Let us see how it ends, seriously doubts whether USA and RU will patch up.
If the Republicans get another term as is expected? I would say it will happen
Post cold war its only the Democrats that have a hard on for Russia not Republicans.
But, RU may be kept as a thorn by the side of EU perpetually, with USA exploiting both of them.
The sanctions need to be lifted if these western economies want to recover and Russian energy needs to start flowing.
Likewise if USA want to take over Gaza, it's not about keeping Israel safe alone, but to keep close check on them too.
If the US is close by then a lot of pal BS will be exposed. Trump has appointed the most pro zionist cabinet the US has ever had so I don't see too many problems for Israel.
No one denied that, but US gained more than anyone.
I'm pointing out you leaving the rest of world out and painting a misleading perception.
They didn't gain from trade as that was never the goal of globalisation. The US wanted to move away from mercantilism and great power politics which was the norm pre WW2. Which is what China is threatening to do in the present and the US is working to counter.
That's why the US have such a large deficit. And also why they perpetually had trade deficits with numerous countries.
At the end of WW2, the US made up half the world's GDP. By the end of the cold war 30% and today around 16%. There was no threat to their economy by running trade policy favourable to the rest of the world. There were also political motivations like countering communism as well.
That the US can remain viable inspite of this deficit is another matter.
It gained strategic control, economic advantages (through trade and reserve currency status), and political leverage over allies.
I've already pointed out not trade. Strategic, political helped all the allies by keeping the commies out. Main reason Japan preferred to surrender to the Americans post Nagasaki and not the Soviets.
Dollar was voluntarily accepted by the world as a reserve currency because until 1971 it was fully backed by gold abroad. So countries could exchange their $ for the equivalent of gold.
The reason the US had so much gold is that is where people sent gold as a safe harbour. Also for the settlement of war time debts.
The dollar was backed by the US military so a safe bet for a reserve currency.
The U.S. expected Europe and Japan to remain economically and politically aligned in exchange for security guarantees.
Obviously, if they expected US protection so it was a two way deal.
We Indians honestly would be in the same situation either way, it would not have affected our position that much.
Yeah so long as the oil kept flowing. If it didn't we'd have been in deep shit. So No, we'd not have been in the same situation at all. If the Soviets got control of the gulf region there would have been a war with untold consequences.
Pre WW2 & independence we would have been able to protect west Asian energy as we were the hegemon from Suez to Singapore for 150 years prior. We were doing what the US does post WW2. That is why Indian currency circulated in the gulf prior to their independence and until '66 our oil purchases were settled with gulf countries in Rupees.
because there was no need to look after the people. Defense could get whatever budget and the Brits paid for a standing army. Meaning two and a half million personnel with battlefield experience after WW2. Enough to scare the Brits to quit. Enough to police the region as well.
Post independence all that went away because you had to uplift the people and the lefties pretty much decimated whatever military abilities we had at the end of WW2.
So it was left to Britain to watch over the gulf and the Americans took over after them. Had we maintained defense of the gulf post WW2 I'd be more inclined to agree with you.