The "Everyday" show-off thread !

touzeen said:
The New for the New Year! Thanks to WingZero and KMD


what is that?
Got my MSi X340 yesterday. But only now getting the time to post it. :)








Lappy as expected has a short battery life (a little over 2hrs) but apart from that, it's a very good portable laptop. I paid 20.7k for it and it's absolutely worth the money. Also got a decent looking iBall lappy sleeve. And going to get the raidstore 80gb hdd as free gift. :)

Guys, do i need some kind of voltage converter for the router???? 100-240V is on it but im getting some crackling sound whenever i plug it in the electrical socket.

After so much of doing programming I finally manage to run 2x16 character LCD on Windows 7.
I got this “inpout32.dll†file from a friend on “Code project.â€
Using this dll under dotnet platform I manage to make an interface program with can post any information on 2x16 character LCD connecter via LPT port.
Connection of LCD to Parallel port is:-

My Interface program which I pined onto Startup, starts with Pc and turns off with pc shutdown. Showing post all the time while pc is operating.

Here is youtube Video of LCD in Action..
YouTube - LCD Post
Story is not finished yet…. Since I am made about music …I search all my data CD backups to get “Winamp Spectrum Analyzer Plugin for LCDSmarties.â€
After 2 hours of searching I found it and I incorporated it with my Interface.
So now my program monitors working exes..if he found that Winamp.exe is being executed, it just start streaming data from the plugin to LCD and you have “Audio Spectrum on the LCDâ€. And as soon as winamp is closed , my program reload itself and you have post working again.
Have a look.
YouTube - Graphic
More to come soon…Planning to add second LCD.
Heh,heh,the atmosphere in your videos remind me of the final scene of "The Silence of the Lambs".Are you by any chance an SK on the wait?:):).No offence just joking.....:)
amazer said:

Guys, do i need some kind of voltage converter???? 100-240V is on it but im getting some crackling sound whenever i plug it in the electrical socket.

i don't think you need a voltage converter... its just fine. check if there is a problem with the charger