The reason why 'PC' is neglected by DEVELOPERS

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Aman27deep said:
Exactly. My parents never stopped me from gaming (though dad did shout whenever i gamed > 2-3 hours). I bought a GB, GBA, GBASP, NDSL and on the console side, a PS1, a PS2, PSP and a PS3 all with my money, no body said nothing. :P

<3 my parents.
My dad will surely kick my arse if he finds out that use my pocket money for mostly games but that never ever stopped me from buying games and students like me don't get enough pocket money to buy games and majority of gamers are students,so we go to the "easiest option" available.Even if i decide to buy original games only,i cant spend 1 k bux every month leave alone 2.5k for every title.
Gannu said:
When you were a toddler, how did you learn to walk and take your first steps? How did you learn cycling? Or driving?

All it takes is some practice. And patience ofc.
yeah but fps with a controller + aim assist(big joke) = not really the actual experience
comp@ddict said:
yeah but fps with a controller + aim assist(big joke) = not really the actual experience
Aim assist? You are kidding right? Since when did the Killzone and Resistance series get aim assist? AFAIK the SP campaigns in the respective games do not have any sort of aim-assist. I haven't played MP so cannot comment.
Gannu said:
Aim assist? You are kidding right? Since when did the Killzone and Resistance series get aim assist? AFAIK the SP campaigns in the respective games do not have any sort of aim-assist. I haven't played MP so cannot comment.
Are you sure Resistance (2?) doesn't have aim-assist? Cause i think it does.
Gannu said:
Aim assist? You are kidding right? Since when did the Killzone and Resistance series get aim assist? AFAIK the SP campaigns in the respective games do not have any sort of aim-assist. I haven't played MP so cannot comment.
Even if there is no aim assist feature in the UI, all console FPS are designed to be very forgiving with aiming accuracy. for instance, if your target it 5 sq Pixel in a PC version, it would be like 20 Sq Pixel in a console game so you don't need to be as precise with aim as you have to on a PC to register a hit. This is done to account for the poor precision of analog sticks on the controllers, but a guy who is equally handy with controllers as with Mouse would find aiming in console games rather easy compared to the same game on PC.
Aman27deep said:
Are you sure Resistance (2?) doesn't have aim-assist? Cause i think it does.
It has been a while since I've played Resistance 2. But IIRC the campaign did not have aim-assist. Someone who has played recently can comment better. Did you play the game Aman?

On a similar note, did SOCOM have aim assist?
comp@ddict said:
yeah but fps with a controller + aim assist(big joke) = not really the actual experience
Try Killzone 3, and you will know what a non-joke it is. Though what Lord said, the accuracy level is lower as a prerequisite on consoles vs. PC. The difficult part is to master the gun barrel swing, without it pointing to a marsh, cloud, building, and shrub.
For an FPS lover, is it better to spend 25K on upgrading his PC or buying a new console which he won't have to upgrade for a long long time? Do remember that BF3 is gonna come out later this year and it is going to rock on the PC.

My opinion is that during the end on a console's life, PC really shows it's superiority, especially if the game is being developed for the PC first. I think PS3 and XBox360 have been around long enough. I skipped this generation's console but I will surely buy the next one. But I would like to keep my PC around for FPS games. BTW, what is stopping console people from allowing Keyboard and mouse on consoles?
Would be great if Sony would add support for mouse and keyboard in the next generation console especially for FPS games... :)
baccilus said:
BTW, what is stopping console people from allowing Keyboard and mouse on consoles?
The manufacturers themselves. This way any foul play can be avoided esp. in MP campaigns since players using the keyboard and mouse can have an unfair advantage over those using the controllers.
A console user would have a much better experience in playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse rather than a joystick... And keyboards and mouses are selling for so cheap price these days that any console gamer can easily afford to buy a decent K&M combo... So i think Sony and Microsoft should add support for K&M for the betterment of the console users... The way we PC gamers use joystick for racing and sports games (like Fifa) the same freedom (option) console users should also get... It is just my opinion :cool2:
Gannu said:
It has been a while since I've played Resistance 2. But IIRC the campaign did not have aim-assist. Someone who has played recently can comment better. Did you play the game Aman?

On a similar note, did SOCOM have aim assist?
Yes for Resistance 2 & NO for SOCOM 4.
Hades. said:
A console user would have a much better experience in playing FPS games with a keyboard and mouse rather than a joystick... And keyboards and mouses are selling for so cheap price these days that any console gamer can easily afford to buy a decent K&M combo... So i think Sony and Microsoft should add support for K&M for the betterment of the console users... The way we PC gamers use joystick for racing and sports games (like Fifa) the same freedom (option) console users should also get... It is just my opinion :cool2:
PS3 already has full USB keyboard and mouse support that can be utilized in games. All that's in way of using that in the games are the developers themselves. Games that do utilize them can be counted on the fingers.

PlayStation 3 accessories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ethan_Hunt said:
Yes for Resistance 2 & NO for SOCOM 4.
See i told you :P

Lord Nemesis said:
PS3 already has full USB keyboard and mouse support that can be utilized in games. All that's in way of using that in the games are the developers themselves. Games that do utilize them can be counted on the fingers.

