The Fitness Thread !

I have observed that it takes roughly 3-4 months for a tendon or ligament injury to really heal (not the mild ones like sprains).
Doing physio during this period is entirely your call. In my experience all it does it pain relief, not faster healing.
I have observed that it takes roughly 3-4 months for a tendon or ligament injury to really heal (not the mild ones like sprains).
Doing physio during this period is entirely your call. In my experience all it does it pain relief, not faster healing.

What measures should I take in such case? Is running the only option ?
I really don't want to sit and just gobble up calories.
I have observed that it takes roughly 3-4 months for a tendon or ligament injury to really heal (not the mild ones like sprains).
Doing physio during this period is entirely your call. In my experience all it does it pain relief, not faster healing.
Tell me about it. 3-4months on there is still light discomfort in my knee. :(
I visited an Ortho and he said it is nothing to worry about. He gave me some pain killers and muscle relaxant.

Should I visit a physio or give this more time to heal?

if the doc has ruled out any physical injury then as part of the healing process, you should stop doing weight lifting exercises that require the use of shoulders and start doing rotator cuff exercises. do the legs on machines that have pins for weight selector. shoulders are used in pretty much everything you do... so, give them proper rest otherwise they are going to affect you for years.

BTW, it wouldn't have hurt that much if you had already been doing these exercises. inside gym, shoulders are the most injured part of the body. as soon as i enter gym, the first thing i do is rotator cuff exercises and then comes the warm-up.
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Rest more. 3/4 weeks. After that try to do some shoulder dislocations (google it) Just try if you can... if you feel pain rest more. Don't worry. Apply Volini and keep the shoulder joint mobile. Do some mild rotations etc to keep blood flowing there as much as possible. Use gym chalk. Comes for around Rs. 70/80 and will last you a looong time lol.

I hit a roadblock recently.

Was doing assisted pull ups and my left hand slipped due to which I strained my right shoulder. Even after 2 weeks of complete rest, I have not recovered. There is no muscular pain as such, but I feel slight discomfort while doing tasks which require strength of my right shoulder eg: picking up bucket full of water. The pain is not at a specific area but nearby the collar bone and shoulders. I have been using hot water bottle to massage the affected area since a week but there is no improvement.

I visited an Ortho and he said it is nothing to worry about. He gave me some pain killers and muscle relaxant.

Should I visit a physio or give this more time to heal?
Tell me about it. 3-4months on there is still light discomfort in my knee. :(
How did it happen?
I bought these :

This brand (Carlson) is IFOS Certified, is affordable and highly respected, They have been making fish oils since the 80s.


Robb Wolf Author of the Paleo diet mentioned in his book that he likes 3 fish oil companies (doesn't endorse them!) Nordic Naturals, Carlson and Barleans. Nordic is expensive. Carlson is the best bet IMO.
Each softgel of Carlson Super Omega has 500 mgs (.5 grams) of EPA and DHA combined. When experts talk about fish oil dosage they refer to the EPA/DHA only, so just look at the EPA/DHA PER SOFTGEL! Ignore everything else. The global trend says fish oils from Norway is the best.

I ordered 380 softgels from I paid Rs. 3185 while placing the order. The package was delivered in flat 4 days coming from USA. I paid Rs. 2310 as customs.
So in all 380 softgels set me down by Rs. 5500. Cost of one softgel : Rs. 14.47. If you have 3 of these a day your daily intake will be 1500 mgs (1.5 grams) of "Fish Oil" and will cost you Rs. 43.42 a day x 30 days = Rs. 1302 a month.
If you have 2 of these you get 1 gram of EPA/DHA a day. Monthly expense : Rs. 868.20 (approx). There is a lot of hoopla about dosages. Some suggest 10-40 GRAMS a day!! RDA recommends 300 mgs a day (Combined EPA/DHA).
The overall preferred dosage seems to be 1-3 grams a day : 1000-3000 mgs a day of EPA/DHA only. Other sources like flax seeds/nuts are not that potent. You will have to eat a LOT of nuts to get considerable oils from them. (it may drive you nuts)

This is what I will buy next time when current stock runs out :

This has 700 mgs per softgel. If you ask someone to get it from the US (skip custom expense) you will end up spending only Rs. 700-800 a month for 1.4 grams (1400 mgs) on one of the highest quality fish oils in the world! Once I get these I will stick with 2/3 caps a day for life.


Compare ON Fish oils and Carlson. ON is crap. Won't ever buy again. There are many cheap Omega 3 softgels available in India. Don't even bother checking them out lol.

