The Fitness Thread !

Re: The Fitness Thread !

No clue mate.

Saiyan said:
^Funny you mentioned peanuts, for the past two days i am living on peanut butter and roasted peanuts :lol: (thanks to my depressed state of mind :p) Guys, have a question. I consume 32gram of peanut butter daily for the past two years, more like addiction. Generally have it for breakfast mixed with milk & oats or with whole wheat bread. So far no issues, i workout 4 to 5 days per week. Will there be any issues with regards to my addiction on a long term basis ?
I guess so .. getting 1gram per lb of body weight can be PITA on a pure vegan diet. It's hard even on a non-veg diet. Diet is not way more important that lifting/exercise. You can progress on a crappy diet to an extent but 300 grams of proteins won't do much if one does zero exercise. Combination of both with sound sleep 8 hours a day proven to work best :) Imo working out regularly is fun, eating every 3-4 hours/5-6 meals a day with 25-30 grams prots per meal can be a PITA though not impossible.

soumalidon said:
Its not overkill at all. I follow gram per body weight basis. The remainder of my protein which i don't get from supplements i get from food. Being vegetarian its quiet difficult to get all my proteins from food alone. Typically u should consume ~25g protein per meal and 6-7 meals a day. Im currently on 7 meals a day @ 180g protein and 3200 calories. Diet is way more important than lifting 1000 pounds and eating peanuts.
Thanks for the link. Jason Ferrugia is a known guy, ex-hard gainer as he says.

pradeep200417 said:
Regarding your point about the difficulty in getting enough protein being a vegetarian, i have an interesting post from Jason Ferrugia, who is a strength coach and writes some excellent articles. Mind you he is saying about vegans who dont even drink milk. You being vegetarian have an option of milk.

Vegan Muscle Building: Is it Possible?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
No clue mate.
I guess so .. getting 1gram per lb of body weight can be PITA on a pure vegan diet. It's hard even on a non-veg diet. Diet is not way more important that lifting/exercise. You can progress on a crappy diet to an extent but 300 grams of proteins won't do much if one does zero exercise. Combination of both with sound sleep 8 hours a day proven to work best :) Imo working out regularly is fun, eating every 3-4 hours/5-6 meals a day with 25-30 grams prots per meal can be a PITA though not impossible.
Thanks for the link. Jason Ferrugia is a known guy, writes good articles.
I do remember reading Mehdi's Article on Prison guys. They hardly get around like 40gms of protein on that prison diet, but they lift heavy and are big.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

yes i never said its impossible :) it's difficult thats all. Regarding the amount of protein/calories which people take, that entirely depends on your body type. Some people don't need as much to get results and some do. It's up to you to experiment and find out how your body reacts and then plan a diet based on that response. There is no one sure shot diet to get massive and become shredded. The guidelines are just there to help you get started.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Yes sir. Unfortunately i am off training due to low back injury :(

soumalidon said:
yes i never said its impossible :) it's difficult thats all. Regarding the amount of protein/calories which people take, that entirely depends on your body type. Some people don't need as much to get results and some do. It's up to you to experiment and find out how your body reacts and then plan a diet based on that response. There is no one sure shot diet to get massive and become shredded. The guidelines are just there to help you get started.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

When i was injured i thought someone put a 2" nail in my mid back so i am resting. A ghetto home gym has its own serious disadvantages. mine is super ghetto. Thanks.

soumalidon said:
ah ok, well be careful. Didn't u notice any pain while working out?? Oh and what's with the 'Sir' I am only 23 :)
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
When i was injured i thought someone put a 2" nail in my mid back so i am resting. A ghetto home gym has its own serious disadvantages. mine is super ghetto. Thanks.

Ouch I know that feeling and it sucks. I almost injured my back as well today doing squats, but luckily i stopped the set before something could happen, my form was messed up for some reason :/
Re: The Fitness Thread !

When doing with heavy weights take help of a spotter or another person to support you by holding you from behind. This way u can avoid injury while doing squats and get a little support in the last reps. Problem with squat is they put lot of pressure on the spinal chord and the last reps are super difficult and this is where the form of the exercise goes for a toss.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Many don't know and assume whey protein to be completely VEG product. it is not, it does contain extract from a cow's gut known as calf rennet, even i was shocked to hear this and had no idea on this, till i did my sport nutrition course. it is not acceptable since in india cows are holy
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Wow. Nice thread.

Do any of you have expertise regarding treadmill equipment. A friend plans to get one. I had posted a query in GT, but hardly got responses. I could copy paste it here, for better replies..? You guys sound like pros by the way.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

sg3707 said:
When doing with heavy weights take help of a spotter or another person to support you by holding you from behind. This way u can avoid injury while doing squats and get a little support in the last reps. Problem with squat is they put lot of pressure on the spinal chord and the last reps are super difficult and this is where the form of the exercise goes for a toss.

ya true :) I usually dread the day I have to do thighs, absolute killer. My thighs feel like they gonna explode after squats and leg press and i push those to the absolute limit more than any other work out.
asingh said:
Wow. Nice thread.

Do any of you have expertise regarding treadmill equipment. A friend plans to get one. I had posted a query in GT, but hardly got responses. I could copy paste it here, for better replies..? You guys sound like pros by the way.
My suggestion would be to go out and run in the park or some nice area. Why run in one place and waste money on unnecessary equipment. I guess if you live in a crowded area with allot of traffic, a treadmill makes sense.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

soumalidon said:
My suggestion would be to go out and run in the park or some nice area. Why run in one place and waste money on unnecessary equipment. I guess if you live in a crowded area with allot of traffic, a treadmill makes sense.

Given a choice i'd love to walk outside but sometimes i do feel that walking in the thread mill is more convenient. Be it a summer or winter, any time during the day. I still walk 2 Kms everyday though. :)
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Its time I posted in this thread :p

I have been ignoring my body for ages now. I am not 1% fit. Thankfully I am not obese. I have quite a lot of fat on my tummy (beer belly) but I have very skinny hands and legs. I have been out of home for quite a while and my diet was poor. Now I am back home for good and thought of joining a gym but have a few concerns. I would be really thankful if the experts here can help me out. Here is what I need to know:

1. Is joining a gym necessary or should I focus on other forms of fitness such as pilates, running, etc? I don't want a Salman Khan kind of body (I know that is too far fetched anyways). I just want to increase my stamina and have a proportionate body and increase my strength.

2. I have had multiple injuries in the past with the last one being 3 years back. Like a hairline fracture in my rib cage, a ligament issue in my knee, a tail bone fracture and stuff and I haven't been exercising since a while even though the docs had asked me to exercise. I was wondering if joining a gym and doing cardio exercises and lifting light weights only would be a problem or not. My doc says all I need is exercise or physiotherapy and my body is fine as such.

3. Do I need to take in any kind of proteins if I join a gym? Or normal home vegetarian diet is enough? I doubt if it is though. Also please suggest a good diet plan with what to eat and what to avoid.

4. I was also planning to join a reputed gym (Gold's Gym) and take a personal trainer initially at least because of the injuries and zero fitness levels. Is this a good idea or will it be a waste?

Any other tips/suggestions? Please pardon me for asking so many questions but I am just concerned about my body and I think I have realized that "Health is truly wealth."

Thanks :)