The Myth Of Refreshing The Desktop

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As per the famous Author “Scott E. Mueller” for the book “Upgrading and Repairing PCs”, Refreshing the desktop refreshes the Flash Memory/Cache Memory/Allocation Table in RAM.

This enables the system to come out of the indecisive and unconditional states.

this is the reply i got from one of my collegue, when i fwed the main article from this thread....

Can some one tell me what the truth is?
the funniest is when airtel nubcakes come to my house to fix some stuff when there's a problem with the internet. apparently refreshing desktop fixes faulty lines and also has an 83% chance of curing aids.
I used to do it a looongg time back, i.e. back when I thought keeping my cursor over my Dial-Up icon in the tray would irritate it, and thereby make my internet faster.
Lol :P I still face people doing this pathetic stuff. They even ask me that Linux has Refresh or not ? :rofl: Like Refresh is the 1'st priority of choosing OS :P Thank god I don't have such things :P
I do the refreshing thingy too. Got into the habit as ALL my friends have this habit of refreshing 4/5 times and I got so bored of telling them it does zilch that I joined them. There are those times I'm at my desktop making up my mind what to do next and the right-click left-click starts then :P

Like a nervous tick, nothing less/more :)
-D.Payne- said:
SO many Indians do it for no frikkin-reason with almost mind-numbing regularity. For some reason, the DESKTOP is considering to be the COMPUTER. Like previously the brand-name on your Monitor was supposed to be your "Computer".


You will be suprised- many americans and british consider it as well. They also use the term the computer tower as well. Its a pretty common thing around the world- not just in India :bleh:
I thought this was common knowledge!!! :|
The only people I've seen using this so called 'trick' are the ISP people who came to my house to repair/install my net. And when something did not happen the way they wanted it to, they would simply start refreshing the desktop. But, I never bothered to explain it to them lol :P
viralbug said:
i never use to refresh and knew its useless. but there were times when i did on my old machine. i dont think it freed up the ram or anything, but the reason i sometimes did it was to see if the pc was busy doing something. like after i quit from a game, the pc would require a few seconds to entirely close the application. if the pc is busy, the icons will get refreshed slowly otherwise its fast. so i get an idea when to start another application instead of burdening it with another process.

in todays pc, its completely useless.

I also used to use it as a gauge on my p3 as its quicker than opening task manager

other than that i agree with everyone its just a useless thing
-D.Payne- said:
This counts at the #1 most irritating thing to do with a PC. :|

SO many Indians do it for no frikkin-reason with almost mind-numbing regularity. For some reason, the DESKTOP is considering to be the COMPUTER. Like previously the brand-name on your Monitor was supposed to be your "Computer".

Frik frik frik. Irritated.

So true ! I bet most of the Indians consider PC to Samsung as its the most easily available brand in Screen Segment .. :bleh:
Errr. I agree that refreshing makes the explorer takes ram faster when you have quit some resource hungry application or you have just started your windows.

That makes the pc work a lot faster then it would have worked it were dormant and not refreshed.
Ok i admit that i too refresh the desktop at times. But not just out of stupidity or busting of time but that help me asses how my computer is running at that point of time.
If the icons redraws themselves quickly then its fine for me. If not i go and check up the task manager for the culprit process.
Thats it for my usage of F5 :P

Yup. Same thing here.
It gives (or at least appears to give) an idea of whether the system is busy or has time to redraw the screen.

Plus it feels nice and "refresh"-ing. :rofl:
Dark Star said:
Lol :P I still face people doing this pathetic stuff. They even ask me that Linux has Refresh or not ? :rofl: Like Refresh is the 1'st priority of choosing OS :P Thank god I don't have such things :P

Hehe .. yeah I've faced that as well. I asked them to use Clean Up By Name until they lose their addiction :)
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