^^ I can occasionally find flaxseed oil in big malls in Gurgaon. I could only get 1 bottle last year. Local stores do not keep it, even though they have plenty of so-called imported health-food. It turns rancid easily, so I cannot stock big quantities. Currently I am managing with small bottles of hemp and flaxseed powder. For a steady supply, I inquired couple of oil makers in north India and they said their oils aren't meant for consumption! maybe they keep aside edible oils for export. I'll check with south Indian suppliers.
From last month, I stopped taking any form of animal milk and its by-products. Looks like my body doesn't like them. And there's no alternative for me at the moment. None of the local Reliance and Easy-day stores carry non-animal based milk. I planning to switch to Soy or Almond milk. Because I am living with my family, I can eat eggs and chicken only on certain days
Moving to Bangalore looks like a good option

I could easily get all kinds of nuts, seeds, oils and milks there. That was 6 years ago!
I used to eat all kinds of nuts, EFAs and other good fats. Whether the body can produce it or not, as long as it didn't have much of saturated fats, I'd would eat it (e.g. avocado, macadamia nuts, CLA, GLA, Omega9, evening primrose and whatnot!).
Comparing that lifestyle to now, I have only these regular sources of oil: extra virgin olive oil, almond oil and fish oil capsules.