Graphic Cards The Graphics Card That Cleans Itself

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Dust inside your graphics card can be a real killer. Not only can built up dust reduce heatsink and fan performance, but continued accumulation over time can lead to a total failure of a part.

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MSI claims it can solve this issue. The company's latest graphics cards are starting to sport what it calls "Dust Removal Tech." Clear and simple! Essentially what happens is that when you start up your computer, the graphics card will operate its fans in reverse mode, pulling air away from the heatsink instead of blowing air onto it. This reverse fan movement is suppose to draw out clogged up dust.

Unfortunately, the air and dust gets blown back into your PC. At this point, one will be hoping that any aux fans or the PSU will be able to remove the dust from the system. After 30-seconds, the graphics card will switch to normal mode.

We can see this possibly working if you turn off your computer after each use, but most tend to leave their computers on for long periods of time. Some users never turn off their computers at all.

link---The Graphics Card That Cleans Itself
Still what about other components, dust release from the GPU will be the input for other fans, so practically this design is not so feasible.
Shubham1401 said:
Not good for people having case with bottom mounted PSU. This will push all the DiRT towards the PSU.
In my case, the PSU sucks from the bottom and vents to the rear. So should not be much of a problem. Also MSI must have given it a complete thought before making this design. The dust may not be much for the computer parts. But for the GPU, it can quickly clog the small tunnels in the GPU heat sink.
Pretty effective IMO.If you turn your computer off atleast once everyday at some point it should prevent accumulation.30 secs is enough to remove dust accumulated in one day.If the case has good circulation the inside of the case fans will get dirty eventually...but case fans are a lot easier to clean than GPUs.
Shubham1401 said:
Not good for people having case with bottom mounted PSU. This will push all the DiRT towards the PSU.

in case of bottom mounted psu,almost all psu's are supposed to suck the air from bottom and not from inside the case...

gotta wait for a long term ownership review to see how it functions...

and in one day the gpu doesn't actually collect so much of dust as to be a problem for the rest of the components,when the dust is being pushed out!

if just this feature actually works as good as msi makes it out to be then it would be a boon for us,as the interval between cleaning the card would increase considerably,so less work for us!
maybe since this card can spin its fans backwards

i will not be surprised if some kinda hack surfaces which enables the fan to spin backwards more than 30 secs during startup or even during runtime (idle)
Such a simple but awesome idea. Bottom mounted PSUs usually don't take air from cabinet. Mine sucks air from bottom and shoots it out from back.
This is some shaky design i see here. The deign itself poses a threat to other components of the computer. Duh!!
^^Not really.Its not like the dust will just come out and stick on all other components.Good case circulation will drive the dust out of the case.
nish_pinto said:
This is some shaky design i see here. The deign itself poses a threat to other components of the computer. Duh!!
From where did the dust get into the Graphic card in the first place? From the cabinet. Good air circulation in the cabinet will keep everything fine.
^^ Uhhh... I just noticed that after blowing out the dust into the cabinet, the card promptly reverses the air-flow thereby sucking in the same dirt if its an enclosed cabinet, that will surely mean more dust. Way to go MSI, daily dusting to increase graphic card dust \,,/ \,,/.
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