The Fitness Thread !

Re: The Fitness Thread !

I badly wanted to follow that 5x5 routine but unluckily i am unable to find a power rack in any of my nearby gym.

Now, i will have to follow my earlier 3/4 days a week, isolated exercise routine. I guess growth will be slow but its better than nothing for now and i also got hold of this Natural 100% Whey Gold Standard - $39.99 | Optimum Nutrition: True Strength that will easily last for about 8-10 weeks if i take it only 3/4 days a week. :p

About my diet, i easily drink more than 1L milk per day that too BHAINS WAALA lol!

In the morning, i take one full glass milk + have it with oats, so i make a good oatmeal for my breakfast. Lunch, is normal ghar ka khaana peena, roti/sabji. Around 4pm, lassi everyday, one big glass. Two glass banana milkshake mixed with 1 scoop whey protein (that i got hold of just now) after coming back from gym. Dinner, i keep it low and then again one full glass milk before going to sleep. I think i can add eggs too but being too lazy. :p

Any source where i could get that 'saputo whey protein'?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Again :

1) Do more "big" exercises like: Deadlifts, bench bench, push-ups, barbell rows, pull-ups, chin-ups, bar dips (these don't need a power rack!) instead of dumbell curls/tricep extensions and stay away from machines no matter what your trainer says.

2) Here’s an example diet that will provide you with 200g protein. Again: eat a whole protein source with each meal and you’ll reach your daily protein requirement easily.

• Breakfast: One full glass milk + with oats + 3 whole eggs, veggies (spinach) + orange.

• Snack. 100g Plain fat free yogurt, 1 scoop whey, apple.

• Lunch. 1 Chicken breast, olive oil.

• Snack. 100g Mixed nuts, peer.

• Post Workout Shake. 1 Scoop whey, 300ml milk, oats, banana.

• Dinner. 150g Chicken breast, spinach.

• Pre bed. 200g Cottage cheese, flax seeds, fish oil.

Eat this truckload for 3 months, see how it changes you. Invest in this, stop all useless expences you might have.

H_D said:
I badly wanted to follow that 5x5 routine but unluckily i am unable to find a power rack in any of my nearby gym.

Now, i will have to follow my earlier 3/4 days a week, isolated exercise routine. I guess growth will be slow but its better than nothing for now and i also got hold of this Natural 100% Whey Gold Standard - $39.99 | Optimum Nutrition: True Strength that will easily last for about 8-10 weeks if i take it only 3/4 days a week. :p

About my diet, i easily drink more than 1L milk per day that too BHAINS WAALA lol! In the morning, i take one full glass milk + have it with oats, so i make a good oatmeal for my breakfast. Lunch, is normal ghar ka khaana peena, roti/sabji. Around 4pm, lassi everyday, one big glass. Two glass banana milkshake mixed with 1 scoop whey protein (that i got hold of just now) after coming back from gym. Dinner, i keep it low and then again one full glass milk before going to sleep. I think i can add eggs too but being too lazy. :p

Any source where i could get that 'saputo whey protein'?

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Some useful info for the "vegans"

For a vegetarian (not even eating eggs), I find it very difficult to get good amount of protein intake. Also, I do not take any supplements. I only have soaked beans (urad and moong) and whole milk.

My routine is as follows:

5.30 AM - Have a banana, sprouts and wait for 30 mins before I start my workout.

6.00 AM - 7.00 AM Workout

7.00 - 7.30 AM - Shower and have post-workout meal. This meal is usually 3 dosas or 5 idlys or oatmeal in water and 1.5 glasses of whole milk.

11.00 AM - munching away mixed nuts

12.30 - Lunch. This meal is also high in carbs like Rice and vegetable or Chappati and vegetable. If dal is a side dish then protein intake is there, otherwise this turns out to be a low protein meal.

4.00 PM - Fruit salad or veg grilled sandwich with fruit juice.

8.30 PM - Dinner, mainly rice/chappati and vegetable

9.00 PM - 1 glass of whole milk and then go to bed."

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Dymatize - Elite Whey Protien 10 lbs

This i heard is better.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

I can vouch for Ultimate 100% whey. It has won numerous awards , best bang for buck. Well every one has their fav brand to be honest. Don't compromise on price , this is going into your body.

Re: The Fitness Thread !

I can't wait to go on a high prot diet 200 gms+ kgs a day, 3000 cals and tons of fruits. never ever eaten more than 4 meals a day till date. it comes out to be 10-15k per month :eek:
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Guys Try Nutrex Black fusion or Myofusion as a protein supplement post workout.

