The Fitness Thread !

Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
2 hours a day????????????? LOL!
I don't understand what's so lol about 2 hours workout at gym? Also the workout program Bl^nk has posted, i cover about 90% of what he is saying, i have not been in this for years but i know what i am doing.

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Bl^nK said:
^ True, maybe he can provide more background information on his experience with weights in order for us to critique his workout routine.
Hey thanks a lot bro, here's some basic stats, im 6 feet, 198lbs. I have not been much into sharing my routine so my information might be a little un-organized. Here's some for chest,

Chest - 3 set ( 66lbs - 20 reps, 88lbs - 15 reps, 110 lbs - 15 reps ) One heavy weight which is failure or close to failure. Well, i hope i've given you right info, its time to rush out for work, cya guys in evening.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

big.bad.boi said:
I don't understand what's so lol about 2 hours workout at gym? Also the workout program Bl^nk has posted, i cover about 90% of what he is saying, i have not been in this for years but i know what i am doing.

Although some studies have shown that after about 60 min cortisol kicks in and you enter into catabolic phase burning away your muscles, but the time varies from person to person. Good pre and post workout supplementation can reduce the muscle fatigue and help in fast recovery from microtrauma.

Well TBH when you are seeing results and are really motivated in your workout it is easy to want to just keep pushing on :) Good Luck with your goals for 2011.

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big.bad.boi said:
I don't understand what's so lol about 2 hours workout at gym? Also the workout program Bl^nk has posted, i cover about 90% of what he is saying, i have not been in this for years but i know what i am doing.

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Hey thanks a lot bro, here's some basic stats, im 6 feet, 198lbs. I have not been much into sharing my routine so my information might be a little un-organized. Here's some for chest,
Chest - 3 set ( 66lbs - 20 reps, 88lbs - 15 reps, 110 lbs - 15 reps ) One heavy weight which is failure or close to failure. Well, i hope i've given you right info, its time to rush out for work, cya guys in evening.

I would advice you to reduce the reps in range of 8-12, you can add one more set to the routine in case you want. Strong username relation to bodystats :)
Re: The Fitness Thread !

big.bad.boi said:
Hey guys, i'm quite happy to see this thread :) im confused a little cause i m thinking to change my routine from

monday - chest n tricep

tuesday - back n bicep

wednesday - shoulder n leg to

monday - chest

tuesday - back

wednesday - shoulder

thursday - leg, calves, thighs

friday - bicep / tricep

sat - misc.

Is it a good idea to go with this? My mind is leaning towards this cause as per what i do daily ( chest + tricep ) i have to rush cause i spend 2 hours at gym :p & don't get enough time to complete set with proper time rest. What do you guys think about one thing per day?
2 hours is way too much. I think after 45-60 min the cortisol starts kicking in.

Better keep your workouts under 1 hr.

That was just my 2 cents.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

The fact that he can prolong workouts for 2 hours is proof his workout intensity is low. When i used to do bodybuilding split routines (2/3 months max) i sometimes ended up in the gym for like 4 hours lol. Graudally when i started 5x5 ... 2 months into it.. reaching 60+kg in squats one hour seemed like 10 hours! 5x5 gets very hard after 3 months and it is suppose to be like that, it's not for gym rats :p. My problem is consistency. In july 2010 when i started (after an year of layoff due to shoulder injury) i started with 20 kgs squat, reached 85 kgs squat by dec 2010 (with no activity in november 2010), didnot workout for 2 months, now i've started again. Squat 60 kgs yesterday. Took me 3 months to reach 45kg ohp, now i am back to 35 kgs. Have to buy 100 kgs more weight and a bigger bar that can hold that much weight in deadlifts. i've sliced a pair of 1kg plates to 625 grams to micro-load. Me being an asian (5'7" small frame) 2.5kg seems too much in ohp/bench/rows hence these small plates will come in very handy. Deloading sucks. In ohp one time 37.5 kgs felt light 40 kgs felt like a mountain! Its good to keep workouts as fast as possible however after 3-4 months i had to rest for sometimes upto 5 minutes between sets that made the entire session long for 2 hours. Will work on that too.

