The Trumps & Elon tweets thread (Had to make this since it's never ending)

This is some israel palestine stuff it has nothing to do with communism.
Yes it does. You just don't understand what's happening.

Ever heard of the red green alliance?

Commies & islamists ally together for a common cause. When one wins they usually finish off the other.

It's a common pattern worldwide. Take the period before Khomeini came to power. Commies & islamists allied against shah supporters. When they disagreed they took it out on each other in tbe streets of Bangalore in the 70s. We know how that struggle concluded. Shah supporters exiled. Commies same or imprisoned. Islamists took over Iran.
In the US universities any criticism of Israel is seen as support of Hamas.
Because the people criticising Israel recently are on the whole closet Hamas supporters. They don't even hide it of late. Jews out of Israel for good is their goal.
Can you cite some communist works by this scholar??
They didn't cancel her visa for no reason.
They didn't cancel her visa for no reason.
Only if you trust the US government, I dont.
Ever heard of the red green alliance?
Yes I have heard about what happened in Iran. Such temporary alliances can form against a common powerful enemy, nothing new or shocking. There is no ideological basis for it. In Afghanistan the communists literally fought a war to their deaths against the US backed Islamists. Where was this red-green alliance then???

I'm talking about US. In the US there are no communists, only an imaginary communist presence used to scare people. What you are describing as Left-Islamic alliance in US academia is simply Islamists and not-well-read liberals. They have nothing to do with left wing ideology either economically or socially.
Yes it does. You just don't understand what's happening.

Ever heard of the red green alliance?

Commies & islamists ally together for a common cause. When one wins they usually finish off the other.

It's a common pattern worldwide. Take the period before Khomeini came to power. Commies & islamists allied against shah supporters. When they disagreed they took it out on each other in tbe streets of Bangalore in the 70s. We know how that struggle concluded. Shah supporters exiled. Commies same or imprisoned. Islamists took over Iran.

Because the people criticising Israel recently are on the whole closet Hamas supporters. They don't even hide it of late. Jews out of Israel for good is their goal.

They didn't cancel her visa for no reason.
Jews are generally good in Israel since they were massacred by Hitler they started living in Israel but the countries surrounding them want to create problems.
The Jews even gave away west bank but this Hamas and their supporters want more funding for their activities so did that Oct,7th, atrocity against innocent Israelis and now Gaza has become a dead land.
Now Trump wants to make it a resort or make Gaza livable peaceful community again but Hamas is dead set against it.
Same is the problem with Ukraines Zelensky, he always want more funding and ammunition though his land is becoming a dead land day by day.
Peace is the only way forward for these kinds of conflicts and peace deals are offered they want more funding for more bloodshed but not peace.
I am grateful to our govt that we are not experiencing such ordeals the civilians are facing in those territories there.
Only if you trust the US government, I dont.
She had something to do with the protests. Usually these cases don't allow for appeal so no idea when if ever more details will come out
Yes I have heard about what happened in Iran. Such temporary alliances can form against a common powerful enemy, nothing new or shocking. There is no ideological basis for it.
Marriage of convenience
In Afghanistan the communists literally fought a war to their deaths against the US backed Islamists. Where was this red-green alliance then???
Once one side wins it finishes off the other. So the commies were in charge. It was decided in Moscow that their hold on power was weak meaning similar iran like situation could happen and that's why the invasion happened.

The US just worked against Russia's interests
I'm talking about US. In the US there are no communists, only an imaginary communist presence used to scare people.
Not in power you mean. But they're around in academia
What you are describing as Left-Islamic alliance in US academia is simply Islamists and not-well-read liberals. They have nothing to do with left wing ideology either economically or socially.
Oh they would disagree with your critique there. They think their ideology justifes their behavior. Even to the extent of supporting designated terrorist organisations

You saw similar by the Soviets during the cold war trying to ally with the arab states against Israel because the west meaning UK & US had won over the gulf arabs.

A lot of anti Israel propaganda is soviet inspired. This is the converse of the first Afghan war you mentioned

Israels changing relations with the great powers shows how things evolve.

It was Stalin who wanted the Czechs to help Israel in 1948. Truman embargoed Israel.

The 56 Sinai war saw Israel alongside UK & France only having to withdraw because the US was siding with the arabs. This conflict cost UK & France.

The six day war was fought and won with French hardware.

It's only after that the Americans start to make a difference for Israeli war planners.
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Not in power you mean. But they're around in academia
Not even in academia.
Once one side wins it finishes off the other. So the commies were in charge. It was decided in Moscow that their hold on power was weak meaning similar iran like situation could happen and that's why the invasion happened.

