Only if you trust the US government, I dont.
She had something to do with the protests. Usually these cases don't allow for appeal so no idea when if ever more details will come out
Yes I have heard about what happened in Iran. Such temporary alliances can form against a common powerful enemy, nothing new or shocking. There is no ideological basis for it.
Marriage of convenience
In Afghanistan the communists literally fought a war to their deaths against the US backed Islamists. Where was this red-green alliance then???
Once one side wins it finishes off the other. So the commies were in charge. It was decided in Moscow that their hold on power was weak meaning similar iran like situation could happen and that's why the invasion happened.
The US just worked against Russia's interests
I'm talking about US. In the US there are no communists, only an imaginary communist presence used to scare people.
Not in power you mean. But they're around in academia
What you are describing as Left-Islamic alliance in US academia is simply Islamists and not-well-read liberals. They have nothing to do with left wing ideology either economically or socially.
Oh they would disagree with your critique there. They think their ideology justifes their behavior. Even to the extent of supporting designated terrorist organisations
You saw similar by the Soviets during the cold war trying to ally with the arab states against Israel because the west meaning UK & US had won over the gulf arabs.
A lot of anti Israel propaganda is soviet inspired. This is the converse of the first Afghan war you mentioned
Israels changing relations with the great powers shows how things evolve.
It was Stalin who wanted the Czechs to help Israel in 1948. Truman embargoed Israel.
The 56 Sinai war saw Israel alongside UK & France only having to withdraw because the US was siding with the arabs. This conflict cost UK & France.
The six day war was fought and won with French hardware.
It's only after that the Americans start to make a difference for Israeli war planners.