Don't worry about cortisol much, most "bicep curlers" don't workout with that intensity at all lol.

pradeep200417 said:
2 hours is way too much. I think after 45-60 min the cortisol starts kicking in.

Better keep your workouts under 1 hr.

That was just my 2 cents.

@ big.bad.boi your rep range is very high. Do as blink suggested.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Hello ppl... 2day had been my 4th day with P90X... Everything is ok except that i couldn't keep my hands straight.. Is that normal?? I used 5kg dumbbells for my Shoulder & Arms workout... Is that ok?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Its normal. Keep it twisted.

navino87 said:
Hello ppl... 2day had been my 4th day with P90X... Everything is ok except that i couldn't keep my hands straight.. Is that normal?? I used 5kg dumbbells for my Shoulder & Arms workout... Is that ok?

Re: The Fitness Thread !

Bl^nK said:
Although some studies have shown that after about 60 min cortisol kicks in and you enter into catabolic phase burning away your muscles, but the time varies from person to person. Good pre and post workout supplementation can reduce the muscle fatigue and help in fast recovery from microtrauma.
Well TBH when you are seeing results and are really motivated in your workout it is easy to want to just keep pushing on :) Good Luck with your goals for 2011.

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I would advice you to reduce the reps in range of 8-12, you can add one more set to the routine in case you want. Strong username relation to bodystats :)
Thanks a lot macho! I'll work on that & try to bring down the time frame to 1 hour. What's the time gap you keep to jump from 1 exercise to another? Also i do 3 set & i very heavy set of 3-4 reps, i was ok for 4-5 set with 15 or 10 reps, but the trainer was strong on keeping it till 3. Don't have no broscience there, so no one to correct you :(
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Your trainer has broscience to give you.

big.bad.boi said:
Thanks a lot macho! I'll work on that & try to bring down the time frame to 1 hour. What's the time gap you keep to jump from 1 exercise to another? Also i do 3 set & i very heavy set of 3-4 reps, i was ok for 4-5 set with 15 or 10 reps, but the trainer was strong on keeping it till 3. Don't have no broscience there, so no one to correct you :(
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Your trainer has broscience to give you.
Don't get much knowledge there man :(

Its kinda sad gym, anyway at the least i have internet & threads like this to correct what's wrong. Will go with 5x5 from tomorrow.

Big thanks.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Broscience is derogatory term used for wrong info by local experts. When i said your trainer has broscience to give you i meant he has so much shitloads to tell you. Follow whatever regime you wanna follow. Just make sure you need to increase the amount of weight you lift by small increases, try to get strong. Morning.

big.bad.boi said:
Don't get much knowledge there man :(

Its kinda sad gym, anyway at the least i have internet & threads like this to correct what's wrong. Will go with 5x5 from tomorrow.

Big thanks.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Rockfella said:
Broscience is derogatory term used for wrong info by local experts. When i said your trainer has broscience to give you i meant he has so much shitloads to tell you. Follow whatever regime you wanna follow. Just make sure you need to increase the amount of weight you lift by small increases, try to get strong. Morning.
Well i certainly didn't mean to degrade anyone here, also i have heard many people suggesting to add one set of very heavy weight while you end your set like for ex chest, one does 3 set of 15 reps so add one more set of 4 5 or 6 reps of very heavy weight. What is that for?
Re: The Fitness Thread !

I never meant you degraded anyone. 3 sets of 15 won't do much except maybe maintaining what you have. The last set with heavy weight is for power that builds muscle. You can follow 3x8 routine. 3 sets of all exercises (not including warm-up sets) using same weight in all sets and keep on adding weight as you get stronger. I don't want to suggest 5x5 because its complicated and you can injure yourself. Whatever you do just make sure to keep on increasing weight and get strong. We can't get strong overnight and strength increase doesnot happen in leaps and bounds, it happens when we increase weight slowly. For e.g. If u can bench 50 kgs today you should be able to lift 55/60 after few weeks/months depending on how you train/eat/rest etc. If you don't get strong all is waste no matter what you do.

big.bad.boi said:
Well i certainly didn't mean to degrade anyone here, also i have heard many people suggesting to add one set of very heavy weight while you end your set like for ex chest, one does 3 set of 15 reps so add one more set of 4 5 or 6 reps of very heavy weight. What is that for?

