The Fitness Thread !

Re: The Fitness Thread !

Params7 said:
Very true. If you hit a blockade in chest press for example and can't go higher weight, it means you're ignoring your Rows.

I am blocked in benching.. :S.

Max i could now without support is 60kgs + bar weight. I been trying 70kgs + bar weight with lil support for few weeks now. Cant get to do it properly. max i will do is 1 set of 10. :(. No idea why i cant go up. :(

I do like 60 push ups a day.. :S...

I been doing seated rows every week. :S

Yea.. welll.. i am a 100KG guy.. maybe this is like the max i can do.. :S... Even the thin guys go nuts when they see me pull weights like this.. :S. :(.

Only 1 thing in gym i dont do is pull ups. Dunno if i can. :S
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Listen, instead of doing 1 set of 10 with 60 kgs do 4x6 or 5x5 with 62.5kgs OR 61.25 if possible. You are trying to jump a 10kg/22lbs increase on the bench press! THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!! If your gym doesnot have small plates buy online/use ankle weights to increase load. You can buy ankle weights of small weights. If you do push-ups everyday you are training your chest EVERYDAY so it is never resting! How the **** will it grow/get strong? Do push-ups only when u bench in whatever self designed program you are following. Try inverted rows first, if you think you can handle it do IRs for 2-3 months OR when you can do 10+ reps in the first set then switch to barbell rows start from 40 kgs (after two months of IRs). Don't use so many loser expressions in a single post man! :)

m-jeri said:
I am blocked in benching.. :S. Max i could now without support is 60kgs + bar weight. I been trying 70kgs + bar weight with lil support for few weeks now. Cant get to do it properly. max i will do is 1 set of 10. :(. No idea why i cant go up. :( I do like 60 push ups a day.. :S... I been doing seated rows every week. :S Yea.. welll.. i am a 100KG guy.. maybe this is like the max i can do.. :S... Even the thin guys go nuts when they see me pull weights like this.. :S. :(. Only 1 thing in gym i dont do is pull ups. Dunno if i can. :S
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Everytime you google you find a "new study" shattering the old one you read days ago. If you have any confusion pick any set of exercises you LIKE (not the best advice though) and get strong in those, eating more calories than you eat now with proteins. You'll attain some growth sooner or later if you are patient enough.
ya true there is always something or the other. It's up to you to find out wat works.

@ jeri, as rock said jumping 10kg is a bit much. Take it one step at a time. Things don't happen overnight sadly.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

10kg is way too much. It is sometimes possible in deadlifts that also only for beginners + its risky.

soumalidon said:
ya true there is always something or the other. It's up to you to find out wat works.

@ jeri, as rock said jumping 10kg is a bit much. Take it one step at a time. Things don't happen overnight sadly.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Listen, instead of doing 1 set of 10 with 60 kgs do 4x6 or 5x5 with 62.5kgs OR 61.25 if possible. You are trying to jump a 10kg/22lbs increase on the bench press! THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN!!!! If your gym doesnot have small plates buy online/use ankle weights to increase load. You can buy ankle weights of small weights. If you do push-ups everyday you are training your chest EVERYDAY so it is never resting! How the **** will it grow/get strong? Do push-ups only when u bench in whatever self designed program you are following. Try inverted rows first, if you think you can handle it do IRs for 2-3 months OR when you can do 10+ reps in the first set then switch to barbell rows start from 40 kgs (after two months of IRs). Don't use so many loser expressions in a single post man! :)
Yeas. there are 2.5KG plates. Will use that then.

The 1 set of 10 is for 70 kg, with support. So will avoid that and do with small weights.

Push - ups everyday no necessary??. :S. Folks in my gym been harping me to do that. they say do push ups everyday.. :S...

About inverted rows. I never did that. Never. So will start doing that from next week onwards. :).

Should i do feet elevated kinda one or just place my feet on the ground?. Which one is better for starters? On the floor r8?

So both barbell rows and IRs for chest r8?. hmm.

Yea well.. what can i say. Cant be cool if u dont know anything.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Talking to you is hitting a dead wall. 2.5kg x 2 = 5kgs not possible again! BUY ANKLE WEIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop listening to the gym rats! For 2 months do ONLY inverted rows with feet on ground yeah right! u were right!

m-jeri said:
Yeas. there are 2.5KG plates. Will use that then.

The 1 set of 10 is for 70 kg, with support. So will avoid that and do with small weights.

Push - ups everyday no necessary??. :S. Folks in my gym been harping me to do that. they say do push ups everyday.. :S...

About inverted rows. I never did that. Never. So will start doing that from next week onwards. :).

Should i do feet elevated kinda one or just place my feet on the ground?. Which one is better for starters? On the floor r8?

So both barbell rows and IRs for chest r8?. hmm.

Yea well.. what can i say. Cant be cool if u dont know anything.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Well you say things that cannot be done using the stuffs available to me. so i say workarounds. you can say yes or no to that. Never understood why you get hyper.

Will check for ankle weights. no other way.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

So many times i've said to find workarounds to add small weights in every workout and you always listen to gym mates who give u rubbish broscience. If u can buy a pair of .5 and 1kg ones. U'll always have scope of micro loading.

m-jeri said:
Well you say things that cannot be done using the stuffs available to me. so i say workarounds. you can say yes or no to that. Never understood why you get hyper.