ON vs Carlson.jpeg

^^ I can occasionally find flaxseed oil in big malls in Gurgaon. I could only get 1 bottle last year. Local stores do not keep it, even though they have plenty of so-called imported health-food. It turns rancid easily, so I cannot stock big quantities. Currently I am managing with small bottles of hemp and flaxseed powder. For a steady supply, I inquired couple of oil makers in north India and they said their oils aren't meant for consumption! maybe they keep aside edible oils for export. I'll check with south Indian suppliers.

From last month, I stopped taking any form of animal milk and its by-products. Looks like my body doesn't like them. And there's no alternative for me at the moment. None of the local Reliance and Easy-day stores carry non-animal based milk. I planning to switch to Soy or Almond milk. Because I am living with my family, I can eat eggs and chicken only on certain days :p

Moving to Bangalore looks like a good option :D I could easily get all kinds of nuts, seeds, oils and milks there. That was 6 years ago!

I used to eat all kinds of nuts, EFAs and other good fats. Whether the body can produce it or not, as long as it didn't have much of saturated fats, I'd would eat it (e.g. avocado, macadamia nuts, CLA, GLA, Omega9, evening primrose and whatnot!).

Comparing that lifestyle to now, I have only these regular sources of oil: extra virgin olive oil, almond oil and fish oil capsules.


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Over training. Starting Strength Workout followed by 45mins cardio. I guess that sort of overworked the tendon. Was trying to move up too fast.
Lol... 2 sessions of HIIT a week post workout would have been good although Mark does not recommend it. 45 mins of cardio WILL definitely work against you. Long steady state cardio is degenerative. Sprints are superior + Do some burpees along with it if you can sustain it. Do this after SS, do nothing on rest days.
Hey guys, I started doing cardio a while back to lose weight & be active. So I used to follow along with vids such as this & this & this. (viz. mainly aerobics with burpees, jumping jacks, power walking & the like). I used to do the routines barefoot on a hard floor at my home.

About 2-3 months ago, I started feeling some discomfort in my knee/s. (There weren't any such issues for the 10 or so months that I was exercising). The discomfort wasn't a sharp pain of any sort.... & it wasn't while exercising either. Rather it ranged from being a dull pain to a state where I'd feel the need to "crack" or "pop" the knee joint much like people crack their knuckles. & this would happen seemingly randomly when not exercising. So I decided to give my body a rest.

Now I feel I can get back to exercising. But could anyone advise about steps that I could take for injury prevention given the kind of exercise I do & the surface? So for instance, should I be wearing jogging shoes while working out? Or is there a mat of some sort that could help with the impact? Or.....

Any tips or advice is appreciated. Many thanks!
Hey guys, I started doing cardio a while back to lose weight & be active. So I used to follow along with vids such as this & this & this. (viz. mainly aerobics with burpees, jumping jacks, power walking & the like). I used to do the routines barefoot on a hard floor at my home.

About 2-3 months ago, I started feeling some discomfort in my knee/s. (There weren't any such issues for the 10 or so months that I was exercising). The discomfort wasn't a sharp pain of any sort.... & it wasn't while exercising either. Rather it ranged from being a dull pain to a state where I'd feel the need to "crack" or "pop" the knee joint much like people crack their knuckles. & this would happen seemingly randomly when not exercising. So I decided to give my body a rest.

Now I feel I can get back to exercising. But could anyone advise about steps that I could take for injury prevention given the kind of exercise I do & the surface? So for instance, should I be wearing jogging shoes while working out? Or is there a mat of some sort that could help with the impact? Or.....

Any tips or advice is appreciated. Many thanks!
Do some body weight squats before your workout. 4/5 sets of 8-15.[DOUBLEPOST=1442756741][/DOUBLEPOST]I have decided to buy Davisco WPC 80 50 lbs bag :) 1 kg of Whey will then cost Rs. 950/960 a kg ;)
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@Rockfella thanks a lot for the detailed information!

i'll definitely try Carlson. please share how you liked it... aftertaste/fish-burps etc. i tried Nordic once and then moved to generic ON/Now, because of the price and availability. but the one that really made a difference was the Animal Omega by Ultimate Nutrition. i tried Animal line for quite a long time.

@kidrow looks you know what you need to do! you need some cushioning to avoid injuries to your knee and probably spine.

wear shoes whenever you exercise... to enhance balance and to support your feet. don't stomp when you do cardio. to avoid that, use incline on cardio machine. and if you like to run in the open then do so on the grass and not tarred road.
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@Rockfella thanks a lot for the detailed information!

i'll definitely try Carlson. please share how you liked it... aftertaste/fish-burps etc. i tried Nordic once and then moved to generic ON/Now, because of the price and availability. but the one that really made a difference was the Animal Omega by Ultimate Nutrition. i tried Animal line for quite a long time.

