The search is on for the perfect ROM.

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Hello everyone!

I recently lay my hands on the venerable HTC desire. Not content with what was on offer, I started searching the usual android forums for a ROM version that is stable and functional at the same time.

After searching for the entire week, I am exhausted and confused! (in equal proportions). It took me some time to adjust to the fact that there are more Roms than total number of android phones available in the market today:@. Good for people who are knee deep into it and know what they are doing, but messy for amateurs like me.

Hence I call my knowledgeable fellow members here, to help me with my search.


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None? Help me out guys!
What exactly are you looking for from a new rom?? A custom rom is essentialy a modification of a base with additional apps included and un-needed bloatware removed. Some roms also have some tweaks to improve performance, but they might not be very appraent in day to day usage since the stock desire itself is pretty slick in performance.

Basically Roms for desire are in two major caetogries. With Sense UI/Without sense UI. You need to decide which one to go for. Then there are roms with A2SD+ which moves apps to ext3 partition of your sd card giving you more space to install more apps than possible with stock froyo rom.

If you can list what things you are looking for in a rom specifically you will get help. Things like speed/stability are in the stock rom itself.

And having a lot to choose from is actually a good thing. ROM devs spend so much of their time to build a stable rom and put in a lot of effort to support and constantly update it. You just need some patience to look through and find what you need.
Thanks Praveen for replying. Here are a few things that I noticed after I upgraded to latest firmware.

1) I cant play youtube videos. Be it the standalone youtube client, or through browser. At times only sound comes in, but no picture. I tried reinstalling flash, installed Dolphin HD browser and also updated the youtube client.

2) The taskbar is very basic. I would like something thats more functional. I got used to the functionality of Bada's taskbar.

3) Read about Roms that enable 720p video recording at 30 fps. I would love to have that.

4) A2SD+ is something which i wont mind having as well.

5) Wi-fi b/g/n compatibility.

6) I am ready to part with the Sense UI thing if I get the above mentioned features.

Help me in finding a suitable Rom that will let me turn on the above mentioned features and be stable/smooth at the same time.
After more than 13 flashes and dont know how many radio shuffles, I finally seem to have found the right Rom + Radio combo :D

Baseband :
Kernel :
ROM Build : DeFrost 6.0g(AOSP FRG83 + CyanogenMod)
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