The paper at Stanford ,that went on to become Google

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Dont belive it check it out ! :ohyeah: :clap:

The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page.​

one word :O !!!

Also try checking the engine that was used first on stanford at ...,and lets see if anyone else can notice a particular single difference[/b]that i noticed in that and the current google.Go on spot the differece :ohyeah:

PS: it has nothing to do with the page layout or anything with positioning ,but a extra handy feature.
what i found out is the intimation the stanford search powered by google.

so the people behind it had the big plans way before the paper was presented.

other might be:
go button which is missing in google main page.
the left hand side bar
copyright complaints (they may have overshoot their limits and hurt someone)
dint any one notice the "search by date "option intersting ?! ;) :P .very useful if u ask me .

so the next time you want time based results on google ,head to the stanford's google :P

PS: reps added to kingkrool :hap2:
interestingly this feature is already present on
In fact, there it works better than the same feature on publisher websites.
eg if u go to and search for papers then the date mentioned in search is the date they were added to the electronic db, whereas google correctly list all papers as per publication date.
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