The Future of the Internet


Why You Should Care About Network Neutrality - The future of the Internet depends on it!
"An important piece written by a Columbia Law professor addresses sensitive questions about the future of the Internet: "Is it a problem if the gatekeepers (i.e. a duopoly of the local phone and cable companies) discriminate between favored and disfavored uses of the Internet? How would you take it if AT&T makes it slower and harder to reach Gmail and quicker and easier to reach Yahoo! mail? What if I-95 announced an exclusive deal with General Motors to provide a special "rush-hour" lane for GM cars only? Is there something special about "carriers" and infrastructure--roads, canals, electric grids, trains, the Internet--that mandates special treatment? Should content providers like Google, or subscribers like us, pay for the bandwidth consumed?" Here's hoping that sites like Google Techtalks and Channel 9 remain 'free' and available for the next 10 years."
Dude!! We are living in India where 256Kbps is broadband whereas for rest of the world it is 2Mbps. Does it really matter if can't see YouTube videos at 700Kbps?

On a serious note, the telcoms are shooting themsleves in the foot. Google and Microsoft are not chota companies. If they feel that tiered n/ws are hampering their services, what's to stop them from launching their own n/ws? Google is already providing wi-fi access to SanFransisco. And it is widely known that they have leased lots of dark fiber. The telcoms will be dead meat if Google decides to provide n/w services