Will check for ankle weights. no other way.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

m-jeri said:
Yeas. there are 2.5KG plates. Will use that then.

The 1 set of 10 is for 70 kg, with support. So will avoid that and do with small weights.

Push - ups everyday no necessary??. :S. Folks in my gym been harping me to do that. they say do push ups everyday.. :S...

About inverted rows. I never did that. Never. So will start doing that from next week onwards. :).

Should i do feet elevated kinda one or just place my feet on the ground?. Which one is better for starters? On the floor r8?

So both barbell rows and IRs for chest r8?. hmm.

Yea well.. what can i say. Cant be cool if u dont know anything.
Barbell Rows and Inverted Rows are not for CHEST. They are for BACK. Inverted rows are useful if you cannot do pull up's.

It is not recommended to do push up's every day as explained earlier.

if you would like to do exercises without weights or using ur body weight try these

Chest: Parallel Bar, push up's, Wide grip Push up's (Many more here Perfect Push Ups Workout Guide: 35+ Exercises | The Art of Manliness)

Shoulder : Wide grip Pull up

Biceps: Reverse Close grip pull up

Tricep: Close Push up's, Parallel bar, Back dip's

Back: Inverted Rows, pull up's

Depending on your schedule u can add the above exercises to your work out.

A normal person should be able to bench 90% of his body weight for 1 rep.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Does it matter if i tell that i never had or will in future plan Body building.

My aim is just fat burning and fitness. nothing else.

Even then all things are applicable for me r8?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

I don't think anyone here is planning to get into pro BB, just fitness. Why don't u finish your workout and get out of the gym. You don't have to tell them anything. U will get new advice from new mouth 10 times a day if u start asking them.

m-jeri said:
Does it matter if i tell that i never had or will in future plan Body building.

My aim is just fat burning and fitness. nothing else.

Even then all things are applicable for me r8?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

It doesnt matter if you want to become a pro body builder or u want fitness or u want to do well in some sport...etc...etc...

All the things discussed atlest here are quite basic unfortunately the gym trainers and others who are working out from long are not aware......

For Fat Burning it has to do more with what you eat than what u do.

All the suggestions people give here because

1) DO not get INJURED. Because the basics are not right people get injured regularly

2) Spend time wisely. you are spending 1hr - 2hr per day out of your schedule for gym and health related activities so you need to gain most out of the given time.

3) Spend money Wisely. oh this is a given. Gym are costlier than ever before because of the health and six pack fad now going on.

4) Be consistent. otherwise you will not get the result. Remember there is not luck in building body.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

m-jeri said:
I was telling you folks. u need to relax.
It is really hard work, more mentally than physically. It hurts to see someone's time and effort wasted. So when he is being blunt, it is actually out of concern.
m-jeri said:
Does it matter if i tell that i never had or will in future plan Body building.

Even then all things are applicable for me r8?
Ambition is the enemy of success.
m-jeri said:
My aim is just fat burning and fitness. nothing else.
Just so you are clear on this ; It is a LOT LOT harder to burn fat without building muscle than to burn fat and gain muscle.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Errr.. experts (good ones) not the ones with roid bodies but real coaches with a lot of experience training people from all ages since 70/80s believe it is harder to gain muscle mass than burn fat because they believe that fat burning is way easier when there is more muscle = as muscle is the fat burning furnace of our body. That is why they say to gain muscle calorie excess is a must (general statistics) now some people will put on muscle on crappy diet, specially people in teens/early 20s. I remember i used to gain good noticable bodyweight muscle in 2-3 months when i was 22/23 eating the same food. What's confusing is that if you want to gain muscle you need to eat more, if you eat too much you will also gain fat which experts say is fine as it really speeds up strength/muscle gain. They advocate gaining strength and increased muscle will be a side effect. Some of them get fat doing this but initially were extremely skinny people. They build muscle/get strong very fast but it is covered under a layer of fat. They loose fat later/or keep on getting stronger. Some people react differently to things so sometimes it gets very complicated. Some lucky ones gain muscle and burn fat at the same time, some can only do one thing at a time no matter what they do. We really don't know what will click for us till we give 6 months/an year(this can again vary) of regular training with progressive loading training/eating good FOOD. Some people have a thing about weights some people prefer to do only running/bodyweight exercises/yoga/whatever. One must keep in mind it is very important to increase intensity OR duration OR BOTH in small increments in whatever you do. Joggers should try to run maybe an extra minute every day or every other day OR increase speed every week OR do anything minor everyday/every other day so that you keep on pushing yourself SLIGHTLY and regularly.

damn said:
Just so you are clear on this, It is a LOT LOT harder to burn fat without building muscle than to burn fat and gain muscle.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

You were right. I just added more. Actually doing cardio without strength training is considered stupid by many experts as the high % of weight NOT fat loss is due to muscle loss. Some people are okay losing muscle with fat as they feel great losing any weight/wearing smaller clothes after a long time.

damn said:
Thats exactly what I said dude. Its easier to burn fat with muscle than without. o_O
Re: The Fitness Thread !

your body type (i.e Ectomorph, Mesomorph or Endomorph) also effects your outcome. Which is why different techniques work for some people and not for others.

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