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Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.

Broscience in action:

"Bro, you gotta slam 40-60 grams of waxy maize plus 20 grams of BCAA within 7 seconds of finishing your last set of squat rack curls. Otherwise, you'll go straight catabolic."


Word of mouth knowledge passed off as fact, primarily among bodybuilders + weightlifters. Generally spouted most by guys who have used loads of steroids and are huge, have no idea what is happening to their bodies and then share that same cluelessness with others who make the false assumption that their experience means that they have knowledge. Watch who you listen to. Seriously. They are everywhere, sharing their knowledge.

"I never had any hairloss when I pinned the testosterone in my butt cheeks, but when I tried pinning in my bicep, I went bald" is some broscience you could find in a forum, or a gym.

Anecdotal evidence presented as fact by unqualified, yet confident indvidulas in the body building community. Rampent within liftring forums and message boards, the information is usualy based on hearsay with little to no scientific evidence to support the claims made by the individual. Examples can be limited to a single fram of mind: It worked for me, so it works the same way for everyone!

There is actually a forum that is called broscience dot com that caters to these claims. An example of Broscience is as follows:

"If you want to cut fat and get muscle definition, do high reps, low weight"

The uninformed opinion of "meatheads" or "jocks" on topics relating to health, strength, or athletic development.

Jock: "Dude, your body only absorbs 20 grams of protein at a time and you can't train a body part more than once a week."

Informed response: "That's broscience, bro. Your stomach and liver can handle a large sirloin with more than 20 grams of protein just fine. and if you think you can train a body part only once a week, then why do you masturbate every day?"

A sarcastic term implying that the time tested, muscle building wealth of knowledge developed and utilized by successful, experienced bodybuilders is inferior to the continually shifting hypotheses of articulate, textbook-savvy 155lb. chemists with little or no real world first-person experience to substantiate their conclusions. The term "Broscience" is oft repeated on bodybuilding and fitness oriented internet forums in an attempt to demonstrate online dominance as a substitution for success in the arena of actual bodybuilding.

Professor Shnootgarten: What are you drinking there?

Tommy: Just a protein shake with some carbs; I need to get my 350 grams daily.

Professor Shnootgarten: According to the 30 pubmed studies that I’ve downloaded, any amount greater than 22.341 grams of protein post workout is superfluous for greater protein synthesis. Additionally, insulin spiking, if that’s your intended objective, is neither necessary nor helpful toward replenishing glycogen stores unless, of course, your focus is high rep, time under tension endurance tolerance rather than maximal load, low rep hypertrophy stimulation.

Tommy: Dude, over the last 8 years, I’ve gone from a 148 pound weakling to a 220 pound beast doing the same stuff that worked for my dad, and you’re a buck fifteen and have never actually seen the inside of a gym.

Professor Shnootgarten: Well, according to last year’s in-vitro study of skeletal-muscle glycogen phosphorylase done at the University of Stuttgart School of Bio-Organic Chemistry Deluxe...