PlayStation 3 accessories - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Was just gonna do this myself. Saved some copy pasting!
An interesting read on Piracy and PC Gaming. Wall of text alert !!

It's simple to say that piracy is a problem in the game industry, and particularly so in PC gaming. No extra hardware (like a mod chip) is required to pirate a PC game—just a fast Internet connection or a burnt disc. What isn't simple is finding out how many real-world sales are lost due to piracy (a problem that has bedeviled the content industries for some time). The question: if a pirate couldn't get his or her game for free, would he or she pay for it?

The head programmer at Wolfire games goes by the name of David, and he has some thoughts on the matter. What follows is some heavy conjecture mixed with common sense, but it leads to a single conclusion: pirates may grab a large number of games, but lost sales due to piracy are much lower than everyone assumes.
How much money is lost?

The industry may believe that every pirated game is a lost sale, but that stance makes little to no sense. "From personal experience, I know this is not possible—most pirates that I've met have downloaded enough software to exceed their entire lifetime income, were they to have paid for it all," David wrote. "A more plausible (but still overly optimistic) guess is that if piracy was stopped the average pirate would behave like an average consumer." The truth lies somewhere in between, where piracy does cause developers to lose some money and sales, but not on a 1:1 basis with games pirated.

To illustrate how this works, David turned to iPhone games. iPhone developers claim that 80 percent of the copies of their games on phones are pirated, but only around 10 percent of iPhones are jailbroken, allowing illegally downloaded games and non-Apple-approved applications to run on the hardware. "This means that even though [developers] see that 80 percent of their copies are pirated, only 10 percent of their potential customers are pirates, which means they are losing at most 10 percent of their sales," David concludes.

The reason for the disparity is that pirates download a huge number of games, but apparently play very few of them. On the other hand, gamers buy fewer games when they pay for them, and generally spend more time playing them. If jailbroken iPhone users couldn't get these games for free, they would either not buy them, or simply buy one or two.

Imagine yourself at a restaurant where you could dine for free and eat as much as you want. You may order the highest-priced dishes on the menu, but you're still only going to eat as much as your stomach can hold. The software industry is, in effect, looking at your hypothetical plate saying "If that guy had to pay, he would have bought the pork chops, two steaks, and the lamb!"
So what's the problem with PC games?

David gives a simple reason for the problems in PC gaming: developers do it poorly. "It's easier for these developers to point their fingers at pirates than to face the real problem: that their games are not fun on [the] PC... they are not fun to play with a mouse and keyboard, and don't work well on PC hardware. Their field of view is designed to be viewed from a distant couch instead of a nearby monitor, and their gameplay is simplified to compensate for this tunnel vision."

He points to Blizzard as a success story, a company that focuses exclusively on PC and Mac gaming, and has been wildly successful as a result. "If developers spent more time improving their PC gaming experience, and less time complaining about piracy, we might see more successful PC games."

He knows what he's talking about. Wolfire is hosting the Humble Bundle, a sale of six independent games that work on the PC, Mac OS X, and Linux. No DRM, so you can install each game on all your systems. You pay what you like, and you can split the payment between the developers and two charities. This may not be a strategy that would work for new releases, but it does make a point by putting all the power in the hands of the gamers: if they want to spend one cent for everything, they can. If they want to pirate, they can.

As of this writing the bundle has earned $363,000, from around 46,000 customers—in just a few days. "Would we have seen this much support if the games were console ports that only worked when connected to a secure online DRM server?" David wrote. "We'll never know for sure, but somehow I doubt it."

If pirates truly are gluttons that would never buy most of what they download, and if treating non-console gamers like adults instead of thieves leads to more sales, it may be time for companies to begin reevaluating their stances on PC gaming. Less DRM, combined with more polish, may do a lot to improve their bottom line.

Wolfire programmer: poor PC ports, not piracy, hurt business
Ethan_Hunt said:
Yes for Resistance 2 & NO for SOCOM 4.
Hmmm I must be growing old then. Do not recall Resistance 2 having aim assist. Thanks for the input Allwyn!
BTW i think consoles need auto-aim of some sort. Aiming with the controller isn't suited to all (I'm okay with it as i played a shit load of games on my PS2 before turning into a PC-gamer). Like give a new console gamer Killzone 2, and i bet he'd shit himself.
Aman27deep said:
BTW i think consoles need auto-aim of some sort. Aiming with the controller isn't suited to all (I'm okay with it as i played a shit load of games on my PS2 before turning into a PC-gamer). Like give a new console gamer Killzone 2, and i bet he'd shit himself.
Amen to that. I found KZ2 a bit hard to get used to initially and over a period of time and crossing few levels, I got used to the controls. KZ3 was pretty easy as well. The same goes for the 3rd person shooter titles as well - take GeOW2 for instance. Some of them found it a bit hard to play with the X360 controller. I bet they'd have completed the game nonetheless.
comp@ddict said:
it's there for UT3 AFAIK.
I think UT3 is the only FPS game which has support for keyboard and mouse... I checked the games list which Lord_Nemesis has posted above... Most games in that list are either RPG or other genre game... FPS games developers should really add support for k&M in every FPS game... This would really help the console gamers and indirectly would also increase the sale of FPS games for PS3/Xbox360...

And BTW sony-confirms-next-generation-playstation-4-gaming-console-is-in-development
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