@kidrow looks you know what you need to do! you need some cushioning to avoid injuries to your knee and probably spine.

wear shoes whenever you exercise... to enhance balance and to support your feet. don't stomp when you do cardio. to avoid that, use incline on cardio machine. and if you like to run in the open then do so on the grass and not tarred road.
Mild fish burps which I don't mind at all. Infact I like that :) What real world differences you felt having Animal Omega? Please share. As per the label Animal Omega seems to have a bit of everything out there!
What real world differences you felt having Animal Omega?
Animal Omega is a high dosage product... really helped when i used to lift quite heavy, against my lean frame. and because it has lots of fats, i never felt low on energy throughout the day. no sugar crash either, associated with usual protein shakes. my hair and skin got visibly smoother.
Animal Omega is a high dosage product... really helped when i used to lift quite heavy, against my lean frame. and because it has lots of fats, i never felt low on energy throughout the day. no sugar crash either, associated with usual protein shakes. my hair and skin got visibly smoother.
Sad I can't afford it :(
@Rockfella thanks a lot for the detailed information!

i'll definitely try Carlson. please share how you liked it... aftertaste/fish-burps etc. i tried Nordic once and then moved to generic ON/Now, because of the price and availability. but the one that really made a difference was the Animal Omega by Ultimate Nutrition. i tried Animal line for quite a long time.

@kidrow looks you know what you need to do! you need some cushioning to avoid injuries to your knee and probably spine.

wear shoes whenever you exercise... to enhance balance and to support your feet. don't stomp when you do cardio. to avoid that, use incline on cardio machine. and if you like to run in the open then do so on the grass and not tarred road.
Yet I see so many people jogging on tar early morning. They need to visit this thread.
Do some body weight squats before your workout. 4/5 sets of 8-15
Thanks! It's incorporated in one of the workouts as a warm-up, but I'll make it a point to do it every time. I also used to walk/run up & down a set of stairs every now & then to strengthen my leg muscles & hopefully avoid knee injuries. Is that also something I should continue doing?

@kidrow looks you know what you need to do! you need some cushioning to avoid injuries to your knee and probably spine.

wear shoes whenever you exercise... to enhance balance and to support your feet. don't stomp when you do cardio. to avoid that, use incline on cardio machine. and if you like to run in the open then do so on the grass and not tarred road.
Thanks! For cushioning, besides shoes, is there anything else, like a mat for instance, that'll help? (If yes, then any particular type/specs to look out for?) I'll be continuing to work out indoors at home (without any equipment) on a hard floor. The most high impact moves vis-a-vis the knees I can think of would be butt-kickers, skipping rope, jogging on-the-spot, jumping jacks & similar.

Again, thank you both for your time. Cheers!
For cushioning, besides shoes, is there anything else, like a mat for instance, that'll help? (If yes, then any particular type/specs to look out for?)
yes, a mat will help... something is better than nothing. i use non-slip yoga mat. ideally, it should be a hard rubber mat... it's the same stuff that the rubberized gym floors are made of. same stuff as children's playgrounds abroad are made of. i think i saw someone using that rubberized mat near his weights rack on this forum. maybe it was Rockfella... can't recall.

and research on net about how runners feet should land (footstrikes). maybe you use a slightly different landing technique which is causing the discomfort. correct landing technique + appropriate cushioning will help prevent shocks travelling through your knees, up to your spine. this is the first search result from google:
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What measures should I take in such case? Is running the only option ?
I really don't want to sit and just gobble up calories.
Come on, there are (perhaps) better things in life to experience and appreciate than lifting weights!
On the other hand, I presume, you are not going to compete professionally in bodybuilding/powerlifting/weightlifting - so a brief hiatus won't affect.

and research on net about how runners feet should land (footstrikes). maybe you use a slightly different landing technique which is causing the discomfort. correct landing technique + appropriate cushioning will help prevent shocks travelling through your knees, up to your spine. this is the first search result from google:
Thanks a ton for that link!
It just proves what I have been observing, experiencing, thinking about. Repeated heel strike is what causes issues, not running over hard surface.
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Come on, there are (perhaps) better things in life to experience and appreciate than lifting weights!
On the other hand, I presume, you are not going to compete professionally in bodybuilding/powerlifting/weightlifting - so a brief hiatus won't affect.

Not at all !!
Just aiming at reducing weight and get into shape. I believe its a small break for me now.

Have visited physio and he has suggested me some exercises. I am better now, but I still feel it will take more time to heal.