The Saboteur

Lord Nemesis

Post your comments on The Saboteur in this thread.

This game is based on the new Odin Engine.

I have pretty much liked the game so far. Think of it as Assassins Creed + God Father in the WWII era. Stealth + Guns and bombs, climbing buildings and hiding. You also get lots of partial nudity (read topless girls) out the box (once you switch it on from the settings). :p

Graphics are decent if not the best and the settings can be easily maxed out on my rig. The game is capped at 30FPS, So I have no idea of how much real FPS I am getting in the game.
Was gonna start a thread with the same inputs u have put in :p Even i thought it was a Assassins creed + Godfather crossover. Decent game, good missions :p Fun for the PC guys who are tired of waiting for AC2 :p
I played it and seems very nice...i felt like AC + GTA :p infact the radar style etc is very much like GTA..But loved its black n white surroundings with colour ones :) Nice game overall.
@Nemesis, how much will u rate it against 10 mate? leaving aside the nudity and all

What's the fun in that ? :p

I would rate it at 7/10. It's good, not GTA/AC/Godfather good, but fun nevertheless.
Lord Nemesis said:
Graphics are decent if not the best and the settings can be easily maxed out on my rig. The game is capped at 30FPS, So I have no idea of how much real FPS I am getting in the game.
It goes up to 55fps indoors, but drops to 22fps when in high crowd density.
@phoenix, i take fun one at a time mate, pun very much intended. But i like to know the game play since u rated it at 7 i'l down.... *ahem* get it :p
the best example for that is batman arkham asylum it had no aa for Ati cards i guess

btw on topic how huge is the game i mean the is it as lengthy as gta and also how is the story the protagonist and how much space does it occupy on disk
GameNome said:
You can always force AA on in the nvidia/ati control panel, right?

the game is built on a brand new engine, and as such, there are no aa compatibility flags in the nvidia drivers. maybe nvidia will come up with a profile for it, or maybe i could force supersampling to see if that works but i doubt i can run ssaa at the resolution i play at (1920x1080). what i can't understand is why they wouldn't implement aa in the first place... it's a standard feature that has been around for 10 years. it's not like implementing it requires some voodoo magic that may or may not work. the pos unreal engine 3 has convinced the industry that they can get away with no aa.
ubergeek said:
btw on topic how huge is the game i mean the is it as lengthy as gta and also how is the story the protagonist and how much space does it occupy on disk
It nowhere near as lengthy as GTA for sure. People have reported completing it within 15 hours (100% completion). The story is clichéd, with "destroy Nazi's" being the main propaganda.

As for the size it occupies, it's currently occupying 6.81GB.
It nowhere near as lengthy as GTA for sure. People have reported completing it within 15 hours (100% completion). The story is clichéd, with "destroy Nazi's" being the main propaganda.

True. But the maps are huge.

BTW, anyone tell me how to place markers on the map ?
PhOeNiX said:
BTW, anyone tell me how to place markers on the map ?
You mean to create waypoints for navigation? It's automatically set if you get a mission. To travel to the character specific mission you just need to take your judgement on the directions. It ain't that difficult, but driving from one end of the town to the other is very boring, that too with half-arsed vehicles.