The Lost Symbol

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Just got it

Paid Rs.841.00

Rs.695 for Lost Symbol & the other two books

Also got Map of Bones by James Rollins for 235

and then used Rs.120 points that I had to make the remaining purchase.

avarage cost for 4 books 210.00 includin shipping
Man I wish I'd seen this thread earlier. Already ordered my copy and got it yesterday. Haven't started it yet. Gonna read it over the weekend. :D
I have a query to make. The members who have ordered the Lost Symbol + Da Vinci code + Angels and demons, could you please tell me the publisher of Da Vinci code and A&D ? Is it Random House only?
It already sold a MiLLion Copies on the first day itself..

Who says Reading is passe ??

I ll be getting my copy soon i think.

This writer deserves every bit of credit and royalty.
People who have taken the Rs. 695 for three books offer, can you please confirm if the Da Vinci code and A&D are published by random house? Better still, could you take a pic and post it here. I am asking this because the books published by random house generally have very good quality.
i might put one for sale here, indiaplaza sent off 2 couriers to me by mistake..
will wait for few days to see if they realise it :P
Bought the Indiaplaza Book Club membership for 500 and got two 500/- vouchers in return :P

Used both to buy another set of Lost Symbol for my bro and The Doomsday Key (will get The Last Oracle free) :)
Also if I become a bookclub member, Can I purchase any number of books with the 500Rs Gift certificate or only one book?
dear neotheone......I will give u a copy of :bleh::bleh:"THE LAST CYMBAL":bleh: send me your address!!!]


Just finished reading it. Couldn't keep it down till the ending. But not for the reason you think. It's like a horrible accident that you don't want to watch but are tempted to watch, the book is exactly like that.
Not the "same" but probably "similar" genre books that Im now thinking of getting are "cryptonomicon", "daemon" and "digital fortress" - techno thrillers by different authors.

tried ordering digital fortress with landmark online and damn confirmation page would not load after submitting my credit card details! card got charged apparently so lets see if the book arrives next week :D

edit: "daemon" might be made into a movie...
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