The goriest movie moments u have seen!

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Aces170 said:
I dont like Gore movies, but I saw this clipping of the beheading of a man by Taliban terrorist. Thats one of the goriest scenes I have seen, and since its real scares the shit outta me. One second te man is all alive next he is lying in a pool of blood with his head hanging from his throat...
yeah...... The video clip of Daniel Pearl being beheaded...... that was really really sick....

they actually insert the knofe and literally saw his heard apart from hs body...

Apart from that Hostel. But to be honest, it didnt scare me that much nor did I like it.....

the worst scene was with the Japanese girl getting her right eye burnt with an oxy-acetylene torch... And when the hero kills that guy, her eyeball is popping out. He cuts her eyeball off and some yellow liquid starts flowing .....

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