Tommy: Spare me the science lesson Mr. Wizard; you’ll change your mind next week when new studies reveal the opposite conclusions. You can take your research and your weak pale self, and I’ll take the 500+lb.deadlift that I got with hard work and a little help from broscience.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Broscience is the predominant brand of reasoning in bodybuilding circles where the anecdotal reports of jacked dudes are considered more credible than scientific research.
Broscience in action:
"Bro, you gotta slam 40-60 grams of waxy maize plus 20 grams of BCAA within 7 seconds of finishing your last set of squat rack curls. Otherwise, you'll go straight catabolic."
Word of mouth knowledge passed off as fact, primarily among bodybuilders + weightlifters. Generally spouted most by guys who have used loads of steroids and are huge, have no idea what is happening to their bodies and then share that same cluelessness with others who make the false assumption that their experience means that they have knowledge. Watch who you listen to. Seriously. They are everywhere, sharing their knowledge.
"I never had any hairloss when I pinned the testosterone in my butt cheeks, but when I tried pinning in my bicep, I went bald" is some broscience you could find in a forum, or a gym.
Anecdotal evidence presented as fact by unqualified, yet confident indvidulas in the body building community. Rampent within liftring forums and message boards, the information is usualy based on hearsay with little to no scientific evidence to support the claims made by the individual. Examples can be limited to a single fram of mind: It worked for me, so it works the same way for everyone!
There is actually a forum that is called broscience dot com that caters to these claims. An example of Broscience is as follows:
"If you want to cut fat and get muscle definition, do high reps, low weight"
The uninformed opinion of "meatheads" or "jocks" on topics relating to health, strength, or athletic development.
Jock: "Dude, your body only absorbs 20 grams of protein at a time and you can't train a body part more than once a week."
Informed response: "That's broscience, bro. Your stomach and liver can handle a large sirloin with more than 20 grams of protein just fine. and if you think you can train a body part only once a week, then why do you masturbate every day?"
A sarcastic term implying that the time tested, muscle building wealth of knowledge developed and utilized by successful, experienced bodybuilders is inferior to the continually shifting hypotheses of articulate, textbook-savvy 155lb. chemists with little or no real world first-person experience to substantiate their conclusions. The term "Broscience" is oft repeated on bodybuilding and fitness oriented internet forums in an attempt to demonstrate online dominance as a substitution for success in the arena of actual bodybuilding.
Professor Shnootgarten: What are you drinking there?
Tommy: Just a protein shake with some carbs; I need to get my 350 grams daily.
Professor Shnootgarten: According to the 30 pubmed studies that I’ve downloaded, any amount greater than 22.341 grams of protein post workout is superfluous for greater protein synthesis. Additionally, insulin spiking, if that’s your intended objective, is neither necessary nor helpful toward replenishing glycogen stores unless, of course, your focus is high rep, time under tension endurance tolerance rather than maximal load, low rep hypertrophy stimulation.
Tommy: Dude, over the last 8 years, I’ve gone from a 148 pound weakling to a 220 pound beast doing the same stuff that worked for my dad, and you’re a buck fifteen and have never actually seen the inside of a gym.
Professor Shnootgarten: Well, according to last year’s in-vitro study of skeletal-muscle glycogen phosphorylase done at the University of Stuttgart School of Bio-Organic Chemistry Deluxe...
Tommy: Spare me the science lesson Mr. Wizard; you’ll change your mind next week when new studies reveal the opposite conclusions. You can take your research and your weak pale self, and I’ll take the 500+lb.deadlift that I got with hard work and a little help from broscience.
Re: The Fitness Thread !

Hey guys, i was thinking, is it a good idea to do 5x5 + one muscle group per day?

For ex - Monday - Chest ( 5x5 of straight bench press, incline & decline, etc )

Tuesday - Back ( 5x5 of all the workout that comes for back )

Re: The Fitness Thread !

Bad idea really.

big.bad.boi said:
Hey guys, i was thinking, is it a good idea to do 5x5 + one muscle group per day?

For ex - Monday - Chest ( 5x5 of straight bench press, incline & decline, etc )

Tuesday - Back ( 5x5 of all the workout that comes for back )

Re: The Fitness Thread !

Joined Tennis Coaching...

Boy the coach really makes me work out hard... I need to build more stamina I am out of breath so fast :( ... Constant workouts I can handle but sports needs sudden bursts of activity which makes it much more hard IMO...

Did the Delhi 21km Last time.... This time I wanna do a full marathon... 42km :D
Re: The Fitness Thread !

I'll have to write 10 pages on it. If u trust me just follow 5x5 or do whatever suits u.

big.bad.boi said:
Intensity is higher bro. :)

ronnie_gogs said:
Joined Tennis Coaching...

Boy the coach really makes me work out hard... I need to build more stamina I am out of breath so fast :( ... Constant workouts I can handle but sports needs sudden bursts of activity which makes it much more hard IMO...

Did the Delhi 21km Last time.... This time I wanna do a full marathon... 42km :D
Re: The Fitness Thread !

[quote name='Rockfella']I'll have to write 10 pages on it. If u trust me just follow 5x5 or do whatever suits u.

u mean to say 5x5? no one major muscle group per day?