Also when taking lot of protein make sure you take it at reguar intervals from different sources (eg: egg, chicken, whey) because the body can digest a max of 9-10 grams of protein that too if it is whey others are digested still less. So of you gulp down everything at a time it would not be utilized properly.

Also make sure you have taken enough carbs before the work out. For Pre Work out you can try jack3d, Super Pump (this does not even have creatin so no water retention also) or Hemorage Black.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Amount of protein body can digest depends from person to person. Usually it's more than 20 grams. 9-10 is too less. Good suggestion eating diff sources of it.

sg3707 said:
Guys Try Nutrex Black fusion or Myofusion as a protein supplement post workout.

Also when taking lot of protein make sure you take it at reguar intervals from different sources (eg: egg, chicken, whey) because the body can digest a max of 9-10 grams of protein that too if it is whey others are digested still less. So of you gulp down everything at a time it would not be utilized properly.

Also make sure you have taken enough carbs before the work out. For Pre Work out you can try jack3d, Super Pump (this does not even have creatin so no water retention also) or Hemorage Black.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Just to make sure u get enough proteins try to eat 1 gram per pound of your bodyweight. There are power trainers in US jails who train like crazy without shakes and suppliment jazz but are still brute strong and huge. Training hard regularly is the key.
sg3707 said:
It is 9-10 grams Per Hour.
Protein for Bodybuilding - How Much Protein for Bodybuilding - Bodybuilding Protein Requirements

Egg protein 1.3 grams/hour
Casein isolate - 6.1 grams/hour
Whey isolate - 8-10 grams/hour
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Started SL from from scratch on 1st march 2011 never to quit now. (20 kgs on all lifts, 40kgs in DL) (Had to rest two weeks due to left shoulder pain, old injury)
Current stats: (Kgs)
25th may 2011.
Sq : 20x10, 40x6, 60x5, 100x 1, 82.5x5,5,5.
Bp: 20x12,40x8, 70 x 2, 60 x 2, 3, 2. (High legs push-ups 3x8,8,7)
BRows: 40 x 8, 45 x 6, 60 x 5, 5, 5. (grip reduced hence no pain in left arm this time)

Nice to squat 100 kgs for a rep. I can do much more but i don't have more weights ) so have decided to keep on increasing reps.
For e.g: Once i can do 3x5 with 100 kgs i'll switch to 3x6, then 3x7, then 3x8... upto maybe 20 . This is just a projectile. Better than giving a break. This will be easiet in DL, almost insane in ohp hehe.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Calf Pain. :(.

I been having calf pain for last 2 weeks. on my left leg. Tried Iodex, Volini gel etc.

Still no use. I stopped doing any lower body exercise at all. No running nothing.

I was trying to increase my running from 21 mts to 25 and this week to 30 mts. Nothing happened. :(

The day before i got my pain, i ran like ~10 mts on our football ground which is uneven and then around ~17 mts on treadmill.

could that be the reason?

The pain has decreased significantly. I try running like 2 or 3 minutes now. Then only the pain kicks in. :S.

Any remedies to reduce the pain?

I havent done any Squats, lunches for around 1.5 months. Gym guy said not to.

Any tips?

Re: The Fitness Thread !

^ The only advice that I can give is to rest it out.. completely. Don't be in a hurry to get back on the treadmill. Give it time to heal completely. Also, don't stop walking completely. Some exercise will facilitate a better recovery. Don't overdo it one bit! :)
Re: The Fitness Thread !

m-jeri said:
Calf Pain. :(.

I been having calf pain for last 2 weeks. on my left leg. Tried Iodex, Volini gel etc.

Still no use. I stopped doing any lower body exercise at all. No running nothing.

I was trying to increase my running from 21 mts to 25 and this week to 30 mts. Nothing happened. :(

The day before i got my pain, i ran like ~10 mts on our football ground which is uneven and then around ~17 mts on treadmill.

could that be the reason?

The pain has decreased significantly. I try running like 2 or 3 minutes now. Then only the pain kicks in. :S.

Any remedies to reduce the pain?

I havent done any Squats, lunches for around 1.5 months. Gym guy said not to.

Any tips?

The pain you're experiencing is normal, keep running and it will be fine, your calf muscles have been quite dormant all these years, that's the reason for the pain, they need to adapt and until then you'll have the pain.

P.S. - Even experienced runners feel this kind of pain after training/competition, the only difference is that they're used to it.