The FooBar2000 skin/configuration thread

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argh- foobar is a player that's an escape from all thats wrong with music players these days. I mean, when was the last time somebody cared if it played music right?

A flash player in firefox can play music as well as a run of the mill music player. The most important thing that foobar does is play music and it does it best- period.

If its maker had intended it to be skinned ( and I'm pretty sure he doesnt), he would have made it a lot easier.

And still we have people who want to make it dandy. Foobar isn't fugly, if it was , i'd have understood the need. configuration, and adding the panels is fine with me. But the folks who want to skin it. I have no idea why. go use itunes , or winamp or something ( i mean, even i do sometimes)
superczar said:
kenpachii, what theme is that?

sujit801 said:
wow :hap2:

How did u manage that??
Glad all liked it :hap5:
for all those buddies who want my skin for foobar here is link

RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

dwnld extract n nJ0Y :hap5:

PS : Foobar while starting gives one file missing ignore it coz i still haven't found
its source of error :rofl: :P
For changin wallpaper copy any pic/wallpaper here Drive\foobar2000\PanelsUI\images\backgrounds..were drive is ur drive letter
hey ppl... noobar user... er.. noob foobar user... (lame one.. but wth!)

i like the lyrics show option.... one small glitch..
while playin the song, it beautifully corresponds the text with the actual lyrics being played (hi lites the line being sung..) ... cool feature...
if i change the track then it doesn't do it anymore... i just displays the text... however... if i re dl the lyric it hi lites etc... again change track.. the feature is gone.. i come back to same track... feature is gone...

am is missin somethin here?
hey ppl!!

pls help me out!!! are there any changes to be made in the code... or what??

it's bugging to have a cool feature and not being able to use it properly
what version are you guys using? i downloaded the latest version and it is incompatible with PanelUI 13.8,14.9,14.12. :(

should i use

EDIT: installed and got it done. :D

need to get the album art thingy now, doesnt seem to work.
these are my components

