The goriest movie moments u have seen!

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Just saw Final destination 3 and thought of posting this.
pretty much the goriest stuff i have ever seen.

so..heres the format and gory moments.

Movie: Final Destination 3
Moments: 1) Two girls get burnt to death in a tanning machine
2) Guy's scalp gets sliced off by a truck
3) Guy's head gets squished into pulp by a gym machine
4) Woman gets her face riddled with nails from a nail-gun
5) Guys body cut into half on a rollercoaster.
and many more. what u have seen ;)
try out Saw and Saw 2 .... actually my frens were watching it and after 5 mins i decided not to watch it ..... tooo much blood and gore
i'm a BIG gore fan!
some must-see-goriest-ever movies r haute tension (directed by alexandre aja the same dood whos directed the remake of the hills have eyes), hostel, wolf creek,i spit on your grave, cannibal holocaust (this i did not like,cuz it shows cruelty against animals,which is unacceptable :no: ), ichi the killer, peter jacksons dead alive, man behind the sun (this is one sick mofo), the last house on the left (another sick wes craven classic), battle royale...
Anime Included??? If then i would say Hellsing:cool2:

Apollyon will post the rest:P

As far as the movie is concerned i have seen only Evil Dead:ashamed:
^^ evil dead falls under the kindergarten comedy section.

And from the list of movies that appo mentioned..i have seen only cannibal holocaust and its sick to the very core...
hmm im not a big gore fan, so dunno if these movies fit the bill

final destination parts 1 and 2, dead alive.. nothing more ;)
Actually There r many Gore Moments , But to name a Few :

1. That Thing after cutting off the Guys Head eats it ( jeepers creepers 2 )

2. Hannibal after cutting a small portion of the Guys Brain , fries it and serves it to the same Guy who in turn eats his own fried brain ( Hannibal )!

3. Very Recently ,the Guy getting shot right in the cheek ( Munich ) !

4. The very first seen of basic Instinct !

There r many many more but I cant remember all , will post when something good comes in Mind !
Can't remember scene by scene but here are the movies,

Zombie, FD 1,2 (yet to watch 3), battle royale, The thing (more gross than gore:P), Savini's Day of the dead, Romero's dawn of the day, Saw (havent seen saw 2 yet). Gore at different levels is present in any and every flick btw........
There's one scene in Thirteen Ghosts where a man or a woman(I don't exactly remember,seen it long back) gets sliced into two by a sheet of glass..That looked pretty good.
Final Destination 1, 2 and 3.

All Uncut versions.

Also, both the Jeepers Creepers movies..

Havent seen any others :S.
The Passion Of The Christ might be the goriest movie i have ever seen.........They show flesh comin out of the hip,back,legs and forehead......
:O :O :O
@neo:You can say that again pal.
Coming to the topic here's My list:
1.)Most of the Scenes from Brain dead
2.)Final Destination 2 wherein the Ladder lands straight on the person's Eyes.
3.)Arnie's Arm Ripping off from T2.(Actually it was the best realistic scene IMO):cool2:
I have to somehow get me a copy of cannibal Holocaust(Unrated version)from some place.Most of the people who have seen it have rated it as the highest amount of gore.
Guys Guys arent we forgetting the goriest movie of the last couple of years ? Frank Miller's Sin City.

Cutting people's limb's off, Killing and eating prostitutes, Putting their heads up as trophies, Bruce Willis ripping the child molester's "stuff" out with his bare hands, this movie had it all. By far the bloodiest movie i've seen, ever.

Makes Kill Bill look like a kid's movie :D
^Dam!I knew i was missing out on a great movie.Must get its DVD Rip from My friend.As far as Kill Bill is concerned it was the wierdest gore movie I have ever seen.The scenes were downright funny and lame instead of being a masterpiece which most people claim it to be.:bleh:
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