AF Lock
You can shoot with the fixed focus.
The AF lock is convenient because you can let go of the shutter button to compose the image. Moreover, the AF lock is still effective after the picture is taken, allowing you to capture a second image with the same focus.
Aim the AF frame at an object at a similar distance to the subject you wish to shoot.
Press the shutter button halfway and while keeping it pressed, press the button.
The MF icon appears on the LCD monitor or viewfinder.
The focus will stay locked even if you release the shutter button and button.
Re-aim the camera to compose the shot as desired and shoot.
Pressing the button again releases the AF lock.

this image and quote are taken from online manual.
secondly in digital cameras you cant just shoot and move your hands, you have to wait a little while before the processing is completed so shooting a photo is much slower in prosumer digital cameras than in DSLR and film cameras.
so most likely its the handshake which is preventing good images in your case.
try one thing if you have some object like a photo frame, flowervase or some table piece then put camera on a hard still surface, and shoot the object with timer function and see what happens.