The FooBar2000 skin/configuration thread

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superczar said:
anyway to get embedded album art in the album art pane?

same question...

and also does anyone know how to get visualizations instead of that album art or visualization below album the foo AvA theme ??
superczar said:
Talking of simplicity and usability, beat mine ..itoons ishtyle :P

I tried a couple o rather jazzy looking ishtyles using panel_UI but fell back to the simple but highly usable setups you can create with columns_ui

Greenie, do yourself a favor and add the search toolbar plugin

coz there ain't a single half decent media manager available

how did you get your lyrics show there?

& does anyone know how to get lyrics show with panels ui?
^^ for panels UI ..there's

foo_uie_lyrics.dll and foo_lyricsdb.dll which automatically downloads lyrics from the internet when the track is played.
Here is mine thanks to Audiophile2rock!

^^ how did you get the transparency in the border ..and also play list . ?? is it some setting in foobar. or is it because you are using vista ?
here is the whole screenshot

Thats the background of the skin not windows wallpaper which is behind foobar
yeah i know that its the back ground effect of the skin .

.but i was asking how u got that glass effect..between the skin wallpaper and play list...?

err i think its part of the theme and not an extra add on..

which foobar theme is it by da way ?
faheem_m said:
^^ for panels UI ..there's
foo_uie_lyrics.dll and foo_lyricsdb.dll which automatically downloads lyrics from the internet when the track is played.

thanks a lot :D
Techhead, have already tried the dll on the link ...

It crashes on the latest version if you play a song with no embedded art
i just downloaded Foobar2000, the default look is quite ugly. I can't understand a word u ppl are talking about the themes.

Can someone post a simple tutorial about customizing Foobar2000 (skins, themes etc.)?
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