The US just worked against Russia's interests
Indeed, there is no ideological red green alliance.
Oh they would disagree with your critique there. They think their ideology justifes their behavior. Even to the extent of supporting designated terrorist organisations
Since leftism has been stomped out in the US you see this sort of thing where college students want to protest against the cruel side to stand by the oppressed side. This is found all over the world among students. It's not some organised leftist influence on academia. No one cares about what students do in universities.
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That was traditional US foreign policy, Trump doesn't care about any region other than his own.
That's a Chinese take and its wrong. Watch those opposition sources you follow and what they feed you. I didn't agree with it and good to see the General is in agreement.

It's Pakistan that no longer has anything to offer the US but this Chinese analyst that the general is reviewing projects that on to India.

I've been following that general for nearly five years now. He remains the only general I've come across on YT and he's been great. I've scuttled so many arguments here thanks to him. There are some other officers on YT too but the most senior remain Indian
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That's a Chinese take and its wrong. Watch those opposition sources you follow and what they feed you. I didn't agree with it and good to see the General is in agreement.
It's not opposition source, it's plain for the world to see. MAGA wishlist is for US to become a white nationalist refuge and for US to dominate its immediate neighbourhood. Hence the focus shift to Panama, Greenland, Canada, and the apathy towards Ukraine. Like I've told you before, when someone tells you who they are, you should believe them, instead of imagining some 4d chess happening in the behind the scenes.
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It's not opposition source, it's plain for the world to see. MAGA wishlist is for US to become a white nationalist refuge and for US to dominate its immediate neighbourhood. Hence the focus shift to Panama, Greenland, Canada, and the apathy towards Ukraine.
Like I've told you before, when someone tells you who they are, you should believe them, instead of imagining some 4d chess happening in the behind the scenes.
That's an Israeli quote

(1) But why are you assuming the US wants to become a regional power and let go of its existing global infrastructure ?

Who does that suit? China because it implies a global US retrenchment. Where is the evidence for that
But why are you assuming the US wants to become a regional power and let go of its existing global infrastructure ?
Neocons have been unseated by MAGA, whose foreign policy principles are isolationist and intended to create a safe space for White nationalists. That's why "globalism" is their biggest enemy. All their actions so far are along these lines. Support for Israel might seem like an exception to this at first, but note that Israel stands for basically the same thing but for Jews, and it becomes clear it aligns with the same worldview. That's why bombing Yemen is not contradicting USA's new isolationist stance.
That's why "globalism" is their biggest enemy. All their actions so far are along these lines.
You would expect a dismantling of their global infrastructure then. Where is that happening? No where

As an aside I don't think this was mentioned earlier and its important

Speaking to reporters in Washington, DC, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi by his side, Trump said he “will leave Bangladesh to Prime Minister (Modi).”
The US will not interfere in this region under Trump. It's giving India a green light to 'handle' Bangladesh as we see fit. Meaning Hasina will be back. Loss for Pakistan right there.

And the reason Trump is doing this is he needs our help with China or at least wants us on side. The Chinese are watching all these developments and fretting.
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You would expect a dismantling of their global infrastructure then. Where is that happening? No where
It will take time. What do you think will happen to US military bases in Europe when EU is done spending all this money on its military? US already want to stop spending to protect Europe. Those bases will be either dismantled or scaled down massively.
The US will not interfere in this region under Trump. It's giving India a green light to 'handle' Bangladesh as we see fit. Meaning Hasina will be back. Loss for Pakistan right there.
That was the policy under Biden too. Trump also said US or their deep state had no role to play in what happened in Bangladesh, he could have easily thrown Biden under the bus if there was even 1% involvement. He was speaking in that context, that things will continue to be the same, not that there is any change in US policy.

EDIT: Had to post this because this is just hilarious, if it wasn't real I would have thought it's a movie script written by some Democrat

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It will take time. What do you think will happen to US military bases in Europe when EU is done spending all this money on its military?
Don't let this Euro grandstanding fool you. These buggers are very good at talking and then incapable of walking that talk. The Euros don't have the money.

$800bn over a decade. So the choice is over social welfare which these people like vs defense. Which side you think will win? Also that kind of spend will add even more inflation in the future.

The reason the US won't leave Europe is then who will the Euros be buying their arms from? So the US arms lobby which is a major Trump sponsor will lose out. Yeah.
US already want to stop spending to protect Europe. Those bases will be either dismantled or scaled down massively.
This is a another misperception spread by the US opposition.

