The myths surrounding HDMI

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Oh and btw I'd purchased the very same cable (2 nos.) from the same dealer using coupons and got to say, for the price it comes for these cables come braided and with 2 huge ferrite cores!
this is either a promotional scam for this ebay deal or this guy has no technical Idea abt HDMI & DVI..... guyz there is no difference between the video other than that HDMI can also carry Digital voice signal with it...
No visible difference whatsoever.

sushantV said:
I would still accentuate the fact that its more of a psychological change. DVI = HDMI when we talk about the video content. Either the initial settings with DVI were different or your DVI cable was not fine.
I can show you at my place that difference between DVI and HDMI is 0%.
^^seriously buddy.

Digital is digital, whether its DVI or HDMI.

That said, there are bandwidth issues with some of the older implementations of DVI & HDMI.But there really should be no difference between dual -link DVI & HDMI 1.3
I guess the TP DVI cable might be bad exposed to some interference from other device around. And after using the HDMI cable the disturbance or interference might have gone.

Or simply he is advertising :P
Err i got a benq g2412hd monitore and when i connect the hdmi cable from mobo to the
lcd the screen size is getting reduced unlike dvi in which i get full screen..
I tried changing the resolution but still it does not come to full screen,
Whats wrong ??
100 times I’ve told u YES YES YES! U will see a lot of difference because you are using old VGA! I can't stand VGA as it has a lot of ghosting and the texts look bad in VGA mode (coming from onboard graphics, not giving you theoretical reasoning, I’ve connected my same monitor with the onboard gpu of my mobo with obviously a VGA cable! it was pathetic!

MohitPreet said:
ok can anybody tell me will there be any change in picture quality of the movies when i switch from my cureent VGA to HDMI ..

i m using only VGA cable as of now, will there be significant change in image quality from analog to digital format or is it just for the sake of using a HDMI cable..

Hey u remember when we watched TDK 40GB BLURAY on your PC that day... the movie looked amazing but it sluttered??? I remember you had a 9600GT at that time, if you are still using that GPU and u don't play games, u better sell the 9600GT and buy an ATI gpu with inbuilt HDMI port, there is a MSI 4350 model that comes with an inbuilt HDMI port and a huge passive cooler = fanless = dead slint = best for HTPCs FTW!;) Trust me there will be no stutter with ATI ;)

titana said:
rockfella the videophile:cool2:

need to buy new gpu :huh:

Yep, the build quality is decent, mohit and i bought it for Rs. 20 :baby:

Gannu said:
Oh and btw I'd purchased the very same cable (2 nos.) from the same dealer using coupons and got to say, for the price it comes for these cables come braided and with 2 huge ferrite cores!

:eek: no promotional scam, yes i don't have any technical knowledge about DVI and HDMI but i trust my senses when it comes to audio and video specially! As stated in my first post : I was not expecting any IQ improvement just wanted to get rid of screwing DVI cable everytime i connect lcd with the gpu, was surprised to see IQ difference hence started this thread to share my experience. On paper there is no difference i know... i SEE the difference. The colours with HDMI are not accurate to be honest but look much better!

mehargags said:
this is either a promotional scam for this ebay deal or this guy has no technical Idea abt HDMI & DVI..... guyz there is no difference between the video other than that HDMI can also carry Digital voice signal with it...

There was no interference, i am not advertising!! :@

andrew327 said:
I guess the TP DVI cable might be bad exposed to some interference from other device around. And after using the HDMI cable the disturbance or interference might have gone.

Or simply he is advertising :P

Clarified! It is true! :P:baby:

bond_212 said:
any gurus who can clarify that its true ??

Not tried, when i try i will update! even if there is no quality change for u buying HDMI cable is good IMO (using Rs. 200 ebay cpn lol) 'coz i now i don't need to screw it like a DVI one. Also the IQ improvement is not drastic, infact the colours are prolly not technically accurate but look better to me, it might not good to you to be honest! I like vibrant colours which i can see using this cable, i don't give a rat's *** to what wiki says about HDMI and DVI :P

asingh said:

Now you got me thinking....even I want to try HDMI input to my S2409W. Have you tried it via the HDMI adapter on the back of the GPU - DVI node..?

Reading your first post, am surprised, there is such a drastic improvement in quality when using HDMI..!

There is no psychological change bro :S I can show you at my place that difference between DVI and HDMI is THERE, slight but noticable!

sushantV said:
I would still accentuate the fact that its more of a psychological change. DVI = HDMI when we talk about the video content. Either the initial settings with DVI were different or your DVI cable was not fine. I can show you at my place that difference between DVI and HDMI is 0%.

DVI cable i used came with Dell LCD:cool2: no chance of me using low quality DVI cable.

edge111hussain said:
Well ya, i too haven't seen much of a difference, or any for that matter between hdmi and dvi. I am not denying ur claim in iq quality, but maybe it had something to do with the cables used..

Anyways, no, i have never seen an iq difference...

In my case i had to manually change it from YCbCr to RBG! :S (from the lcd display settings)

chhangte said:
mine just changes from RGB to YCbCr when using HDMI with ATI

Difference in IQ is not drastic so please don't start selling your gpus to buy new ones with HDMI ports!
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