The *late* Gears of War 2 thread!

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First off, apologies if this thread has come late into the scene but I couldn't resist posting this thread for those who laid their hands on the game recently. Couldn't find a dedicated thread for the title either.

So I was lucky enough to be gifted a X360 S 4GB yesterday (special thanks to Prashant @ Intencity for dispatching it on the same day!) and it should be here in a day or two. A copy of Fifa '10 is bundled with the console which I do not wish to play anyway so got hold of the GeOW 2 title. Hell yeah! What other game other could you possibly debut on the console! :D

Read up a bit on the game (minus the plot ofc) to brush up on the storyline bit. It has been almost 3 years since I had played the first title and faintly recall what had happened after Marcus defeats RAAM and the train with the bomb plunges into the ground.

So it appears there is local (?) co-op in the game. Excellente! Got few queries here. How does the screen pan when the co-op gameplay happens? Unless the second player tags along with the primary player, the screen wouldn't move? Or does it zoom out to indicate both the players?

Can hardly wait to lay my hands on this title! Been waiting for sometime now. :D
OT - Gannu congratz! Do post a show-off thread!

BTW I am playing GOW1 on PC these days, a friend of mine gave me a cd key so i could play online, seems fun though the lag is too much.
^Thanks Aman. Will do. :)

dinjo said:
Local Co-op Cuts screen in horizontal play.

Happy Murdering...
Crap! You mean split-screen? Got to check out few videos on YouTube then.
I so want to buy Xbox 360 but will wait till a month before GeoW 3 (So many PC and PS3 games to complete). Congrats on Xbox 360.

GeoW 2 is amazing game, I had watched the entire game before it was released on youtube.
sugat123 said:
I had watched the entire game before it was released on youtube.
Wow that's quite an achievement! How did you accomplish that? :O

I can barely count the number of exclusives for this console. Nvm. :)
Alright so I began with the title last Saturday and it is quite an experience indeed. The game seems to be a tad lengthy. It has been 3 days already and I have just reached the penultimate act.

The game seems to have its fair share of glitches as well - so much for being an EXCLUSIVE title! Ran into one strange glitch yesterday at Act 3: Gathering Storm, Chapter 4: Ascension. Had to drive the Centaur through the frozen lands and lakes and upon bringing down a locust outpost, the tank heads into a cave with pitch-black darkness. The tanks headlights wouldn't switch on, no locust activity within the cave and nothing happens inside. Reloaded the save point again - NADA. Google'd up the issue and found out that this was indeed a glitch and reloading the chapter was a solution. Other than downloading some title update i.e. Had to redo the chapter again and this time a save point was triggered at the start of the cave and the tank's headlights turned on and a corpser showed the way.

I reckon the PS3 gets a well refined, less buggy (or almost no bugs at all!) exclusive titles. Look at GOW3 and the Uncharted series.

The Centaur tank had some uber messy controls for a drive! The analog stick is used to accelerate and control the movement as well.

Rants apart, I loved the original GeOW gameplay with the tactiical cover system, the Lancer rifle's chainsaw bayonet which rips apart the locust hordes into minced meat and the impressive voice acting for all the characters. John DiMaggio who has lent his voice to Fenix was just plain awesome. The character design for the Locusts have been done neatly - for instance the Brumaks, Corpsers, Leviathan, Worms, Maulers etc. The AI is pretty good - more like the Killzone'ish types. Very very intelligent alright. Can duck behind cover, can stomp a downed Fenix to death, can revive fallen fellow-locusts among others.

Minus the glitches and the stupid tank controls, I loved the game. :)

I thought Dom's wife could be rescued. Alas! That cutscene made me a bit emotional.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Completed the title finally! The game was certainly epic, no two thoughts about it. The voice acting is one of the best I have probably seen till date. But the finale wasn't as good as it was in the previous title. General RAAM was one tough boss to be beaten. Turns out that with a couple of laser sights from the Hammer of Dawn was all it took to beat the final boss duh! And this is the only time one can ever use the HoD in the entire game! I recall using it the first time in GeOW to bring down the Berserker (which btw wasn't featured in this title). Riding the Brumark was awesome - much better than riding the Reaver.

Wish I could have played the game in the co-op mode - would have been an awesome experience. Eagerly awaiting GeOW 3 due this September 20th. Shall definitely pre-order it. Heck, rarely do the X360 receive exclusives. :lol:
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