Core (2008-01-20 18:45:14)
    [B]foobar2000 core 0.9.5[/B]
foo_abx.dll (2006-12-16 18:22:46)
    [B]ABX Comparator 1.3.1[/B]
foo_albumlist.dll (2008-01-18 19:36:02)
    [B]Album List 4.1[/B]
foo_cdda.dll (2007-12-14 04:08:24)
    [B]CD Audio Decoder 2.1.2[/B]
foo_chronflow.dll (2008-04-14 00:16:00)
    [B]Chronial's Coverflow 0.3.0[/B]
foo_converter.dll (2008-01-18 19:35:52)
    [B]Converter 1.0.2[/B]
foo_cwb_hooks.dll (2008-01-02 15:51:10)
    [B]cwbowron's title format hooks 1.2.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:05]
    Tagger Panel Window 1.0.6 [Jan  2 2008 - 15:50:49][/B]
foo_dsp_std.dll (2007-11-23 02:50:02)
[B]    Standard DSP Array 1.0[/B]
foo_fileops.dll (2008-01-18 19:36:18)
[B]    File Operations 2.0[/B]
foo_freedb2.dll (2007-08-16 20:57:44)
[B]    freedb Tagger[/B]
foo_input_std.dll (2008-01-18 19:37:14)
[B]    Standard Input Array 1.0[/B]
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2007-02-26 18:42:02)
[B]    foo_lyricsdb 0.0.7 beta 5[/B]
foo_playback_custom.dll (2008-02-09 22:58:10)
[B]    Playback Statistics Custom 1.4.3[/B]
foo_playcount_mod.dll (2007-03-04 23:38:36)
[B]    Play Count Mod 1.0.2[/B]
foo_rgscan.dll (2008-01-18 19:35:30)
[B]    ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2[/B]
foo_run.dll (2008-01-17 20:32:42)
[B]    Run services 0.3.4[/B]
foo_ui_columns.dll (2008-04-07 01:38:16)
[B]    Columns UI 0.3 beta 1 preview 6[/B]
foo_ui_panels.dll (2007-07-18 13:42:00)
[B]    Panels UI 0.14.12 beta [Jul 18 2007 - 13:39:30][/B]
foo_ui_std.dll (2008-01-19 19:22:12)
[B]    Default User Interface 0.9.5[/B]
foo_uie_albumart.dll (2007-01-15 17:04:44)
[B]    Album Art Panel 0.2.6[/B]
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2006-04-28 17:45:07)
[B]    Album list panel 0.2.1 beta 4[/B]
foo_uie_elplaylist.dll (2008-05-24 02:33:36)
[B]    ELPlaylist[/B]
foo_uie_graphical_browser.dll (2008-04-20 01:07:53)
[B]    Graphical Browser rev015[/B]
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2008-02-05 16:50:02)
[B]    Lyric Show Panels [Feb  5 2008 - 19:18:13][/B]
foo_uie_lyrics_art.dll (2008-04-03 20:40:09)
[B]    Lyrics Art Panel 0.056[/B]
foo_uie_lyrics_panel.dll (2007-08-17 23:56:36)
[B]    Lyrics panel 0.35[/B]
foo_uie_panel_splitter.dll (2008-05-02 23:31:54)
[B]    Panel Stack Splitter[/B]
foo_uie_peakmeter.dll (2007-06-08 17:30:18)
[B]    Peakmeter Panel 0.0.2[/B]
foo_uie_playlists_dropdown.dll (2007-02-08 14:26:16)
[B]    Playlists Dropdown 0.6 alpha 3[/B]
foo_uie_powerpanels.dll (2007-08-05 13:32:38)
[B]    Seek Panel 0.1
        Volume Panel 0.1[/B]
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 13:31:10)
[B]    Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l[/B]
[B]foo_uie_vis_channel_spectrum.dll (2008-05-18 03:02:12)[/B]
[B]    Channel Spectrum panel 0.17.2[/B]
foo_unpack.dll (2008-01-18 19:35:04)
[B]    RAR reader 1.1
    ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
viralbug said:
what version are you guys using? i downloaded the latest version and it is incompatible with PanelUI 13.8,14.9,14.12. :(
should i use

A more generalized question based on this:

I've been pampered by my brother who used to design skins regularly and set them up for me. I havent been in touch with him for a while, and i want to get into it myself. I tried reading a bit on the hydrogen audio and neowin forums, but im confused as **** (my one and only gripe about open source is that documentation and support is so de-centralized\unorganized\unapproachable).

The hyrdogenaudio forums seem to have ceased all discussion about panels UI while the neowin forums continue to discuss themes based on it. So, has panels UI been phased out?

What are the theming\configuration options (columns\panels ui) available to foobar 0.9.5.x ( or the version where theyve revamped the front end with code-free basic customizations)?

Some resources where i can read up on foobar customization or bowse through themes which are relevant to the latest versions of foobar.

thanks in advance
According to what I read on Hydrogen Forums Panel UI used a non standard way of writing window information to screen and with the new foobar version that particular way of doing things has been in blocked, so it does not work any more.
can anyone upload good presets for the equalizer? i dont know how to set it, i mess it up when i try to change it. :P

if someone can upload the preset for rock(not hard/metal) music and pop, it would be great. :)
viralbug said:
can anyone upload good presets for the equalizer? i dont know how to set it, i mess it up when i try to change it. :P

if someone can upload the preset for rock(not hard/metal) music and pop, it would be great. :)

dont equalizer settings depend on your speakers? for example if your speakers dont pump out enough bass, you increase the lower frequencies. so it depends on the limitations of your speakers and your listening preference.

the point being that people will be hard pressed to give you a preset for the above reason.
viralbug said:
can anyone upload good presets for the equalizer? i dont know how to set it, i mess it up when i try to change it. :P

if someone can upload the preset for rock(not hard/metal) music and pop, it would be great. :)

I agree with what Grease Monk said but still you can have these - RapidShare: Easy Filehosting

Have fun. :P
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