The Next Dimension

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thanks guys :) cost me an arm and a leg :P compared to movies its allot better. Blows your mind. 3D vision ready games like Metro and Just Cause 2 look incredible but you need to get used to. After about 30 mins of gaming my eyes get tired... should take like a week to get accustomed to it
Congrats! I am sure you must be having a tough time getting adjusted to the 3D setup.

What were the damages? :P
wow :) thts wht i call an upgrade as ....congrats when could i visit ur place for some crazy COD Black ops in 3D experience :P????
I m the first lucky one I guess to have a look on these beauty :D,,,,,awesome food for the eyes,,,played Mafia 2 ,,,Metro 2033 and the best Visual quality was when I played COD : Black ops.........:clap:
Price of the 3D vision kit,

It has the IR transmitter & 3D goggles & drivers

Or did they came bundled with the monitor?
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