Some one said when Trump tells you something you should believe it. Nothing about leaving NATO. Just the usual mantra that the Euros need to up their defense spending. Trump wants it raised to 5% of their GDP which I think is too high so they may arrive at some compromise. Maybe 3% from the usual 2%
That was the policy under Biden too. Trump also said US or their deep state had no role to play in what happened in Bangladesh, he could have easily thrown Biden under the bus if there was even 1% involvement. He was speaking in that context, that things will continue to be the same, not that there is any change in US policy.
I would tend to agree and mentioned my scepticism already earlier but wasn't it Yunus that let the cat out of the bag?

EDIT: Had to post this because this is just hilarious, if it wasn't real I would have thought it's a movie script written by some Democrat

Already being called out and retweeted by Trump

Pretty quick rebuttal. Response time is about a day after. Welcome to the age of social media
Already being called out and retweeted by Trump
It's not a response, it's a standard answer by Trump. As you can see here he is absolutely clueless about what just happened and what his subordinates have done, even after having it explained to him. If you told him that the Atlantic is reporting Hegseth just shot a baby you would get the same answer.
Trump: “We’re committed to NATO, but NATO has to step up and the Europeans have to step up more than they have.”
That's diplomatic language. If US and EU don't see eye to eye on the seriousness of Russian threat, and US openly says "we're safe over here with a vast ocean between us", then for all practical purposes NATO will be as effective as the UN. Doesn't matter how "committed" US is to it.
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It's not a response, it's a standard answer by Trump. As you can see here he is absolutely clueless about what just happened and what his subordinates have done, even after having it explained to him. If you told him that the Atlantic is reporting Hegseth just shot a baby you would get the same answer.
Monday morning, Goldberg emailed top officials with questions about the thread. The NSC spokesman replied two hours later that the thread "appears to be authentic."
That's confirmation. This will fall on whoever setup the group.

Curious Goldberg would be included, he does cover Israel from time to time.
That's diplomatic language. If US and EU don't see eye to eye on the seriousness of Russian threat, and US openly says "we're safe over here with a vast ocean between us", then for all practical purposes NATO will be as effective as the UN. Doesn't matter how "committed" US is to it.
And that's Trump negotiations speak
According to the tentative Britain-Mauritius agreement, the United States will retain control of Diego Garcia for 99 years after the handover.
US isn't letting go of Diego Garcia.

This entire administration is a low-IQ clown show, and now they’re dragging MAGA through a gaslighting rollercoaster of lies :hilarious:
Poor poor MAGA :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:

Here are your takeaways since you missed it.

Re-establish deterrence
Restore freedom of navigation
Decimate the houthis

THAT is what you want to know.

That is the US making its presence known at a key chokepoint. As it should.

Another example of the US not retrenching

Nobody gives a shit about this war plans leak story that the opposition is so desperate to push. All forgotten after a week.

Reminds me of the grilling Fauci got from the Republicans. Oscar winning performances by the senators & reps grilling but nothing happened to Fauci. So yeah. Moving on.
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Here are your takeaways since you missed it.

Re-establish deterrence
Restore freedom of navigation
Decimate the houthis

THAT is what you want to know.

That is the US making its presence known at a key chokepoint. As it should.

Another example of the US not retrenching

Nobody gives a shit about this war plans leak story that the opposition is so desperate to push. All forgotten after a week.
I’m well aware this is exactly what this clown administration wants people to believe.

If they want to start new wars, they shouldn’t claim to be antiwar.

This is just low-level gaslighting of MAGA haha.
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I’m well aware this is exactly what this clown administration wants people to believe.
That is a good way to describe Obama & Biden
If they want to start new wars, they shouldn’t claim to be antiwar.
So the houthis should be allowed to hold all sea traffic to ransom? Who have them that right
This is just low-level gaslighting of MAGA haha.
Damage control. Yes, a screw up happened. Nobody died. Won't happen again. Promise.
That is a good way to describe Obama & Biden
Be it Republicans or Democrats, all of them are the same and I despise all of them.
They serve the same masters, which are the military-industrial complex and Zionist lobby.

Trump claims he came to power to drain the swamp but he is the SWAMP !!
In his first term, he surrounded himself with war hawks and neocons like John Bolton, Mike Pompeo etc.
Now, in 2024 he has again duped MAGA with appointments like Marco rubio, Stephen Miller, John Ratcliffe etc

Same empire, new clowns.

So the houthis should be allowed to hold all traffic to ransom?
One shouldn’t be aiding and abetting a genocide!
How’s that 20+ year deterrence playbook working in the Middle East?