apart from some USB audio issues that required reboot every now and then (and network adapters disappearing that also required a reboot) it was pretty good experience. Battery life was fine, external displays were easy to configure and worked without much tinkering (can't say this about all distros!).

My favourite after Pop!_OS. (I use Nvidia GPU at home).
I used it for a while but it just ends up being my way or highway sort of a thing. I ended up sticking with Pop OS for a while before going vanilla debian.
Absence of an upgrade path between major elementary OS versions, every time you've to wipe before installing next update.

Yup, they're planning to have that but will take a while I guess. I anyway avoid doing upgrades, always reinstall, whether it's windows or any linux distro (unless rolling) coz I'm paranoid about upgrade bugs (always some settings/configs that mismatch between the old and new versions).... since its only about every two years, it's not much of a hassle for me.
Yup, they're planning to have that but will take a while I guess. I anyway avoid doing upgrades, always reinstall, whether it's windows or any linux distro (unless rolling) coz I'm paranoid about upgrade bugs (always some settings/configs that mismatch between the old and new versions).... since its only about every two years, it's not much of a hassle for me.
Come to the dark side. Rolling is where it’s at. Tumbleweed is the shitz.
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Tried very earlier builds of Elementary OS back when it's name was something else. How smooth is it currently? I am currently running Pop OS but the look and feel of Elementary OS feels intriguing
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Tried very earlier builds of Elementary OS back when it's name was something else. How smooth is it currently? I am currently running Pop OS but the look and feel of Elementary OS feels intriguing

IINM it uses the standard GNOME-based GTK stack so should be pretty smooth - don't know if it's as smooth as Pop OS though... (assuming Pop is smoother as it apparently claims).