The Official English Premier League 2008/09 Thread

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Darthcoder said:
Manyoo have been outspending us for an year now :P.
you guys have more failures than us :P and your purchases didnt win a trophy :lol:

look at Anelka(paid 15mil for nothing heheh eh :P) and Shevchenko . For the record, Park played really well in the champions league. As for Saha, he's made of glass .. Otherwise he's a fanastic player when fit :D
well we have spent money but it has proven to be money well spent..
carrick 17m (2 PL, and 1 CL). Anderson, Nani (young and brilliant) tevez and hargreaves :D
chelsea usually spend the money on superstars.. we usually do buy lot more of youngsters
well i talked about nani and anderson only :)
nani was only known to the world because of intrest by united otherwise no other club was intrested in him apart from spurs... who usually go for our targets :P
well the debt is increasing and mostly it is because of the intrest... its a long process so it will take long time.... although i believe we were better before... but these days this is literally a trend in EPL... so its similar in other clubs too.... u have to be beware in future :P
Thats what Wenger said in some press conference recently...times are such now that clubs have to play to clear off their debts.
kippu said:
one bad season and you know whats coming :P

you guys have to worry about your own confidence after taking a beating from a top four team like Man Utd ? remember when we thrashed you in FA Cup quarterfinals, you guys decided to give up your chase on PL :lol: and CL :lol:

08/09 Home kit...looks good to me.
Ah BBC Sport said 5M for him.

Why exactly do we need another central midfielder anyway? Dont tell me Wenger's going to play him as a winger...

OT: Has someone seen the Cesc Fabregas Show? Im watching it now...
Ambar said:
^No no thats just the dumb newspapers acting like they know what he's thinking :P

OT: Has someone seen the Cesc Fabregas Show? Im watching it now...

It's on the cardiff city official website the kid chose Arsenal for Man U Linky
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