Monitors The Typical Monitor Upgrade Thread

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So just to check the moral of the story, sub 20k or rather 18k range, Asus PA238Q is the best monitor to buy, even when compared to U2312HM ? For gaming and movies ?

Ya almost and I think sub-20k, the only two IPS monitors available will be these two with asus being the prefered one
Sorry for the late post, looks like I spoke too soon. There is in fact backligh-bleeding at the bottom left and top right corners. The pic doesnt show it accurately but it does give you a fair idea. What I don't get is how it dint show up the first time I checked it. And somehow the bleed kept appearing/disappearing. But it seems the bleed from the bottom right corner has "settled in" and is there constantly now


Thanks #Crazy_Eddy, I will try and switch over to either DVI or Displayport then. And is there any difference in the transfer speeds when we use the ports on the monitor versus the ones on the mobo? I have heard people say that the ports on the mobo provide faster speeds compared to the one's in front of the CPU & on the monitor. Any truth to these claims?
Yes, but it depends :

- It is a hub, so the bandwidth gets split (4 ways across your 4 ports). Realistically though you would be maxing out only one device/port at a time - in that case it won't have an effect.

- If the connecting USB cable or hub isn't shielded well enough there might be a slight drop in speeds.
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