Car & Bike The Formula One 2009 Season...

Vettel has been handed a 10-place grid penalty for next weekend’s Malaysian Grand Prix for his collision with Kubica.

Trulli lost his 3rd place for passing under the safety car. He has dropped to 12th following the 25 second penalty that was applied to the final race time.
I thought stuff like these happen only in movies. Everyone gives up on the underdog and at the end the underdogs suddenly emerge as the winners. Wonder what the folks at Honda are thinking now. Brawn GP cars are seriously brawny how many hits did Rubens survive not to mention the brute performance after the bad start. Hats off to the Brawn Team on a dream come true victory.

Hamilton promoted to 3rd and Vettel penalized 10 grid places and fined. I wonder why Kubica was spared.

As a Kimi fan I was really disappointed. I knew he couldn't win but his habit of screwing up at the near end has got to go. He has become more destructive in a normal race than Jacques.Villenue was in the rain.

Hamilton says that he may leave Mercedes-McLaren:

Hamilton admits he could leave McLaren

Hmm.. whatever happened to his royalty afterall he said he would never leave McLaren after becoming the champion with them.

Mind you I would back an idiot who is always last than ever root for this scum of a Champion (Ham-in-ton).
^^ he aint the only one... anybody notice Barrichello mouthing off prior to the Aus GP??

he's aparently forgotten his roots and Ferrari and has suddenly started talking like he's the dude who never had a good car before and hence now is his chance...

i used to respect Reubens a lot before this week.
Rubens had a good car (Ferrari) but the team was biased. He was a very bitter man at Ferrari and felt like a fool in 2007 when he joined Honda and the momentum of Honda from 2006 disappeared and must have cursed himself several times by the end of 2008. Finally he is happy.
frankly, i dont see brawns domination last for more than a few races. i could be wrong though. 3 teams, including brawn have a clear advantage because of their double decker diffusers and it is pretty evident. its highly unlikely that the fia is going to term them as illegal. now for other 7 teams to shift to double decker diffusers would mean a rework on their rear wing. this could take a month, maybe more. once thats done, i expect ferrari mclaren and renault to improve drastically. for now, the rest of the teams (barring toro rosso and FI) arent very far apart and driving a clean and trouble free race could easily lead them within points like hami showed today. i just hope that kimi and massa can atleast get their reliability sorted until they have the speed.
Saw the news a little while ago...!! :( It seems the stewards want all the races of 2009 season decided after the racing.. I mean, can't they check through all the facts beforehand and give a verdict initially itself..
You should see TV coverage in Britain... Last year they went crazy when he won... I bet they still adore him like an idol/superhero...

Just saw a BBC clip where he claims he didn't lie he was misled by his team! :D
So, who's gonna finish in the podium this time..??

My bets are on: Button, Trulli and Webber.. provided the start is clean, and there is no big mix-up anywhere..! Lets see how it goes..!